While I lay here watching Duke fight with Texas A&M, I'm reminded that it is almost 2014. It seemed like yesterday that we were worried about the possible 2000 problems-How would our computers work; is it time for the antichrist to take over; should I be scared? So many concerns and yet very few things happened as they predicted.
I'm sure there are people who try to figure out 2014, before it happens. I haven't heard any predictions except sports expectations. I can't help but wonder - Should I be more concerned about this year? I have a tendency to go from one extreme to the other. I've tried to be " Middle of the Road" but it really seems unexciting to me. Not that I want more excitement in my life, it seems like it just happens. I hate "plodding" along with all the mundane circumstances that surely will come my way yet I hate to open a can of worms that I can't handle. What is the answer? I'm not sure there is one.
I will probably just get up, follow my routine for that day, and go to bed that night, as I usually do. I definitely will thank God for all His kindness to me. And, I will see friends as often as possible. When it comes to the life in general, I think Garth Brooks said it best when he sang, " I could have missed the pain, but I would had to miss the dance."
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Saturday, December 28, 2013
Almost a New Year
Expectations change from time to time for me. I try NOT to plan ahead as it's sometimes disappointing, not to mention too many changes to make that it can get confusing.
I was hoping for a new iPad for Christmas but I got an even better surprise as I got the face of mine replaced. All my previous programs and pictures, etc were still right where I left them, even Netflix. I am soooo excited to have it back. It's much easier for me to use. My phone has all the programs and pictures, but it is so small it's hard to use.
I absolutely love my iPad. I can use the keyboard and increase the size of the letters to read it better. I can even have it read to me. As my vision deminishes, this will be even more invaluable. God is good.
I got so many nice presents for Christmas, much more than I deserve. Charles got me a set of crock pots that I wanted. I fixed pintos, green beans,and mac\cheese for lunch on Christmas. Awesome and easy. I have wanted a crock pot for a long time. So much easier. And, several vases, goodies to eat and lots more. I am so blessed.
For New Years, mmmmm, don't know exactly. I know I'll be home because I hate to go out at this time, so that's probably all I'll do. I'll probably just go to bed. And, that's okay. In fact, I'm thankful for our home and that I have a place to sleep each night. So, I'll say a prayer of thanks and Ween and I will call it a night. She likes to go to bed around 8. Perfect.
I was hoping for a new iPad for Christmas but I got an even better surprise as I got the face of mine replaced. All my previous programs and pictures, etc were still right where I left them, even Netflix. I am soooo excited to have it back. It's much easier for me to use. My phone has all the programs and pictures, but it is so small it's hard to use.
I absolutely love my iPad. I can use the keyboard and increase the size of the letters to read it better. I can even have it read to me. As my vision deminishes, this will be even more invaluable. God is good.
I got so many nice presents for Christmas, much more than I deserve. Charles got me a set of crock pots that I wanted. I fixed pintos, green beans,and mac\cheese for lunch on Christmas. Awesome and easy. I have wanted a crock pot for a long time. So much easier. And, several vases, goodies to eat and lots more. I am so blessed.
For New Years, mmmmm, don't know exactly. I know I'll be home because I hate to go out at this time, so that's probably all I'll do. I'll probably just go to bed. And, that's okay. In fact, I'm thankful for our home and that I have a place to sleep each night. So, I'll say a prayer of thanks and Ween and I will call it a night. She likes to go to bed around 8. Perfect.
Thursday, December 12, 2013
This will probably be my only blog before Christmas so I'll have to update and look forward.
My sister text me and said I needed to blog. And, she's right. If I'm going to keep track of me, I need to blog daily. Okay, semi-daily. Okay, once a week.
The past few days have been hectic but great. Sat we went to Sea World. Charles had gotten tickets from Disney for his contribution to United Way, so we used those and went to see their Christmas presentations. I was really UNDERWHELMED. I guess I'm jaded by Disney's presentations which are so spectacular that See World just seems "mundane" in comparison. We did get to see the penguins, the Polar Express and the Clyde and Seymour Christmas show. They were all different since I had been there. Charles and Mock and I went, and a good time was had by all. I was EXTREMELY tired and had to take something for my back, but it was a good time.
Tuesday, Mock, Vicki, Mary and I went to EPCOT for Lunch at Marrakesh, the Candlelight Processional, and Fireworks. It was a very long day for me, but it was a wonderful present to me too. It was the best day I've had in a very long time. There's nothing better than good food, wonderful friends and excellent entertainment.
The Marrakesh is a Moroccan Restaurant at EPCOT and I had lamb and couscous. I was so full I didn't even eat dessert. Now that is full for me. Vicki had chicken. Mary had chicken kabobs. Mock had salmon that he didn't like so they brought him a cheeseburger and fries. Americans.
The Candlelight Processional is the reading of the true Christmas story, massive choir of about 400, and an orchestra. The music was unbelievable. Sigourney Weaver was the celebrity reader. Even though she missed a few cues, she was excellent and we enjoyed it very much.
The fireworks were phenomenal, as usual. NO ONE does fireworks like Disney. I, personally, prefer Magic Kingdom's, but EPCOT is a close second.
We are expecting guests to visit from NY and are providing lunch on Christmas. They only thing that would make this time of year more perfect would be if Tom could be here. He's not sure if he's coming or not. Maybe he will surprise me.
Holly came and decorated November 20, as she was going to be gone quite a bit and didn't know when she could do it. Charles does not want decorations outside this year. Maybe next year.
Well, if I don't see you for Christmas - I hope its happy and merry. God bless us all.
PS: Going to MAYO tomorrow for my back. All day affair. Ween is doing a sleep-over with Mock.
My sister text me and said I needed to blog. And, she's right. If I'm going to keep track of me, I need to blog daily. Okay, semi-daily. Okay, once a week.
The past few days have been hectic but great. Sat we went to Sea World. Charles had gotten tickets from Disney for his contribution to United Way, so we used those and went to see their Christmas presentations. I was really UNDERWHELMED. I guess I'm jaded by Disney's presentations which are so spectacular that See World just seems "mundane" in comparison. We did get to see the penguins, the Polar Express and the Clyde and Seymour Christmas show. They were all different since I had been there. Charles and Mock and I went, and a good time was had by all. I was EXTREMELY tired and had to take something for my back, but it was a good time.
Tuesday, Mock, Vicki, Mary and I went to EPCOT for Lunch at Marrakesh, the Candlelight Processional, and Fireworks. It was a very long day for me, but it was a wonderful present to me too. It was the best day I've had in a very long time. There's nothing better than good food, wonderful friends and excellent entertainment.
The Marrakesh is a Moroccan Restaurant at EPCOT and I had lamb and couscous. I was so full I didn't even eat dessert. Now that is full for me. Vicki had chicken. Mary had chicken kabobs. Mock had salmon that he didn't like so they brought him a cheeseburger and fries. Americans.
The Candlelight Processional is the reading of the true Christmas story, massive choir of about 400, and an orchestra. The music was unbelievable. Sigourney Weaver was the celebrity reader. Even though she missed a few cues, she was excellent and we enjoyed it very much.
The fireworks were phenomenal, as usual. NO ONE does fireworks like Disney. I, personally, prefer Magic Kingdom's, but EPCOT is a close second.
We are expecting guests to visit from NY and are providing lunch on Christmas. They only thing that would make this time of year more perfect would be if Tom could be here. He's not sure if he's coming or not. Maybe he will surprise me.
Holly came and decorated November 20, as she was going to be gone quite a bit and didn't know when she could do it. Charles does not want decorations outside this year. Maybe next year.
Well, if I don't see you for Christmas - I hope its happy and merry. God bless us all.
PS: Going to MAYO tomorrow for my back. All day affair. Ween is doing a sleep-over with Mock.
Monday, November 11, 2013
Last week was hectic, to say the least. I had a front tooth pulled to make room for a new partial. I broke my 13-year old partial two weeks before. I am now trying to get used to the new "substance" of the partial. It is very rigid until you put it in "warm" water before you insert it into your mouth. Once you place it "gently"into your mouth, it is supposed to fit the form to the contour of you mouth. Everything is not always as it seems. It cools; it is rigid again; it hurts.
Breaking my WONDERFUL I-pad was also a downer for the week. I so appreciated that machine. It was easy to use, comfortable in my hands, and such a tool that I had come to depend upon. I text Tom and he said to send it to him to download the info. He also indicated that maybe SANTA would bring me a new one. That wasn't why I sent it to him. I hate to impose on his expertise, but he is so good at what he does. It's extremely convenient to have him to rely on in these technical times.
Thinking I had a really bad week, I was moaning about my situations, when I got a phone call from a close friend.I realized my week paled in comparison. He has just been diagnosed with HIV. How do you respond to that kind of news? I hope I responded the way God would have wanted me to respond. "What would Jesus do?" certainly applies. I tried to sound supportive and not negative. He had just come off of a "suspension" at work that should have had him fired. I reminded him that God loves him and wants to provide for him, if he will let Him. He knows he has had people praying for him, even before this diagnosis. He asked me to let one of my prayer partners know about his diagnosis. He knows her and knows she prays for him.
I know HIV diagnosis is not the immediate death sentence it used to be. I also know the meds are necessary. I know my friend is close to the level of diagnosis of full blown AIDS. I know my heart hurts for him. God is still good. God is still in control. Knowing those two things has kept me going for a long time.
Breaking my WONDERFUL I-pad was also a downer for the week. I so appreciated that machine. It was easy to use, comfortable in my hands, and such a tool that I had come to depend upon. I text Tom and he said to send it to him to download the info. He also indicated that maybe SANTA would bring me a new one. That wasn't why I sent it to him. I hate to impose on his expertise, but he is so good at what he does. It's extremely convenient to have him to rely on in these technical times.
Thinking I had a really bad week, I was moaning about my situations, when I got a phone call from a close friend.I realized my week paled in comparison. He has just been diagnosed with HIV. How do you respond to that kind of news? I hope I responded the way God would have wanted me to respond. "What would Jesus do?" certainly applies. I tried to sound supportive and not negative. He had just come off of a "suspension" at work that should have had him fired. I reminded him that God loves him and wants to provide for him, if he will let Him. He knows he has had people praying for him, even before this diagnosis. He asked me to let one of my prayer partners know about his diagnosis. He knows her and knows she prays for him.
