Saturday, May 31, 2008


One of the many perks of where I spend at least 4 out of 7 days, is that we are allowed to go "backstage" where many guests cannot go. One such trip was last Saturday. For our team builder, we toured one of the "fireworks" exhibitions backstage. Ordinarily, we are not allowed to take pictures backstage. But, our guide actually encouraged us to do so. Here is one taken on the top (mountain) of the exhibition. This was taken with my camera phone. (Aren't they great)

This week has been, on an emotional chart, an example of a grid that has spiked and sank all week long. We had a wonderful team builder at work. I had some very dear and close friends come to visit this area. Unfortunately, I was working and didn't get to spend much time with them, but they used to live here and can get around quite well by themselves. (Lucky for them) It is always great to see them and there is NEVER enough time to spend with them.

Another set of friends, not so close, lost their 5 year old daughter when she was backed over with their car by the older son. We just received an email from another sweet, loving family that is really dear to us and the husband is losing the functioning of parts of his heart. He had been on an experimental medication but had to quit taking it because it was making him nauseated. He is only in his 30s with a young 3-year old daughter who might never realize how much her earthly father loves her.

Sometimes I say to God, "Father. I really don't understand Your thinking. I can't even imagine why these horrible things are happening to such wonderful people, but I have to believe You are in control and I bend to Your understanding. That sounds like a "Cop Out." It's not. I have learned the hard way, sad to say, after struggling with many decisions and life experiences.

One of my "lean on" scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11-13 - "I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper and for good. If you will seek me with your whole heart." That is where I am right now.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

What do you say?

On Friday, we received word that the youngest daughter of a friend of ours was killed when her older brother backed out of their driveway. How do we comprehend this? We can't! Even with all the death that has transpired within my life in the last 8 years, I haven't any words to relate to how they must feel. This is when I say, "God. I just don't understand this."

They live in Nashville and we are not able to reach them at this time, but we can pray. Pray that God holds them tightly in His arms. Pray that God helps them to hold on. Pray that God reminds them that He is still in control. And, pray that He helps them to "do the next thing." That was what He told me when my husband died. "Don't try to look ahead to what you are to do, or try to figure out your life, or make any major decisions. Just do "The next thing." Some times that is just to breathe.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Old or Former Friends?

Every single day I interact with approximately 300 people. I love that aspect of my job. Occasionally, I even see people I know or have known some time during my life. This week was one of those times.

I was going to survey a couple standing in the shade. It's very warm here already, but I thought they looked familiar. The man was wearing a WV hat and shirt. I asked him if he was from Morgantown-home of West Virginia University. He said no he lived in a little town near Charleston. "Really" I said. "So what's the name of this little town." "You wouldn't know it." "Okay, but try me." It's called Belle, West Virginia." "No Way!" was my answer. He looked at me confused. I used to live in Belle ( I don't tell everyone that info) and went to DuPont High School. So I started to ask him another question, and his wife called me by my "maiden" name. And, her voice and demeanor allowed her maiden name just "JUMP" into my mouth. "Name Right?" (Remember I'm not using personal names any more) She shook her head yes. Wow! It really "IS" a small world.

This person is ABSOLUTELY the very last person I would have expected to see at our type of park. She was never one for "having fun" and apparently she still isn't. She said probably 3 words to me the 20 or so minutes I was standing there. Her husband, on the other hand, was very polite and started through the list of people that we both had once known. Most of them are either dead or in an assisted living place or maybe close to both at the same time. I'm not one to "reminisce" about old times that were not particularly that eventful or worth remembering, so I'm not really listening to all he is saying, but the look on her face was the very same one I remember as a child. "Condescending, snobby, almost even "bored out of her gourd" look.

Is this look supposed to convey something or she is just constipated, who knows, but it was so her. It could also be the fact that we constantly made fun of her as a child, or she never was very intelligent and I just can't handle stupid, I don't know. I just thought it was very "interesting" to see these people again, and they really hadn't changed much. Too bad. Life is too short to not enjoy your life.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Macho or Wimp?

There are only 2 types of men in this world-"Mr Macho" or "Mr. Wimpy", and some times they are both at the same time especially if they are sick.

As most everyone knows, Bob has just had major surgery. That in itself has proven to be a real challenge. I had to go back to work, or kill him. I thought it might be better on me to go back to work. I'm not sure yet if I chose wisely. I may still have to kill him. Why you ask?

He has had blood in his urine and one of his incisions is also seeping blood. Normally, this would be cause for concern, right? Not necessarily for Bob. In fact, he was a little upset with me for calling his Dr. After returning my call, the Dr said he needed to see Bob. I left work, raced home to take him and he wasn't sure it was such a good idea. After some "persuading" we went to the Dr and Bob has a urinary infection and needed some special care of his incision.

"So, in other words" I said to the Dr, "It was a good idea for us to come see you?" "Absolutely" was his answer. I turned and looked at Bob with that "See. I told you so" look that he really didn't want to see. Bottom line-He needs to take it easy.

Sometimes he doesn't think I know what I'm talking about. Little does he know - I'm the PRINCESS OF SURGERY. I only have necessary parts left and I should know all about taking care of yourself afterward. And now, do you think he will listen to what I have to say? Yeah. Sure. And if you believe that, I have some swamp land in South Florida for sale.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT-That is usually the question

There is this "old-fashioned" drive-in that Bob and I have talked about trying for some time. This week seemed like the right time. It was one of our favorite places when we were younger, we both agreed. And, we hadn't been able to understand why it wasn't crowded like we remembered. We found out.

I have reverted to my old adage - "It seemed like a good idea at the time." If there is one thing that really upsets me it is poor service. It is like being rude; there is no excuse for it. Our "waitress" was obviously either on drugs; needed drugs; or, just didn't care about how her attitude came across to us (the customer).

I ordered 2 #5s with 2 diet cokes (foot long hot dogs with chili, cheese, and onions, with fries). Seems pretty straightforward, right? Wrong!!! We got 3 hot dogs-not foot long; no fries and 2 drinks. I told her, "I only ordered 2 foot long hot dogs." "Oh." And she left. She came back with 2 foot longs; no fries, I reminded her that we also got fries with our order. "Oh." She left again. She came back with the fries and I thought everything was okay until Bob discovered that the drinks were root beers. (I ABSOLUTELY HATE ROOT BEER!!!) By this time, I was really upset but remained calm, and called her again. "We ordered diet cokes, and we got root beer. Could we have this changed?" Once again, "Oh." The hot dogs were mediocre, fries were cold, but the drinks had ice, when we finally got them.

Yesterday was better, but still not on target. At least the waiter was better. He just picked up the wrong order and delivered it to us. Not too bad, considering. And today, we actually got the food we ordered AND the person taking our order was pleasant. (We walked up to the counter and ordered) So, maybe by tomorrow we can go back to a restaurant, sit down and actually get what we ordered from a person with a half-way decent attitude. I really don't think that is too much to ask, do you?