Monday, November 24, 2008


As you know, I have just changed jobs within the company where I work. Finishing 4 weeks of training with each week completed at different times of the day so my body is trying to adjust to my new time schedule which is 8-4:30. This is supposed to last through December. I asked for an earlier shift so I can do more candlelight performances, but I haven't heard anything about that. Right now, I'll probably be singing only on days off-Mon/Tues. So I have a similar schedule to my former position, only 5 work days instead of 4 ten hour shifts.

I worked on Sunday with the trainers beside us. I only hung up on 5 people, and sent some guest calls to the wrong place; all in all a good day for me. Wednesday I go back on the floor by myself with no trainer.

Everyone is so helpful and patient. I have really appreciated the encouragement from everyone, but we'll see.

We really talk with "interesting" people during the day. I am amazed at the questions people ask. Working in one of the parks, guests usually ask about that park. In the new position, they can ask any sort of question from A-Z and we are supposed to have the answer. Yes. It is positively time for me to write that book.

Friday, November 07, 2008


Changing workplaces is, at best, challenging. I had been in my previous department for over 3 years and, yes, I admit, I felt "comfortable" completing each day. And, there is a certain "safety net" with what you know, but it also can become boring and I become "stale" and lax when I don't have anything new to learn. I also have a tendency, as my family would say, to become "whiny" when I don't like the way things are done.

Yes. I have changed departments. I thought I would probably know about 80-90% of what I was going to learn. HA! I say "DOUBLE HA!" I am guessing that I knew "Maybe" 2% of what I need to know for this position. (That may be rating my knowledge too high) But I have met some new people in the transition.

Two are a little older than me and the other three are younger. (Ah, youth) I think being younger these days is a lot harder than when I was a young wife and mother. Maybe I had more help; maybe I just didn't notice it at the time.

All three younger colleagues have young children ranging from 8 to 2. One mother even works 2 jobs. I see how tired they are and I wish I could help alleviate their weariness. I hear all they have to do and it makes me tired thinking about it. Could I "juggle" all the "balls of responsibility" they have each day? I'm not sure. One thing I do know - They work hard just to keep their financial "heads" above water. They are more than brave. They are the true heroes of our country. But I have no doubt they will make it! They are strong and determined, and they love their children more than themselves. Yes. They will make it.