I know HIV diagnosis is not the immediate death sentence it used to be. I also know the meds are necessary. I know my friend is close to the level of diagnosis of full blown AIDS. I know my heart hurts for him. God is still good. God is still in control. Knowing those two things has kept me going for a long time.
Friday, October 18, 2013
De ja vu
Spending the last few days with a friend in the two biggest parks brought back a lot of memories. Not memories with her, for she is a new friend who was visiting from New York, but old friends. MK has innumerable events that "POP" to mind. We have a gadzillion even before being allowed to become a cast member, and probably another gadzillion during and after I retired.
EPCOT has another set of memories, especially around this time of year. FOOD AND WINE time offers many concert opportunities, plus mountainous amounts of delicious treats. I have NEVER been able to eat my way around the countries. Not even when Marshall and I strolled the pathways, with him finishing most of my samples, could I devour everything. He was truly one of a kind. Nice looking, intelligent, knowledgeable and very patient with me. I miss him. I'm sure Emily does even more.
I have spent today MOSTLY resting and trying to make up time spent away up to Ween. She is very vindictive. She was "bent out of shape" and wouldn't even acknowledge me when I would try to talk to her. She was so upset, that she peed on my new duvet and several pillows on the bed. I had to wash everything last night. I was afraid it would stain. I don't think I have been so mad in a very long time. And, don't try to excuse it - She had just been outside to potty. It was deliberate! I almost threw her in the sitting room and penned her in. She was in time-out for about 10 minutes. She did not like that; suddenly she got very friendly.
Charles will be home tomorrow. He has been in Atlanta all week. He is getting home just in time to spend his birthday, Sunday, with his friends. I'm glad they are here. Jennifer will be missed as she just had foot surgery and couldn't come, but everyone else will be here.
I remember when he was born - it was homecoming for Tom and he had to leave shortly after Charles was born. He was so tiny and didn't grow much until he was about 14 or 15. I am so blessed to have him. Thank you Father for Charles. He is so awesome.
Charles will be home tomorrow. He has been in Atlanta all week. He is getting home just in time to spend his birthday, Sunday, with his friends. I'm glad they are here. Jennifer will be missed as she just had foot surgery and couldn't come, but everyone else will be here.
I remember when he was born - it was homecoming for Tom and he had to leave shortly after Charles was born. He was so tiny and didn't grow much until he was about 14 or 15. I am so blessed to have him. Thank you Father for Charles. He is so awesome.
Tuesday, October 08, 2013
Time is passing so rapidly. It is October already which means Charles birthday is very soon and Tom's is in December. I don't think I'm ready for either.
Charles is headed to Atlanta and will be back just before his big day. What can you get someone who can buy anything he wants? I'm running out of ideas.
We didn't get to make the trip over the week-end because of tropical storm Karen. I Really wanted to see Mary and Byron, and Charles wanted to go to New Orleans. Our trip to Mayo Friday has also been cancelled. The doctors cancelled, this time. So, that's the way it is. We make plans and they change. That's life.
Heidi and David are coming on Friday or Saturday. It will be great to see them. We're supposed to "cook out." Or, something like that. We're always excited to have guests.
My friend Lucinda is coming while Charles is in Atlanta. I'm sooo excited. She is so great and we have "mucho" fun together. Can hardly wait.
Time marches on and life is so daily. I have to remember that.
Charles is headed to Atlanta and will be back just before his big day. What can you get someone who can buy anything he wants? I'm running out of ideas.
We didn't get to make the trip over the week-end because of tropical storm Karen. I Really wanted to see Mary and Byron, and Charles wanted to go to New Orleans. Our trip to Mayo Friday has also been cancelled. The doctors cancelled, this time. So, that's the way it is. We make plans and they change. That's life.
Heidi and David are coming on Friday or Saturday. It will be great to see them. We're supposed to "cook out." Or, something like that. We're always excited to have guests.
My friend Lucinda is coming while Charles is in Atlanta. I'm sooo excited. She is so great and we have "mucho" fun together. Can hardly wait.
Time marches on and life is so daily. I have to remember that.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Life Is So Daily
The time seems to fly by as the daily events happen. I get up, shower, take my meds. Go to the " doctor de jour;" come home, eat lunch, nap, wash clothes, or whatever other chore I need to do, fix dinner, digest food for an hour, and go to bed. The only change is that I go to therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and either go home exhausted, or go to a doctor and then go home and finish the routine. Pretty boring!
My routine is usually broken only by the occasional repair person, door-to-door solicitor that ventures my way, or potty break for Ween. Today though, my routine was "readjusted" a bit by friends from Illinois Emily and her husband Mr. Ray. They are dear and precious friends that I miss terribly since their "Misguided" move from Hudson. I cannot imagine ever moving from Florida, especially back to the Tundra of the north regions. Further south, maybe, but never back to cold and snow. I pray God will never lead me there.
Bret and the family also came by for dinner. He grilled out and it was great. The sad part was Kinzie is leave to go for training to be a missionary. WHWY, I think are the initials of the group. It's an organization that has training for youth to prepare them to go to different countries to help people learn a trade so they can provide for themselves and families. She is perfect for the job. She can do most anything around a "farm type" place and is genuinely talented in figuring out how to build something. She has helped her dad since she was young and continues to look to God for guidance. We will miss her so much. (We DID get a piece of fantastic chocolate cake.)
I also have something to look forward to - Charles is going to New Orleans and he is dropping me off for a couple days at Mary and Byron's to visit with them while he's gone. Ween is going to visit Mock and Aunt Lizzie while I'm gone. She loves that. So, all is well and not such a.daily grind of usual things. I know I'm blessed. I just need to remember to thank The Lord.
My routine is usually broken only by the occasional repair person, door-to-door solicitor that ventures my way, or potty break for Ween. Today though, my routine was "readjusted" a bit by friends from Illinois Emily and her husband Mr. Ray. They are dear and precious friends that I miss terribly since their "Misguided" move from Hudson. I cannot imagine ever moving from Florida, especially back to the Tundra of the north regions. Further south, maybe, but never back to cold and snow. I pray God will never lead me there.
Bret and the family also came by for dinner. He grilled out and it was great. The sad part was Kinzie is leave to go for training to be a missionary. WHWY, I think are the initials of the group. It's an organization that has training for youth to prepare them to go to different countries to help people learn a trade so they can provide for themselves and families. She is perfect for the job. She can do most anything around a "farm type" place and is genuinely talented in figuring out how to build something. She has helped her dad since she was young and continues to look to God for guidance. We will miss her so much. (We DID get a piece of fantastic chocolate cake.)
I also have something to look forward to - Charles is going to New Orleans and he is dropping me off for a couple days at Mary and Byron's to visit with them while he's gone. Ween is going to visit Mock and Aunt Lizzie while I'm gone. She loves that. So, all is well and not such a.daily grind of usual things. I know I'm blessed. I just need to remember to thank The Lord.
Wednesday, September 04, 2013
My sister says I need to update my blog. I guess that's true, because it's been over a month. Sometimes it's an extra "thing" to do along with ten dozen other "things" to do . It gets pushed to the bottom of the TO DO list and just lays there. It's not that I don't want to blog. Sometimes it's just hard to dialogue my thoughts and feelings. Sometimes, it would just be boring to anyone else.
In my ambition to open still-boxed items, trying to decide what to keep can be cumbersome, so many memories are contained within those boxes that I'm not sure what to discard and what to keep. I am mindful of the fact that Charles will probably have to discard any STUFF I have left when I leave this world, so I'm trying to make it easier on him.
I found a Mini novel I started some years ago. I "laughingly" called it STUDENTS AND OTHER CRIMINALS I HAVE KNOWN. It was funny to read and some day I may add to it. It reminded me of some other students.
I truly believe that you can't have taught very long when some students facilitate the necessity to write about them. It just seems that there are those who "stand out" in your memories. One of those students was Eddie. Good looking, charismatic, almost shy at times. He reminded me of a rattlesnake - fascinating to watch but dangerous to most humans. His "smooth tongue" and good looks had gotten him out of many incidents, even while he was in our school but I knew it was only a matter of time. We developed a "rapport" of sorts and he would often come to me to talk.
Eddie didn't stand much of a chance of succeeding. His mother was in and out of jail the year he was in my class. His father was non existent, at best. I wanted to help but my hands were tied. There is only so much you can do especially when someone won't let you.
Out of curiosity, I went into the prison system files that are on-line. Unfortunately, there was Eddie. He is still fairly nice looking, even in a mug shot. So sad. Such potential. The last record of parole was 2011.
It bothers me that he wasn't able to escape that life. How COULD I have helped him? Is there anything I can do now? I just don't know.
In my ambition to open still-boxed items, trying to decide what to keep can be cumbersome, so many memories are contained within those boxes that I'm not sure what to discard and what to keep. I am mindful of the fact that Charles will probably have to discard any STUFF I have left when I leave this world, so I'm trying to make it easier on him.
I found a Mini novel I started some years ago. I "laughingly" called it STUDENTS AND OTHER CRIMINALS I HAVE KNOWN. It was funny to read and some day I may add to it. It reminded me of some other students.
I truly believe that you can't have taught very long when some students facilitate the necessity to write about them. It just seems that there are those who "stand out" in your memories. One of those students was Eddie. Good looking, charismatic, almost shy at times. He reminded me of a rattlesnake - fascinating to watch but dangerous to most humans. His "smooth tongue" and good looks had gotten him out of many incidents, even while he was in our school but I knew it was only a matter of time. We developed a "rapport" of sorts and he would often come to me to talk.
Eddie didn't stand much of a chance of succeeding. His mother was in and out of jail the year he was in my class. His father was non existent, at best. I wanted to help but my hands were tied. There is only so much you can do especially when someone won't let you.
Out of curiosity, I went into the prison system files that are on-line. Unfortunately, there was Eddie. He is still fairly nice looking, even in a mug shot. So sad. Such potential. The last record of parole was 2011.
It bothers me that he wasn't able to escape that life. How COULD I have helped him? Is there anything I can do now? I just don't know.
It's Monday. No drs. No trips planned. Just today. Sometimes life goes too fast; sometimes it drags. Right now, today, it's slow. I guess I've gotten used to a fast pace and when it changes, I seem to miss it.
Friends David and Pat came over Sat night. I didn't feel well enough to go to dinner with them. Yesterday, friends Dwayne and Jennifer stopped by with their three children. Today, as far as I know, Mary Lou is the only person I know is stopping by. She is my Home Health Care nurse. I have to have my PTINR checked. That is my clotting factor. Friday-5.7; Sat-3.5. So we'll see today. Between 2-3 is the best level.
