Monday, August 27, 2012


Central Florida is well.  We are getting some much needed rain.  So far not much wind. South FL and NW panhandle are getting a rougher version than we are at this time.  God is good and in Control.

Charles has decided to build.  He and Julie have been SEARCHING and getting paperwork in place and have narrowed it down to two versions.  Both are beautiful.  We would be so fortunate to live in either.  The only problem is it will take 5-6 months but anything that is worth having sometimes takes longer than expected.  Ween and I are excited.  We will try to take pictures along in the process after all is settled.

Surgery still scheduled for September 6-10. Going in on Thurs, and having the surgery on Friday.  I will be at ORMC in Orlando.  AKA Arnold Palmer Hospital. (Orlando Regional Medical Center).  Great hospital. We expect no hiccups. Either way it is a WIN/WIN situation.  I'll try to keep everyone informed.

FYI - The company building the house is RYLAND.  The two versions are the Clearwater and Boca Raton, if you would like to check them out.

Thanks for your prayers.  Keep the faith.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Careful What You Say

Why do I always open my mouth and say stupid things like - "I haven't had many Drs. appts this week or last week."  Obviously, God thought I needed Him to show me He is still in control.  I had two appointments yesterday and two today-all unexpected

I had to see my regular PA-Tania on the 14th, which was last week.  She decided I needed to see an endocrinologist.  My thyroid has never been stabilized, since first discovering it wasn't working over twenty years ago. Tania has only been seeing me for about 6 years, and she is concerned so I went to see Dr Bourne.  My appointment was yesterday and Dr Bourne ordered a Sonogram of the thyroid (I didn't know it was pregnant) and more blood work.  I had the sonogram yesterday; blood work today.  I also went to my allergist today.  I talked with two more Drs. offices today. I believe I have done my share of supporting the AMA this week.

Unless something crazy happens, I only have two appointments next week.  I also stop my Coumadin 5 days before surgery (Saturday) and proceed with shots for several days.  Then, the surgery.

I haven't figured out what to do with Ween. Mock moved out today (surprise.) I didn't expect him to move until the 30. I'll need to find someone to take care of Wiener while I'm in the hospital. I'm also moving, but not sure where or when.  I was hoping Charles and I would be in a house by now, but...  My life is always "interesting, if not enjoyable."

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Doctors, who knew.

Having only one appointment in three weeks is something of a miracle with me. It is always good to see Tania.  I had lost 6 pounds, blood pressure 120/80, ptnr (or whatever letters it is) was 2.3, which is great, but my thyroid is still out of whack.  She's concerned that it hasn't stabilized in the 5 or 6 years she has known me.  I have news for her - it has NEVER stabilized since I started taking Synthroid, which is 15 or 20 years.

Tania is sending me to an Endocrinologist for more testing.  It's a shame that Drs are still "PRACTICING" medicine and have nothing else to do but use me as a guinea pig.  Soooooo, I have another appointment for another doctor for more testing.  I go Monday to see her and, well, here we go again.

My concerns are more intense for Bret and Julie.  Our church is really going through "IT" now.  The new pastor left after only 6 weeks, the teen director was fired, and now, after voicing his concerns, I believe Bret was also fired. He won't talk about it, but he is very angry.  He has given his all to this church for 16 years, and now what?  I don't know what to tell him except GOD IS GOOD, ALL THE TIME.  I have been holding on to that for years.  I can't turn loose of it.  And, I know he knows that too.

We will all make it.  God has promised.

Lessons Ween has taught me

1.  Hugs are necessary.

2.  I still love you, even though...

3.  Hugs are necessary.

4.  Food is good, whenever it is available.

5.  Hugs are necessary.

6.  Mistakes can be forgiven.

7.  Hugs are necessary.

8.  Visitors are here to see me.

9.  Hugs are necessary.

10. Hug someone you know today.

Saturday, August 04, 2012


Being with relatives can sometimes be taxing, especially if you have nothing in common.  Not true this week.  My nephew, his wife, and family, and his sister were here all week.  Wow.  They are the sweetest people and I enjoy them so much.  I wish they lived closer so we could get together more.  Their oldest son just graduated from high school and the next son will be a senior this year.  They will soon have two college men in the family.  (That can be very expensive)  They like to joke about getting rid of him, but I know they will miss him so much.  They have a daughter that is going into 7th grade and an eight year old son. Both are so personable and easy to love.

We had dinner the other evening at Rainforest Cafe at DTD.  That is a very noisy place, but the food was good and we enjoyed just being with them. Laughter is such a great commodity.  And, when we get together we have so much to catch up on and to laugh at that it is such a joy when they are here.

His sister seemed to enjoy being here too.  She took advantage of the lower tax amount here and bought some thing she had been saving to buy.  I got to spend some time with her, even though I tire easily.  I hate that part of my condition and hope it changes soon.

Ween saw her eating a yogurt this am and thought she would get some of it. I warned her that Ween thought everyone fed her like I did.  You have to tell Ween  NO! IT'S MINE.  Otherwise, she thinks everything is for her.  She did get to lick the container.  That's almost good enough for her.  Sometimes I think its just acknowledging her being there.  Sometimes, she's just being plain spoiled.  Usually the later.