Nauni sounds like a great cook AND, she is a hairdresser. Can this be more perfect. Celi is in 5th grade and another daughter "Antoinella (sp) is about 1+. Seem like great people and I hope we will be good friends. Their house is to the right of ours.

The inside has been painted a "creme" color; about the color of the trim on the outside. Charles hasn't decided whether to repaint before we move in or not. Holli says they usually use cheap paint and that it would be a good idea to have it repainted. We'll see.
Ween found a "Weiner" window in our bedroom. She can jump up on the window sill and look out. Just her size. Probably need to put some sort of covering there; maybe slate or marble. Not a bad idea to add it to all the windows because they are low and once she knows she can "peep" she will do it all over, and scratched walls will not look nice.
I may try to go back out to the house tomorrow to see all the new installs. Nauni said she was there every day. I can't go EVERY day, but it's exciting to see when there are changes. I am so blessed.
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