Friends David and Pat came over Sat night. I didn't feel well enough to go to dinner with them. Yesterday, friends Dwayne and Jennifer stopped by with their three children. Today, as far as I know, Mary Lou is the only person I know is stopping by. She is my Home Health Care nurse. I have to have my PTINR checked. That is my clotting factor. Friday-5.7; Sat-3.5. So we'll see today. Between 2-3 is the best level.
Sunday, August 04, 2013
Visiting the ER has become a "weird" occurrence lately. I had to go again yesterday. Symptoms-dizziness, pain from top of head, down behind my right ear, and into the neck area. Couldn't get any relief. Called my home health care nurse, she advised getting it checked out. After a new record of early release, (4 hrs) - CAT scan, X-ray, extreme blood work, and general exams= nothing wrong; May be abscessed tooth. I DID get a definitive - I DO HAVE A BRAIN. The Dr. wouldn't put it in writing, but made verbal commitment of the finding. Whew. I was always wondering. I'm sure some others also have asked.
I think Charles is afraid for me to stay by myself. He and Tom are searching for a babysitter. I wanted a good looking, eligible guy, but that was nixed. Charles will be gone for several days soon, and, well, it seems I need someone with me. The Dr. has released me to drive, but as long as I am on Home Health Care, I can't drive. They are releasing me on August 21st, so maybe I can resume a more NORMAL lifestyle.
Talked w Vicki tonight. She has a really bad cold. I don't know if they can do chemo or not. We'll see tomorrow. Please pray for her. I'm trusting God to TOTALLY heal her.
Once again, it's a waiting game. I hate to wait, be patient, or stand still. And, yet, God requires it.
I think Charles is afraid for me to stay by myself. He and Tom are searching for a babysitter. I wanted a good looking, eligible guy, but that was nixed. Charles will be gone for several days soon, and, well, it seems I need someone with me. The Dr. has released me to drive, but as long as I am on Home Health Care, I can't drive. They are releasing me on August 21st, so maybe I can resume a more NORMAL lifestyle.
Talked w Vicki tonight. She has a really bad cold. I don't know if they can do chemo or not. We'll see tomorrow. Please pray for her. I'm trusting God to TOTALLY heal her.
Once again, it's a waiting game. I hate to wait, be patient, or stand still. And, yet, God requires it.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Life In General
At times, I've had to step back and evaluate my life. Usually I hate doing it. Lately, I have been made to realize once again that when life seems on an even keel, we need to enjoy every second of every day because that "EVEN KEEL" can quickly change.
"The hurricanes" of life can be messy and require a lot of energy to keep up. My latest adventure at Hospital Land reminds me how mortal we can be. Any locals immediately hear Cancer when Moffitt Hospital is mentioned. It is in Tampa and has a great reputation for the strides made in fighting all types of cancer.
At her latest checkup at Moffitt, Vicki's tests showed 8 tumors in her lungs. She just had a large tumor and kidney removed a few months ago. She seemed to be cancer free. And, here we go again. Her attitude is positive, and upbeat. She has to have 4 days of intense chemo - August 5-8; a week and half off and back for another bout.
As I cry out to God, I beg for mercy and favor on Vicki's behalf. And, the WHY comes to mind. God, what are you thinking? No one on this earth deserves God's mercy more than Vicki. She has always been my hero. She is the first person to help when it's needed. She's a Godly, Christian woman of faith who has impacted so many lives. I can hardly bear this HEAVY news. She does not deserve this, in earthly understanding. I also know she believes God is still in control. Please pray God's will.
Life is so short.
"The hurricanes" of life can be messy and require a lot of energy to keep up. My latest adventure at Hospital Land reminds me how mortal we can be. Any locals immediately hear Cancer when Moffitt Hospital is mentioned. It is in Tampa and has a great reputation for the strides made in fighting all types of cancer.
At her latest checkup at Moffitt, Vicki's tests showed 8 tumors in her lungs. She just had a large tumor and kidney removed a few months ago. She seemed to be cancer free. And, here we go again. Her attitude is positive, and upbeat. She has to have 4 days of intense chemo - August 5-8; a week and half off and back for another bout.
As I cry out to God, I beg for mercy and favor on Vicki's behalf. And, the WHY comes to mind. God, what are you thinking? No one on this earth deserves God's mercy more than Vicki. She has always been my hero. She is the first person to help when it's needed. She's a Godly, Christian woman of faith who has impacted so many lives. I can hardly bear this HEAVY news. She does not deserve this, in earthly understanding. I also know she believes God is still in control. Please pray God's will.
Life is so short.
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Another good Dr. report today. PTINR 2.1; BP 130/67; oxygen 97. I have to wear a monitor in a few weeks; just another testing. I have another Dr. appt. next Tuesday. You would think with all the blood work done in the hospital, they wouldn't need any more blood. Ah, but not so! I have to have another set of blood tests.
REALLY! What do they do with all that blood they don't use? I've given up enough to start my own blood bank. I think it's a conspiracy! It's being stored somewhere until they run out of fossil fuel. By then, someone will have discovered a way to harness blood. Amazing, isn't it!
I'm also devising a way to print new bumper stickers or t-shirts. "I support the AMA." Or, "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Does this t-shirt make me look fat? ". Who knows. I could be the next designer. What next? Designer plates?
REALLY! What do they do with all that blood they don't use? I've given up enough to start my own blood bank. I think it's a conspiracy! It's being stored somewhere until they run out of fossil fuel. By then, someone will have discovered a way to harness blood. Amazing, isn't it!
I'm also devising a way to print new bumper stickers or t-shirts. "I support the AMA." Or, "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Does this t-shirt make me look fat? ". Who knows. I could be the next designer. What next? Designer plates?
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Once again, Ween and I have been given the assignment of holding down the bed. I, personally, have a PHD in bed holding, that's why I'm so good at it.
Good report from my dr yesterday. BP 134/70. PTINR 2.2 (anything between 2-3 is ok.) Oxygen 97% w/out oxygen all afternoon. It had been dropping drastically w/o the tank, and it didn't yesterday. So, I'm hanging in there. Julie and Mary both are working on my food intake and watching everything.
Julie took me to dr yesterday. She also fixed lunch Chicken and quinoa (like rice only more nutritious).
Good report from my dr yesterday. BP 134/70. PTINR 2.2 (anything between 2-3 is ok.) Oxygen 97% w/out oxygen all afternoon. It had been dropping drastically w/o the tank, and it didn't yesterday. So, I'm hanging in there. Julie and Mary both are working on my food intake and watching everything.
Julie took me to dr yesterday. She also fixed lunch Chicken and quinoa (like rice only more nutritious).
Bed Rest
The joy of staying in bed, doing very little except eating, drinking and having people wait on you seems ideal. It might be. And, maybe if there was a beach outside, it might be MORE exciting. It's not all its cracked up to be. I love my iPad, my cell phone, and TV, yet even that gets old quickly. I have a drs appt on Thursday. MAYBE, just MAYBE he will release me to do more activities. I hope.
My friends Ruth and Jim are stopping by on their way to some meetings. They are also bringing dinner. I keep saying I have the best friends, and it's so true. I can hardly wait to see them and have them see the new house.
Hollis decorations for the house are phenomenal. She has such a "God-given talent." She has made our house so livable and comfortable. We could NEVER repay her. Again-friends are awesome. She's almost finished w my bedroom. She made a duvet cover, pillow shams and is finishing the drapes. So beautiful. I just love them. Can't wait to get everything in my room.
Charles has decided to get a convertible couch for the guest room. That is Hollis next project. I can't wait to see what she comes up with for that room.
I'm getting stronger every day. I hope to start walking some next week. I am so blessed. God is good.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
Being home is unbelievable. I stood in my wonderful shower so long, Julie kept checking on me. It took three washes to get my hair clean. And, I just stood there!
Diagnosis - Congestive Heart Failure w/complications of diverticulitis. We're now working on all the stuff those involve plus whatever else is happening. Oxygen delivered today. Home health care here and starting on Friday. Dr tomorrow, follow up testing and adjustments, if any.
Ween came home today. She has hardly been out of "her" bed all day. She can't party like she used to. She was also glad to see her mommy. Mock is happy to be able to sleep by himself tonight. ALL IS WELL.
Diagnosis - Congestive Heart Failure w/complications of diverticulitis. We're now working on all the stuff those involve plus whatever else is happening. Oxygen delivered today. Home health care here and starting on Friday. Dr tomorrow, follow up testing and adjustments, if any.
Ween came home today. She has hardly been out of "her" bed all day. She can't party like she used to. She was also glad to see her mommy. Mock is happy to be able to sleep by himself tonight. ALL IS WELL.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
New Day
Being about 5:00, AM of course, I've already had most of my vitals done. BP down; Oxygen level up. SOUNDS LIKE GOING HOME WEATHER TO ME. Last night I begged God to let me go home. I'm so tired of being here. I miss my home! I miss my bed! I miss Ween! I MISS MY "SHO-W-W- ERRRR!!! (Could that be any more pitiful!)
When I start to complain to God, He just reminds me that I have had a week of rest, waited on hand and foot, all the food I wanted, AND, I didn't have to pay for it. "Sounds like a vacation." AND, there are people who live under the bridge or on the streets of Orlando. I am so blessed.
They have set up Home Health Care for me. This will start when I'm released. I asked for Rose. We have history. She's a TINY little Asian lady who is the picture of genteel. She's so sweet. She even fixed lunch for me several times. (I don't think that is part of her job, but her concern flows over into her life. And, it shows.)
Slept from about 10 until the wake-up. Feel so much better. Can't wait to get home. (Click; Click)
When I start to complain to God, He just reminds me that I have had a week of rest, waited on hand and foot, all the food I wanted, AND, I didn't have to pay for it. "Sounds like a vacation." AND, there are people who live under the bridge or on the streets of Orlando. I am so blessed.
They have set up Home Health Care for me. This will start when I'm released. I asked for Rose. We have history. She's a TINY little Asian lady who is the picture of genteel. She's so sweet. She even fixed lunch for me several times. (I don't think that is part of her job, but her concern flows over into her life. And, it shows.)
Slept from about 10 until the wake-up. Feel so much better. Can't wait to get home. (Click; Click)
Monday, July 15, 2013
Six hours doesn't mean anything, as Rich would say, "in the scheme of things," but they can be very important. They were to me. Last night I actually got 6 whole, uninterrupted, glorious, refreshing, I could go on but I'm sure you get the picture (hours of sleep). I feel so much more rested. Blood pressure still too high, and oxygen level down yet I'm hoping to go home today.
I need a shower! I've said that a lot in my life, BUT I REALLLLLY need a shower. Can't wait to use my new shower head. My family is so more than I deserve. This whole "sick/hospital" thing has gone on too long. I need to do something else for my next adventure. Maybe skydive. Buy a motorcycle, and then write a book; include the adventure. I can see it now "Sheila Goes Back To The Hospital." Yeah, no. I guess not. Read Dr. Seuss' book - "And To Think It Happened on Mulbury Street." Love that book. Life lessons.
I actually ate food yesterday - 3 tiny potatoes; 4 tiny carrots, their angel food cake and some tea. Most I've eaten in a week, and it wasn't liquid. WAHOO.
They woke me for vitals and I can't seem to go back to sleep. I miss Ween. I can't wait to see her. She loves her Uncle Mock and Aunt Lizzie, but (click click) there's no place like home.
Tom sent me the cutest picture. It really helps to see it but my phone isn't talking to my iPad right now. Maybe the system. Maybe they've had a spat. who knows. They have strict guards on the Internet here, and I could probably get around It, but too much work and I'm supposed to be LOWERING my blood pressure. I'll add later. The picture is a view of outside wall of the hospital in CA. In the window someone wrote, SEND PIZZA, Room 4118. Considered doing that myself but just the thought of the smell of pizza makes me gag. So much for my adventures so far. Have a blessed day. I know I will.
I need a shower! I've said that a lot in my life, BUT I REALLLLLY need a shower. Can't wait to use my new shower head. My family is so more than I deserve. This whole "sick/hospital" thing has gone on too long. I need to do something else for my next adventure. Maybe skydive. Buy a motorcycle, and then write a book; include the adventure. I can see it now "Sheila Goes Back To The Hospital." Yeah, no. I guess not. Read Dr. Seuss' book - "And To Think It Happened on Mulbury Street." Love that book. Life lessons.
I actually ate food yesterday - 3 tiny potatoes; 4 tiny carrots, their angel food cake and some tea. Most I've eaten in a week, and it wasn't liquid. WAHOO.
They woke me for vitals and I can't seem to go back to sleep. I miss Ween. I can't wait to see her. She loves her Uncle Mock and Aunt Lizzie, but (click click) there's no place like home.
Tom sent me the cutest picture. It really helps to see it but my phone isn't talking to my iPad right now. Maybe the system. Maybe they've had a spat. who knows. They have strict guards on the Internet here, and I could probably get around It, but too much work and I'm supposed to be LOWERING my blood pressure. I'll add later. The picture is a view of outside wall of the hospital in CA. In the window someone wrote, SEND PIZZA, Room 4118. Considered doing that myself but just the thought of the smell of pizza makes me gag. So much for my adventures so far. Have a blessed day. I know I will.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
Hospitals have a way of "FINDING" things. Have you noticed that? And, as you can see by the date - I'M STILL HERE. All my plans for the week - GONE! All my places to go - GONE. All the partying I was Going to do - GONE. (drs are such party poopers.)
(Pictures when transferred)
Pain has cleared. Rawness from infection has healed some, breathing is better. So...
While I was partying here, the Gang was partying at home. Bret built me a "veggie" stand up garden. TRULY A LABOR OF LOVE. Put new fixture shower head w/handheld shower, new seat, and spongy mats for floor. Added a spice rack to pantry door. Tom and Charles had Holli make me a reversible duvet cover w compatible drapes and pillows. I AM SO BLESSED. I can hardly wait to see it all. I also got cake and balloons at the hospital. Only next year the food needs to be better. There's not much to do w liquids.
(Pictures to come)
GOD has a funny sense of humor, doesn't He! I asked him to help me NOT spend money this month. I have to be more specific next time.
(Pictures when transferred)
Pain has cleared. Rawness from infection has healed some, breathing is better. So...
While I was partying here, the Gang was partying at home. Bret built me a "veggie" stand up garden. TRULY A LABOR OF LOVE. Put new fixture shower head w/handheld shower, new seat, and spongy mats for floor. Added a spice rack to pantry door. Tom and Charles had Holli make me a reversible duvet cover w compatible drapes and pillows. I AM SO BLESSED. I can hardly wait to see it all. I also got cake and balloons at the hospital. Only next year the food needs to be better. There's not much to do w liquids.
(Pictures to come)
GOD has a funny sense of humor, doesn't He! I asked him to help me NOT spend money this month. I have to be more specific next time.
Monday, July 08, 2013
Unless you have visited one of our finer facilities, you have NOT seen the more interesting areas of Orlando. I just spent 8 1/2 hours in Sand Lake Hospital ER.It wasn't my intent yesterday, but due to my diverticulitis, I'm spending a night here also. Again, not my idea of a "FUN" time.
I don't think I've been so sick in a VERY long time. I was up and down so much last night that I finally got an extremely disgusting look from Ween. She does not like her night's sleep disturbed. She was very sympathetic though when I started throwing up.
I'm on strong antibiotics, per Dr's orders, and IVs around the clock. They are talking about me not leaving until Wednesday. I have things to do. I have places to go. This is inconvenient for me. DO THEY NOT KNOW THIS?
Ween is going to do a "sleepover" with Uncle Mock and Aunt Lizzie. She loves it there so she will be fine. I will miss her.
AND, ONCE AGAIN, on Friday I will "hide-out and hope no one finds me. Next year is a bigggy, but this year is just another year. Oh we'll, if I'm feeling ok, we're going to Pasco for lunch. That will really be nice. I'm truly blessed.
I don't think I've been so sick in a VERY long time. I was up and down so much last night that I finally got an extremely disgusting look from Ween. She does not like her night's sleep disturbed. She was very sympathetic though when I started throwing up.
I'm on strong antibiotics, per Dr's orders, and IVs around the clock. They are talking about me not leaving until Wednesday. I have things to do. I have places to go. This is inconvenient for me. DO THEY NOT KNOW THIS?
Ween is going to do a "sleepover" with Uncle Mock and Aunt Lizzie. She loves it there so she will be fine. I will miss her.
AND, ONCE AGAIN, on Friday I will "hide-out and hope no one finds me. Next year is a bigggy, but this year is just another year. Oh we'll, if I'm feeling ok, we're going to Pasco for lunch. That will really be nice. I'm truly blessed.
Tuesday, June 18, 2013
It's been over a month since I last blogged. The daily grind hasn't changed much but, seeing doctors is such a routine if I don't see one every week, it is very unusual. The only scheduled appointment this week was for a PTINR or blood test. This is such a "blah" day, I called to reschedule. I called to reschedule an electrical appointment too. Don't feel like doing or seeing anyone today.
Both my cataract surgeries went well. I now have 20/20 vision in both eyes. It's a surreal event. You know he's working but you can't see it. (That Valium really helps.)
My friend Barb was in Jacksonville last week. I wasn't feeling well most of the week, so I couldn't drive to see her, but Charles took me on Friday. It's always good to be with her. I wish she lived closer.
So, I guess Ween and I will continue holding down the bed until something more interesting comes along. Seems very unlikely today.
Both my cataract surgeries went well. I now have 20/20 vision in both eyes. It's a surreal event. You know he's working but you can't see it. (That Valium really helps.)
My friend Barb was in Jacksonville last week. I wasn't feeling well most of the week, so I couldn't drive to see her, but Charles took me on Friday. It's always good to be with her. I wish she lived closer.
So, I guess Ween and I will continue holding down the bed until something more interesting comes along. Seems very unlikely today.
Friday, May 10, 2013
Having four great days, in the past, did not seem like much. In fact, I usually just ignored the existence of "GOOD DAYS." Not any more. After having 2 or 3 weeks of intense pain and agony, I have just had four "MARVELOUS" days of feeling great. Those days have truly been a gift from God.
Pain exists to let us know something is wrong. I already know something is wrong. I don't want any more pain. If I had said that in Tom's presence he probably would have said, "That is probably a statement that means you're fairly normal." I'm just guessing, but he probably said it in heaven.
I have been able to go out and drive, by myself. (So awesome.) I have been to lunch and 2 different stores afterward. (Not possible last week.) I just want to PRAISE THE LORD, and thank Him for His goodness to me.
I'm living in a brand new house. I have food in the refrigerator, gas in my car, a little money in my checking account, and I want for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I am "EXHALING" as I write. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Holy Spirit. Thank you God.
(And, Ween has plenty of dog food and treats. She is thankful too.)
Sunday, May 05, 2013
Looking back on the last month, I realized I haven't posted for a while.
Moving into our new home has been such a blessing. I have a "walk-in shower" that I absolutely love, love, love. Not only do I thank God for clean, hot water but also for the marvelous feeling of just walking into the space. Ween has even ventured in a few times. Of course, that makes for a different shower and placement of water. (She loves the shower too.)
Moving has also caused a tremendous toll on my body. I hate being unable to do things that previously were easy to do. I look forward to the day I can once again be mobile.
I have several procedures to be done in the next few months. Anything done can be complicated by taking Coumadin and my pacemaker. Even with the cataract surgery, as simple as it has been reduced, I still could have complications due to my physical problems. May 21st is my scheduled surgery. I'm sure it will be fine.
I could never say how invaluable our friends are to us. They have helped over and over again. And, God is God. I don't know how to describe Him. Why He is so good to me, I'll never know. He just IS. Thank you seems so trite. Those words are all I can say, over and over. BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD!
Moving into our new home has been such a blessing. I have a "walk-in shower" that I absolutely love, love, love. Not only do I thank God for clean, hot water but also for the marvelous feeling of just walking into the space. Ween has even ventured in a few times. Of course, that makes for a different shower and placement of water. (She loves the shower too.)
Moving has also caused a tremendous toll on my body. I hate being unable to do things that previously were easy to do. I look forward to the day I can once again be mobile.
I have several procedures to be done in the next few months. Anything done can be complicated by taking Coumadin and my pacemaker. Even with the cataract surgery, as simple as it has been reduced, I still could have complications due to my physical problems. May 21st is my scheduled surgery. I'm sure it will be fine.
I could never say how invaluable our friends are to us. They have helped over and over again. And, God is God. I don't know how to describe Him. Why He is so good to me, I'll never know. He just IS. Thank you seems so trite. Those words are all I can say, over and over. BLESSED BE THE LORD GOD!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Not good news from my friend Vicki - She went for her 3-month checkup. The tests show two new places in her lungs. She is having an eval today and the dr will call with results.
Monday, April 15, 2013
In the movie "Waiting To Exhale," one of the characters says when everything is "in line" and all is good, she will finally get to "Exhale." She seems to indicate that she can't relax until everything is good and on an even keel. Then and only then will she finally get to exhale or relax.
After being so in debt and on edge for many years, I am finally able to "Exhale," so to speak. God has provided a way for me to live with my son, have a small amount of money in the bank and out of the RED. PRAISE THE LORD. Ween and I are so blessed to be able to favored by God.
I know it's been over a month since I wrote, but there is so much to do and not enough "well" time. Julie, Mary and Mock have all been so generous with their time in helping, but still...
Eye doctor appointment this morning, lasted almost 2 hours. It only took 15 minutes to "measure" and check my eyes, but the remainder of the time was "wasted" on filling out forms. I thought she was trying to get something published. AND, if that wasn't enough time down the toidy, they will read the papers to me again when I have the surgery. FUN, FUN, FUN. I don't know when I've been so excited with anticipation.
We go to MAYO tomorrow for 3 appts - back, diet, and surgery. I am getting tired of doing that trip. I'm getting tired of Drs, in general. I'm just "SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED."
Mock took Ween to his place because we will be gone 10-14 hrs and I don't like to leave her alone that long. She loves him but she's never been to his new place. I'm sure she will miss MOMMY.
My friend Barb, from Kentucky, sent me some new clothes for an early birthday present. 4 or 5 interchangeable tops and pants, 2 heavy warm-up suits, and new earrings. She felt sorry for me having to live in an igloo, thus the reason for the sweats. I've always suspected Charles was readying his place to become a Butcher, or meat locker salesman as the thermostat is usually VERY, VERY low. He has compromised - It's usually reading 70-73. I can ALMOST live in that.
Life being so short, I have to hang my new clothes and fold some old ones. (I already miss Ween.)
After being so in debt and on edge for many years, I am finally able to "Exhale," so to speak. God has provided a way for me to live with my son, have a small amount of money in the bank and out of the RED. PRAISE THE LORD. Ween and I are so blessed to be able to favored by God.
I know it's been over a month since I wrote, but there is so much to do and not enough "well" time. Julie, Mary and Mock have all been so generous with their time in helping, but still...
Eye doctor appointment this morning, lasted almost 2 hours. It only took 15 minutes to "measure" and check my eyes, but the remainder of the time was "wasted" on filling out forms. I thought she was trying to get something published. AND, if that wasn't enough time down the toidy, they will read the papers to me again when I have the surgery. FUN, FUN, FUN. I don't know when I've been so excited with anticipation.
We go to MAYO tomorrow for 3 appts - back, diet, and surgery. I am getting tired of doing that trip. I'm getting tired of Drs, in general. I'm just "SICK AND TIRED OF BEING SICK AND TIRED."
Mock took Ween to his place because we will be gone 10-14 hrs and I don't like to leave her alone that long. She loves him but she's never been to his new place. I'm sure she will miss MOMMY.
My friend Barb, from Kentucky, sent me some new clothes for an early birthday present. 4 or 5 interchangeable tops and pants, 2 heavy warm-up suits, and new earrings. She felt sorry for me having to live in an igloo, thus the reason for the sweats. I've always suspected Charles was readying his place to become a Butcher, or meat locker salesman as the thermostat is usually VERY, VERY low. He has compromised - It's usually reading 70-73. I can ALMOST live in that.
Life being so short, I have to hang my new clothes and fold some old ones. (I already miss Ween.)
Friday, April 05, 2013
It's finally here - moving day. It seems like a long and short time, both. His choices of everything are so beautiful.
Having so many good days, having a bad one is really strange. I feel rotten today; nauseated, achy, headache, you name it, it hurts. That used to be the norm. I'm glad it isn't any more. When they do come, I'm not ready for them.
This won't publish. I just had to tell someone. I'd like to go get some ginger ale, but I'm afraid to drive because of the vertigo and the headache.
Today was an okay day - had to take a pain pill because of the hurting. Don't like to do that because it makes me so groggy. It may have to do with the weather. I don't know. I can't complain because God has been so tremendous to me. Each and every day He provides for me. Thank you God.
This won't publish. I just had to tell someone. I'd like to go get some ginger ale, but I'm afraid to drive because of the vertigo and the headache.
Today was an okay day - had to take a pain pill because of the hurting. Don't like to do that because it makes me so groggy. It may have to do with the weather. I don't know. I can't complain because God has been so tremendous to me. Each and every day He provides for me. Thank you God.
Friday, March 22, 2013
Friday, March 08, 2013
Sometimes in the RUSH of life, I forget to stop and acknowledge the most important aspect of my finite life. It's not intentional. It's not planned. It would be too easy to "BLAME" the void with excuses of WHY I left The Lord out of my day. But, I haven't any excuses that are valid. I can't explain it away other than to say I didn't. What will I say when I meet Him face-to-face? No statement will be good enough!
This was in a devotional that I received today. It spoke to my heart.
Did you think of Me today,
Did you take the time to pray,
Do you love Me?
Did you share Me with someone,
In your life is there a song,
Do you love Me?
Is there peace in your soul,
Have you given Me control,
My commands did you obey,
Do you love Me?
Lord - Please forgive me for my insensitivity. I'm so glad you don't treat me the same way. Help me to focus on the important things of life and to ignore the finite. I love you.
This was in a devotional that I received today. It spoke to my heart.
Did you think of Me today,
Did you take the time to pray,
Do you love Me?
Did you share Me with someone,
In your life is there a song,
Do you love Me?
Is there peace in your soul,
Have you given Me control,
My commands did you obey,
Do you love Me?
Lord - Please forgive me for my insensitivity. I'm so glad you don't treat me the same way. Help me to focus on the important things of life and to ignore the finite. I love you.
Wednesday, March 06, 2013
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The Keys WAHOO!!! |
I could never express the appreciation or afford to pay Julie and Holli for all the work they have done. It is amazing that they have not only made things easier but "OH" so beautiful.
This will be the first time I've lived in a house since we sold ours in 2003. I have missed it in some ways; in some ways an apartment is more convenient. This is a new phase for both of us. God is so good; all the time. We are blessed.
Friday, March 01, 2013
Charles has moved the remainder of his stuff into a POD, and is staying with me. There is a final walk through on Wednesday of this week. Next Wednesday, he will sign the paperwork and we can begin to move. That is IF all goes well.
I'm excited and tired. Just the sheer "thinking" is overwhelming to me. I have some pain right now and I can't seem to shake it so it makes it hard for me to do anything helpful with the move. My friend Mary is helping all she can, but she travels quite a lot so her time is limited. She goes 90 mph and gives 110% of her energy. Vicki has helped, and Mock, when he can, has also helped. I hope this is my last EVER move.
Ween is "on edge" at all the boxes. She knows SOMETHING is happening. She is anxious and "dancing" around; very hard to calm. She will be okay when we move, but all the proceedings are giving her anxiety.
Daily activities keep me busy - dr, store, shots, PTINR (blood checks), etc. The weather is a little chilly right now; below 65 and I am freezing. Ween doesn't go out as much when it is cold or raining, but she watches the birds and squirrels carefully to make sure they don't come near our yard. Another day; another job to do. I can hardly wait to move.
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Front |
I'm excited and tired. Just the sheer "thinking" is overwhelming to me. I have some pain right now and I can't seem to shake it so it makes it hard for me to do anything helpful with the move. My friend Mary is helping all she can, but she travels quite a lot so her time is limited. She goes 90 mph and gives 110% of her energy. Vicki has helped, and Mock, when he can, has also helped. I hope this is my last EVER move.
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Kitchen |
Ween is "on edge" at all the boxes. She knows SOMETHING is happening. She is anxious and "dancing" around; very hard to calm. She will be okay when we move, but all the proceedings are giving her anxiety.
Daily activities keep me busy - dr, store, shots, PTINR (blood checks), etc. The weather is a little chilly right now; below 65 and I am freezing. Ween doesn't go out as much when it is cold or raining, but she watches the birds and squirrels carefully to make sure they don't come near our yard. Another day; another job to do. I can hardly wait to move.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
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Very young |
I didn't start "letting" her sleep in bed. Bob did. I was gone to a retreat and rather than listen to her yelp, he put her in bed with him to shut her up. Being the little "DIVA" she is, it quickly became HER bed and she lets me sleep there too.
She is my "undercover" doggy. She starts her "naps" in bed by tunneling under the covers. Actually, she digs "at" the covers and then looks at me. She has trained me to respond by lifting the covers for her to move under them. To get comfortable, she wiggles her way to the side and pushes her nose out. Sometimes, she pushes out to her chest and it looks like I covered her with the covers.
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Much more mature |
Annnnd, if that isn't pushy enough, she sleeps SIDEWAYS of the bed. That leaves me about 6-8 inches on which to sleep. I don't know about you, but my rear is large than that and I sometimes feel as if I'm fall off the side.
Mock tells me I have created this "monster." It's probably true. How can you say no to that face? I am such a "push over."
For Such a Time as This
Thirteen years ago, January 6, I had four front teeth pulled. The vivid image and circumstances that happened are burned into my memory as if it were yesterday. While I was "resting" after the surgery, a representative of the nursing home called and told me they "found" my dad when they took him his breakfast. In my groggy state of mind I could not process that information. I asked what she meant. Did he fall? Where did they 'find' my dad? Did I want her to call my mother?
I had been my dad's designated health care surrogate for some time. With that "title" also came responsibility. I had to make the decisions on any of his health care issues. Ultimately, I also had that responsibility for my mother also.
Thirty days later, with no front teeth, I stood before a ladies group for a one-day retreat. The emphasis for that retreat was Esther 4:13-14. Haman, an evil advisor to the king, wanted to get rid of the Jews. He tricked the king into making a degree that would have anyone killed that did not bow down to the king. Esther had been selected to be the queen and even though all rules applied to her, the king favored Esther to the extent that he even let her enter the throne room without him sending for her. (This was also punishable by death.)
She tried to talk Mordecai out of her going before the king "unannounced." He stood firm. She must go to persuade the king to reverse his decision. She reminded Mordecai that "just showing up" to see the king could mean death for her. He convinced her to go and with her "resounding" statement - "If I perish, I perish" she made herself physically presentable to the king.
I had been my dad's designated health care surrogate for some time. With that "title" also came responsibility. I had to make the decisions on any of his health care issues. Ultimately, I also had that responsibility for my mother also.
Thirty days later, with no front teeth, I stood before a ladies group for a one-day retreat. The emphasis for that retreat was Esther 4:13-14. Haman, an evil advisor to the king, wanted to get rid of the Jews. He tricked the king into making a degree that would have anyone killed that did not bow down to the king. Esther had been selected to be the queen and even though all rules applied to her, the king favored Esther to the extent that he even let her enter the throne room without him sending for her. (This was also punishable by death.)
She tried to talk Mordecai out of her going before the king "unannounced." He stood firm. She must go to persuade the king to reverse his decision. She reminded Mordecai that "just showing up" to see the king could mean death for her. He convinced her to go and with her "resounding" statement - "If I perish, I perish" she made herself physically presentable to the king.
Esther 4:13-14
King James Version (KJV)
13 Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews.
14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
God is not "surprised" by this world. He doesn't look to Earth and say, "Man. How did that happen?" During a quiet time this week, God reminded me that I also had come to Earth for "such a time as this." I must get beyond the chaos of co-ordinating the moving of 3 areas of "stuff," of health issues, of money issues or any other "swirling" area of my life, and get on with my tasks for Him. I am certainly here for "such a time as this."
14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?
God is not "surprised" by this world. He doesn't look to Earth and say, "Man. How did that happen?" During a quiet time this week, God reminded me that I also had come to Earth for "such a time as this." I must get beyond the chaos of co-ordinating the moving of 3 areas of "stuff," of health issues, of money issues or any other "swirling" area of my life, and get on with my tasks for Him. I am certainly here for "such a time as this."
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Closet Lady
On Tuesday, some friends are meeting me at Charles' apartment and they are going to try to finish his packing. Mary and Charles both have been putting things in boxes. He gave his notice of moving for Feb 28. He's moving a bed into my second bedroom and staying here until the house is finished. My lease was extended until March 31. My complex is much more flexible with my moving.
The front door and the garage door will be painted soon. It is exciting to see all the changes being done daily. This picture shows Ween being introduced to her new front yard. She also did a "nose and butt check" with her new next door doggy neighbor, Amy. Last time there was snarling and growling. This time, just sniffing.
The "closet" lady met me at the house to talk about designing the closets. Fat chance of me forgetting her name - Shiela. She, of course, spells it wrong, but I'll forgive her after she gets all the work finished.
The cleaning people arrived and were still working on the "preliminary" cleaning when we left. Stove isn't in; microwave, dishwasher, and lights have been installed. The washer and dryer, and the refrigerator were bought separately as the real estate company wanted entirely too much for their versions. Charles felt it was more productive to spend the money on other upgrades.

Charles, Holli and Julie chose some lovely colors - walls, floor tiles, granite tops, and back splash all look so nice. The granite tops are also IN the bathrooms. We have "toilets." (WAHOO.) Little by little it is coming together. The closing date hasn't been changed again so it looks like maybe March 7 WILL be the date.
God is so good. Ween and I are excited. Hard to tell with Charles.

The "closet" lady met me at the house to talk about designing the closets. Fat chance of me forgetting her name - Shiela. She, of course, spells it wrong, but I'll forgive her after she gets all the work finished.
The cleaning people arrived and were still working on the "preliminary" cleaning when we left. Stove isn't in; microwave, dishwasher, and lights have been installed. The washer and dryer, and the refrigerator were bought separately as the real estate company wanted entirely too much for their versions. Charles felt it was more productive to spend the money on other upgrades.

Charles, Holli and Julie chose some lovely colors - walls, floor tiles, granite tops, and back splash all look so nice. The granite tops are also IN the bathrooms. We have "toilets." (WAHOO.) Little by little it is coming together. The closing date hasn't been changed again so it looks like maybe March 7 WILL be the date.
God is so good. Ween and I are excited. Hard to tell with Charles.
Monday, February 11, 2013
Tomorrow is the last day of Mardi Gras. This is, in my opinion, just another day to "do all the sin and degradation" that can be done, and then repent the next day with "sackcloth and ashes."
As I can't usually eat a lot at one meal, consuming massive amounts of food and drink just isn't something I enjoy very much any more. To me the day means a lot more.
Symbolism of Fat Tuesday, to me, means I'm leaving the "worldly" things behind and entering a period of time that fasting and prayer replace. I know traditionally the Catholic or Orthodox Churches are the ones who actually use ashes on the forehead to indicate penance. I would like to attend a service in which I can participate and receive the "Ashes of Repentance." I haven't found one yet that will allow a "non" member of their church to participate. And, even if that doesn't happen, I will still observe the traditions of Ash Wednesday.
Someone just needs to see me and realize that I have "sacrificed" very little in my life. This is probably one of the reasons my "illnesses" have caught up with me, but I want to make Lenten Season especially important this year. I am beginning another era of my life - the move, the relationship, and the changes.
After all the chaos of moving three different locations and merging into one, I am "Waiting to Exhale" so to speak. For those who have not seen the movie, this is a period of time when everything eases, settles peacefully down to a rhythm or routine and life becomes enjoyable, maybe for the first time in your life. For me, it will be another feeling of rest. It seems as if I have held my breath for so long. Shabbat Shalom. Pray for peace.
As I can't usually eat a lot at one meal, consuming massive amounts of food and drink just isn't something I enjoy very much any more. To me the day means a lot more.
Symbolism of Fat Tuesday, to me, means I'm leaving the "worldly" things behind and entering a period of time that fasting and prayer replace. I know traditionally the Catholic or Orthodox Churches are the ones who actually use ashes on the forehead to indicate penance. I would like to attend a service in which I can participate and receive the "Ashes of Repentance." I haven't found one yet that will allow a "non" member of their church to participate. And, even if that doesn't happen, I will still observe the traditions of Ash Wednesday.
Someone just needs to see me and realize that I have "sacrificed" very little in my life. This is probably one of the reasons my "illnesses" have caught up with me, but I want to make Lenten Season especially important this year. I am beginning another era of my life - the move, the relationship, and the changes.
After all the chaos of moving three different locations and merging into one, I am "Waiting to Exhale" so to speak. For those who have not seen the movie, this is a period of time when everything eases, settles peacefully down to a rhythm or routine and life becomes enjoyable, maybe for the first time in your life. For me, it will be another feeling of rest. It seems as if I have held my breath for so long. Shabbat Shalom. Pray for peace.
Saturday, February 09, 2013
What can I do when Ween wakes me at 3:30 am and wants to go potty. Of course, I let her out. She comes back inside, jumps up on the bed, goes right back to "sleepy" and I'm wide awake. As I was trying to return to my blissful position in the bed, eyes wide shut, I started thinking.
Sometimes a dangerous thing for me, my mind "flits" from thing to thing reminding me of the canaries that I have previously mentioned. It finally rests on the term "LOVE." Why? Probably because I had some limited "written" exchange with Bob last night. I admit I initiated it. I was trying to find out about some groups that will soon be performing at Sea World and I wanted to see them. (That is a whole different issue.)
Getting back to love, my mind moved on to my money situation. How did that happen? Who knows. But my daily scripture today was "The love of money is the root of all evil." How appropriate for me. God has a way of doing that, doesn't He.
I don't think I LOVE MONEY. I KNOW I like what it can do, but have I reallllllllllly trusted God to "supply my needs" or have I been trying to juggle my finances myself? Well, we all know the answer to that. I have finally conceded to God I need help. Not just more money, but help in "massaging" the money I do get each month to use it properly. That is a big step for me. I'm waiting for Him to get back to me.
In the meantime, back to love. God showed me true love yesterday. A year after Tom died, I found a receipt somewhere in all his "paperwork" that had piled up on his home desk. The "receipt" was from a Jewelry store in Tarpon Springs. It did not indicated who had given it to Tom or how much it was worth. I believe it was dated around 1995 or 1996. He had kept it a long time, or maybe it got "conveniently" lost until I was meant to discover it.
Tarpon Springs is one of my favorite places to visit so I drove to the store and asked if the receipt was still valid. They assured me it was. I asked to see what I could get for the amount only they knew. It just said it was worth a gift at this store. I asked what I could get for the amount. They showed me a display of beautiful items. One "popped" out at me - a lovely pair of "Greek Key" earrings. I had to have them. And, that is how Tom gave me a pair of earrings for his first year anniversary in heaven. Naturally, these earrings mean so very much to me. When I wear them I think of him and smile.
Yesterday, I accidently dropped a portion of a towel in the toilet and lifted it out, wrapped it up and laid it on the area beside the sink to later wash it. When I was getting ready to wash it I "jerked" it off the sink and took it to the washer. When I returned to the bathroom, I saw ONE of my precious earrings on the floor, beside the tub. I was panicked when I couldn't find the other one. I shook the towel, got on my hands and knees, looked all around - even in my bedroom. NOTHING. I had a drs appt and had to leave. I would return to the search later.
When I got home, I began my search again. NOTHING. I cried out - "Oh dear God, if you love me at all, please don't let me lose this precious item. They mean so much to me." I knew God loved me. I have never doubted that but I was desperate.
The quiet, still voice inside my head said, "What about the garbage?" I don't know about you, but I DO NOT LIKE RUMMAGING THROUGH GARBAGE, even in the bathroom where it is relatively "clean." So I didn't. I kept "fruitlessly" going over and over all the items in the bathroom.
I cried out again, "Please don't do this to me. I really can't lose that earring." Again, the question - What about the garbage. As a last resort, I picked up the trash can and started switching the tissues, etc to the sink. There nestled within a tissue shining like I have never seen it, was that lost earring.
Does God love me? Of course He does. That has never been the question. The question is - Do I love Him enough to trust Him with all my life? I'm trying harder today to do just that.
Sometimes a dangerous thing for me, my mind "flits" from thing to thing reminding me of the canaries that I have previously mentioned. It finally rests on the term "LOVE." Why? Probably because I had some limited "written" exchange with Bob last night. I admit I initiated it. I was trying to find out about some groups that will soon be performing at Sea World and I wanted to see them. (That is a whole different issue.)
Getting back to love, my mind moved on to my money situation. How did that happen? Who knows. But my daily scripture today was "The love of money is the root of all evil." How appropriate for me. God has a way of doing that, doesn't He.
I don't think I LOVE MONEY. I KNOW I like what it can do, but have I reallllllllllly trusted God to "supply my needs" or have I been trying to juggle my finances myself? Well, we all know the answer to that. I have finally conceded to God I need help. Not just more money, but help in "massaging" the money I do get each month to use it properly. That is a big step for me. I'm waiting for Him to get back to me.
In the meantime, back to love. God showed me true love yesterday. A year after Tom died, I found a receipt somewhere in all his "paperwork" that had piled up on his home desk. The "receipt" was from a Jewelry store in Tarpon Springs. It did not indicated who had given it to Tom or how much it was worth. I believe it was dated around 1995 or 1996. He had kept it a long time, or maybe it got "conveniently" lost until I was meant to discover it.
Tarpon Springs is one of my favorite places to visit so I drove to the store and asked if the receipt was still valid. They assured me it was. I asked to see what I could get for the amount only they knew. It just said it was worth a gift at this store. I asked what I could get for the amount. They showed me a display of beautiful items. One "popped" out at me - a lovely pair of "Greek Key" earrings. I had to have them. And, that is how Tom gave me a pair of earrings for his first year anniversary in heaven. Naturally, these earrings mean so very much to me. When I wear them I think of him and smile.
Yesterday, I accidently dropped a portion of a towel in the toilet and lifted it out, wrapped it up and laid it on the area beside the sink to later wash it. When I was getting ready to wash it I "jerked" it off the sink and took it to the washer. When I returned to the bathroom, I saw ONE of my precious earrings on the floor, beside the tub. I was panicked when I couldn't find the other one. I shook the towel, got on my hands and knees, looked all around - even in my bedroom. NOTHING. I had a drs appt and had to leave. I would return to the search later.
When I got home, I began my search again. NOTHING. I cried out - "Oh dear God, if you love me at all, please don't let me lose this precious item. They mean so much to me." I knew God loved me. I have never doubted that but I was desperate.
The quiet, still voice inside my head said, "What about the garbage?" I don't know about you, but I DO NOT LIKE RUMMAGING THROUGH GARBAGE, even in the bathroom where it is relatively "clean." So I didn't. I kept "fruitlessly" going over and over all the items in the bathroom.
I cried out again, "Please don't do this to me. I really can't lose that earring." Again, the question - What about the garbage. As a last resort, I picked up the trash can and started switching the tissues, etc to the sink. There nestled within a tissue shining like I have never seen it, was that lost earring.
Does God love me? Of course He does. That has never been the question. The question is - Do I love Him enough to trust Him with all my life? I'm trying harder today to do just that.
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
It's a God Thring
When God makes things happen, it is so neat to me. I have always "valued" the teaching abilities of Joesph Stowell, former President of Moody College. I read his books. I try to hear him when I can. I had not thought about him probably since he left Moody, but his name came to mind Sunday evening and I decided to try to find him. It wasn't hard. He's still writing and working for The Lord.
His schedule listed him as conference speaker at the OMNI Hotel in Orlando, FL on February 6. Wow. I signed up for the evening meeting, hoping to be able to go. Unfortunately, I am not supposed to drive at night because of my vision problems. I knew I would have to have someone to take me. Mock is working. Charles called today and said he had to be at MK tomorrow at 4:00 am for a photo shoot, so he had to go to bed early. (In other words, he couldn't take me.). I was not able to go.
But God is so neat. Guess who was the guest speaker on Day of Discovery tonight. Yep, that's right - Joseph Stowell. Isn't God awesome. I couldn't go to Joe Stowell so God brought him to me. WOW! He must really love me.
His schedule listed him as conference speaker at the OMNI Hotel in Orlando, FL on February 6. Wow. I signed up for the evening meeting, hoping to be able to go. Unfortunately, I am not supposed to drive at night because of my vision problems. I knew I would have to have someone to take me. Mock is working. Charles called today and said he had to be at MK tomorrow at 4:00 am for a photo shoot, so he had to go to bed early. (In other words, he couldn't take me.). I was not able to go.
But God is so neat. Guess who was the guest speaker on Day of Discovery tonight. Yep, that's right - Joseph Stowell. Isn't God awesome. I couldn't go to Joe Stowell so God brought him to me. WOW! He must really love me.
Meeting my new neighbors was an event this am. Nauni and Celi, Mom and daughter; doggy Amy. Amy and Ween were not exactly "BFF" to start, but I'm sure they learn to love each other.
Nauni sounds like a great cook AND, she is a hairdresser. Can this be more perfect. Celi is in 5th grade and another daughter "Antoinella (sp) is about 1+. Seem like great people and I hope we will be good friends. Their house is to the right of ours.
We have paint. Nice. Grass and Shutters are coming tomorrow, per Ross (Contractor). Julie says signing date has been pushed back to March 7. Oh well. It is what it is.
The inside has been painted a "creme" color; about the color of the trim on the outside. Charles hasn't decided whether to repaint before we move in or not. Holli says they usually use cheap paint and that it would be a good idea to have it repainted. We'll see.
Ween found a "Weiner" window in our bedroom. She can jump up on the window sill and look out. Just her size. Probably need to put some sort of covering there; maybe slate or marble. Not a bad idea to add it to all the windows because they are low and once she knows she can "peep" she will do it all over, and scratched walls will not look nice.
I may try to go back out to the house tomorrow to see all the new installs. Nauni said she was there every day. I can't go EVERY day, but it's exciting to see when there are changes. I am so blessed.
Nauni sounds like a great cook AND, she is a hairdresser. Can this be more perfect. Celi is in 5th grade and another daughter "Antoinella (sp) is about 1+. Seem like great people and I hope we will be good friends. Their house is to the right of ours.

The inside has been painted a "creme" color; about the color of the trim on the outside. Charles hasn't decided whether to repaint before we move in or not. Holli says they usually use cheap paint and that it would be a good idea to have it repainted. We'll see.
Ween found a "Weiner" window in our bedroom. She can jump up on the window sill and look out. Just her size. Probably need to put some sort of covering there; maybe slate or marble. Not a bad idea to add it to all the windows because they are low and once she knows she can "peep" she will do it all over, and scratched walls will not look nice.
I may try to go back out to the house tomorrow to see all the new installs. Nauni said she was there every day. I can't go EVERY day, but it's exciting to see when there are changes. I am so blessed.
Saturday, February 02, 2013
A little "incident" Thursday sent me to my "wonderful" Dr Filart. He is so amazing (but that's another issue.) I kind of "fell" face down into the carpet. I have had some issues with vertigo, especially within the last two weeks. I had reached down to pick up Ween's food bowl and kept on going. I can't tell if I pass out or the equilibrium changes too rapidly. Anyway, the "magic wand" of the pacemaker checked all the info that was downloaded. It seems to be doing it's job, but needed to be "TWEAKED" a little. I don't think that is a "medical" term but the Tech Dr used the term.
It's amazing what that machine can do and what it tells the Dr. My meds were changed with the "tweak." I'm still having some vertigo, but it could be inner ear. I started taking Benedryl yesterday and if it isn't any better by Monday, I'll go see my allergist to have it checked. (I hate falling apart.)
Charles had to go to the house to measure for refrigerator and w/d so I went with him. Most doors have been hung, and baseboards installed. It's coming along. I'm just too anxious, I guess. He's getting those appliances separate because it was cheaper to do it that way. He has such a great mind for evaluating situations, and with the help of Julie and Holli, most everything has been considered. {I am so blessed.}
It's amazing what that machine can do and what it tells the Dr. My meds were changed with the "tweak." I'm still having some vertigo, but it could be inner ear. I started taking Benedryl yesterday and if it isn't any better by Monday, I'll go see my allergist to have it checked. (I hate falling apart.)
Charles had to go to the house to measure for refrigerator and w/d so I went with him. Most doors have been hung, and baseboards installed. It's coming along. I'm just too anxious, I guess. He's getting those appliances separate because it was cheaper to do it that way. He has such a great mind for evaluating situations, and with the help of Julie and Holli, most everything has been considered. {I am so blessed.}
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Canaries again
Our weather has been so "perfect" lately, I guess the canaries think it's spring again. It's amazing how they flit and soar. They don't seem to bother Ween, but let one squirrel run down the fence and she's a maniac. I don't think she could catch one, and I don't know what she would do IF she caught one, but she almost goes through the sliding glass door.
Took Mock to see the new house. He said he liked it. What could he say? It is going to be nice. I think this is one of the "waiting" times. It's seemingly finished up to a point, so I'm guessing they must be waiting for some sort of inspection.
It seems smaller than what I have now, so I don't know how much furniture I will be able to keep. We also have the Guest Room that needs some furniture. I think I might have to switch to a double bed instead of my queen. We'll see.
The extra room is about the same size, so we'll have to compromise what goes in there too.
Supposedly, when they reach this level, it's about 30 days until closing. I hope that is true. Charles has to contact the contractor and find out. No doors on garage or doorway into house from garage. They will have to be put on before any other inside items can be added.
(These pictures were taken BEFORE wall board was done. I couldn't remember where I had put them.)
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Inside framing |
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Kitchen, living room, dining room |
Supposedly, when they reach this level, it's about 30 days until closing. I hope that is true. Charles has to contact the contractor and find out. No doors on garage or doorway into house from garage. They will have to be put on before any other inside items can be added.
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Garage |
God has been so good to us. I SHOULD get my income tax money soon, so that will help me to be able to get things paid. I'm so excited to see what God is going to do next.
Sunday, January 27, 2013
House, etc.
Even after spending so much time on drapes yesterday, Holly went to the material store and saw another fabric she liked better. She is so unbelievably talented.
Please pray for Julie, my "adopted" daughter-in-law. He sister Lisa died last night. She was in the hospital earlier in the week with "gastritis's" supposedly. I don't know, but I'd want an autopsy if I were her family. They are not sure why she died.
On a lighter note, Ween went out today and didn't come back from her "Potty" break. I had to go find her and there she was-laying in the grass, just enjoying the wonderful sunshine. She will LOVE the new yard. I will love it too.
The weather here is so nice. This is why I live in Florida.
Please pray for Julie, my "adopted" daughter-in-law. He sister Lisa died last night. She was in the hospital earlier in the week with "gastritis's" supposedly. I don't know, but I'd want an autopsy if I were her family. They are not sure why she died.
On a lighter note, Ween went out today and didn't come back from her "Potty" break. I had to go find her and there she was-laying in the grass, just enjoying the wonderful sunshine. She will LOVE the new yard. I will love it too.
The weather here is so nice. This is why I live in Florida.
Saturday, January 26, 2013
House (coming along)
Having spent over 2 hours today at the house was exhausting for me. (I just watched and asked dumb questions.) I'm so glad Holly and Julie are in charge. I don't know enough to ask questions, or at least intelligent ones.
Here Holly is discussing what type of drapes we need for the living/dining/kitchen area. She was busy measuring in the model home.
The next picture is of the entrance and hallway from the inside. Holly recommends a small table and art work at the entrance.
We are blessed with pictures - Brett and Julie gave us 5 matted and framed "BEAUTIFUL" prints for Christmas. And, Charles' friend Nancy gave him 3 prints and we have some, so I think we're all set for wall hangings. Holly will look at everything and "know" where each should go. (She has such a gift.)
I can't say enough good things about Holly. She is "miraculous" and marvelous. And, with Julie's knowledge of the Real Estate business, we are so blessed. We couldn't afford their expertise. I'm so glad they are helping.
This picture doesn't show it, but we have a driveway and walkway into the house. I'll try to get another front view of the house and put it in a note.
My friend Vicki is doing so well. She just had the surgery on her lung. The Dr said he took a little more around the edge of the spot. He said now she is cancer free. He hasn't mentioned any kemo or radiation. It is truly all due to the prayers for her. GOD IS GOOD; ALL THE TIME.
I'm having some afib with my heart. I guess it's the excitement of moving. God has worked out so much. I couldn't even begin to write about all of it. I will continue to add information throughout my blogs. We are praising God for all of the wonderful things He's doing; even for the ones we DON'T know about.
The next picture is of the entrance and hallway from the inside. Holly recommends a small table and art work at the entrance.
We are blessed with pictures - Brett and Julie gave us 5 matted and framed "BEAUTIFUL" prints for Christmas. And, Charles' friend Nancy gave him 3 prints and we have some, so I think we're all set for wall hangings. Holly will look at everything and "know" where each should go. (She has such a gift.)
I can't say enough good things about Holly. She is "miraculous" and marvelous. And, with Julie's knowledge of the Real Estate business, we are so blessed. We couldn't afford their expertise. I'm so glad they are helping.
This picture doesn't show it, but we have a driveway and walkway into the house. I'll try to get another front view of the house and put it in a note.
My friend Vicki is doing so well. She just had the surgery on her lung. The Dr said he took a little more around the edge of the spot. He said now she is cancer free. He hasn't mentioned any kemo or radiation. It is truly all due to the prayers for her. GOD IS GOOD; ALL THE TIME.
I'm having some afib with my heart. I guess it's the excitement of moving. God has worked out so much. I couldn't even begin to write about all of it. I will continue to add information throughout my blogs. We are praising God for all of the wonderful things He's doing; even for the ones we DON'T know about.
Sunday, January 13, 2013
House Focus
Ween and I visited the house today. We're so excited. The studs are in but no walls have been started. The shingles have been stacked on the roof and the house IS progressing, so we will see how fast they can finish.
Picture of the back of the house looks interesting too. The "three windows" are the living room, kitchen area, and the two are Charles' bedroom. I can hardly wait for all the work to be done.
Kelly is doing a great job of coordinating everything. I don't know what we would have done without her. I know what I like, but I certainly don't know how to put it together. I'm glad someone has a sense of style.
One of my "smoke alarms" is beeping and it is after 6 on a Sunday evening. I can't get anyone to change it this late. I DID send an email to Mock. Hopefully he can come over tonight after work and "disconnect or change the battery. Ween is "hiding" in my closet. It hurts her ears too.
Every day is a new adventure. Every week a new road in my life. It's interesting.
Picture of the back of the house looks interesting too. The "three windows" are the living room, kitchen area, and the two are Charles' bedroom. I can hardly wait for all the work to be done.
Kelly is doing a great job of coordinating everything. I don't know what we would have done without her. I know what I like, but I certainly don't know how to put it together. I'm glad someone has a sense of style.
One of my "smoke alarms" is beeping and it is after 6 on a Sunday evening. I can't get anyone to change it this late. I DID send an email to Mock. Hopefully he can come over tonight after work and "disconnect or change the battery. Ween is "hiding" in my closet. It hurts her ears too.
Every day is a new adventure. Every week a new road in my life. It's interesting.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Living in Florida
Eighty-degree weather in January is only one of the reasons I live in Florida. Even though it's beautiful here now, I absolutely hate leaving my apartment. I use to be on the go almost 24/7, but not any more.
This week has been unusually busy. Two doctors appointments - one good and one not so much. Dr Bourne was okay with my blood work. Thyroid needs just a little "tweaking" for now. Modifying meds a tiny bit will help. Dr LeFrans' visit not so good. Blood clotting too low - 1.7. Needs to be at least 2. Pacemaker reading shows too much stress on my heart that is why I'm getting some Afib even with pacemaker. The difference is that the pacemaker slows it down to normal when that happens. I am thankful for that.
Charles left for a WDW cruise with friends; Barb is to be in Florida soon. She just text. Her flight has been delayed, so she's not sure when she will be here. She is also going on a cruise - Sunday to Sunday. I hope to see her when she comes back.

The house is coming along. We're to do some sort of inspection on Monday or Tuesday. I want to write scriptures on the inside of the walls. We did that for Metro Church when it was being rebuilt. I like the idea and I asked Charles and Julie to help me.
I have to pick up 2 Rx at Target, plus a few groceries and I'll be done for the week, I think.
Just another beautiful day in paradise.
This week has been unusually busy. Two doctors appointments - one good and one not so much. Dr Bourne was okay with my blood work. Thyroid needs just a little "tweaking" for now. Modifying meds a tiny bit will help. Dr LeFrans' visit not so good. Blood clotting too low - 1.7. Needs to be at least 2. Pacemaker reading shows too much stress on my heart that is why I'm getting some Afib even with pacemaker. The difference is that the pacemaker slows it down to normal when that happens. I am thankful for that.
Charles left for a WDW cruise with friends; Barb is to be in Florida soon. She just text. Her flight has been delayed, so she's not sure when she will be here. She is also going on a cruise - Sunday to Sunday. I hope to see her when she comes back.

The house is coming along. We're to do some sort of inspection on Monday or Tuesday. I want to write scriptures on the inside of the walls. We did that for Metro Church when it was being rebuilt. I like the idea and I asked Charles and Julie to help me.
I have to pick up 2 Rx at Target, plus a few groceries and I'll be done for the week, I think.
Just another beautiful day in paradise.
Thursday, January 03, 2013
Ordinal, Cardinal or Catholic
As you can see, there are so many uses of the word Cardinal. I was amazed this morning to see this vibrant, "fire engine" red, living creature on the fence outside my apartment. He was beyond BEAUTIFUL.
He quickly caught my eye, as he would with anyone. He stretched to his highest point he could reach, and then settled back down. Beside him, for males are the most beautiful, was a drab, brownish red, smaller female. Nothing notable about her except she was with him. Her intense stare was seemingly ignored by the "beautiful one." He stayed for only a moment, but his presence was intense. Even Ween stared at him. As he left his make-shift perch, she followed silently.
- Cardinal (bird) or Cardinalidae, a family of North and South American birds
- Paroaria, a South American genus of birds
- Argynnis pandora, a species of butterfly
- Cardinal tetra, a freshwater fish
- Cardinal (Catholicism), a senior official of the Catholic Church
- Cardinal (Church of England)
- Cardinal (album), a 1994 album by indie pop duo, Cardinal
- The Cardinals, a 1950s R&B group
- The Cardinals (rock band), a group formed in 2003
- The Cardinal (play), a Caroline era tragedy by James Shirley
- The Cardinal (1936 film), a British historical drama
- The Cardinal, a 1963 American film
- Cardinal (film), a 2001 American film directed by Michael Harring
- Cardinal, Ontario, Canada
- Cardinal, Virginia
[edit]Navigation and transport
- Cardinal (train)
- The Cardinal (railcar)
- Cardinal mark, a sea mark used in navigation
- Cardinal direction, the four primary directions N, S, E, and W
- Cessna 177 Cardinal, a single engine aircraft
- St. Louis Cardinal C-2-110, a light aircraft built in 1928
- Cardinal Brewery, a brewery founded in 1788 by François Piller, located in Fribourg, Switzerland
- Cardinal Health, a health care services company
- Cardinal High School (Middlefield, Ohio), a public high school in Middlefield, Ohio, Geauga County, United States
- Arizona Cardinals, an American professional football team
- Assindia Cardinals, an American football club from Essen, Germany
- Ball State Cardinals, the athletic teams of Ball State University
- Cardenales de Lara, a Venezuelan baseball team
- Catholic University Cardinals, the athletic teams of the Catholic University of America
- Lamar Cardinals, the athletic teams of Lamar University in Beaumont, Texas, USA
- Louisville Cardinals, the athletic teams of University of Louisville
- Mapúa Cardinals, the athletic teams of Mapúa Institute of Technology
- St. Louis Cardinals, an American professional baseball team
- Stanford Cardinal, the athletic teams of Stanford University
- Wesleyan Cardinals, the athletic teams of Wesleyan University
- West Perth Football Club, an Australian rules football club in Western Australia
- Woking F.C., an English association football team
- Cardinal (name)
- Cardinal (color), a vivid red
- Cardinal (grape), a table grape first produced in California in 1939
- Cardinal number, a concept in mathematics
As you can see, there are so many uses of the word Cardinal. I was amazed this morning to see this vibrant, "fire engine" red, living creature on the fence outside my apartment. He was beyond BEAUTIFUL.
He quickly caught my eye, as he would with anyone. He stretched to his highest point he could reach, and then settled back down. Beside him, for males are the most beautiful, was a drab, brownish red, smaller female. Nothing notable about her except she was with him. Her intense stare was seemingly ignored by the "beautiful one." He stayed for only a moment, but his presence was intense. Even Ween stared at him. As he left his make-shift perch, she followed silently.
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