Friday, March 26, 2010

Across the Pond

My friend, Meg, is in the great state of Florida from across the pond, as she likes to state.  She's been here since March 8 and I haven't seen her yet.  She's leaving April 5.  Short trip.  I just tonight talked with her asking  "IF" she was gracing me with her presence.  Although she waves like QE, she isn't quite that snobby but her reply "If you're lucky" which is a typical response from her.

She calls her husband, Harry, TFB (aka The Filthy Beast.)  It was a name we gave him some time ago for reasons I'll save for another time.  We use it "lovingly" and with his dry sense of humor he responds much as he does with everything.  I love the English.  They were always my favorite people to survey and to work with while at my last job.  She would fight to the death denying she's English of course, just the same, Scotland is still part of the United Kingdom even though no one over there wants to admit it.

I can't believe it's been so long.  Her grandson, Bailey, is 6 now and he was just born the last time she was here, or at least the last time I've seen or talked with her.  We "hit it off" from the time we met; just one of those relationships.  We were both teachers; retiring about the same time from teaching for some of the same reasons.  We had been married about the same amt of time.  We both had 2 (natural) children.  And, we both had/have about the same type of humor, or lack thereof.  We had joined a water aerobics class in the "sparkling" town of Hudson, Florida and neither one of us knew what we were doing.  We quickly learned, neither did many of the other women that were in the class.  That was the year my mother moved in with us and we had the house remodeled.  We spent the summer in someone's house in Hudson to allow the "construction/destruction" to be completed.  Interesting how life turns and twists, isn't it?

We've made a "tentative" meeting for Monday at one of the parks.  I really hope that happens.  I even got my Scottish/English dictionary out and have been studying.  [I must quit for a time to go to the loo.]  It wouldn't be wise to take the computer into an area with that much water.  I know the phone doesn't work well submerged.  (Don't ask)  I'm thinking the computer probably won't either.  Stayed tuned for the ongoing saga of Adventures across the Pond or See Meg swim.  Swim Meg Swim.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How spoiled is too spoiled?

Watching the tv program "All Creatures Great and Small", filmed in the UK, I loved the individual characters and how they interacted with each other.

The time frame was just before WWII.  There were two vets Siegfried Farnon and the main character Dr. James Herriot.  The older vet had a brother, Tristan, who eventually became a vet also. But, one of my favorite characters was this extremely rich woman, Mrs. Pumphrey, who called Dr Herriot, Uncle Herriot, to her dog-Tricky Woo. The dog was a hand fed, overweight, creature with a poor digestive system, and could not exercise because of the weight problem. He mostly sat on a cushion beside Mrs. Pumphrey.

That dog was probably the most spoiled animal in the history known to mankind. I hate to say that Wiener is second to any other animal, but she is second ONLY to that little fluffball.

Wiener sleeps on her own pillow, or one of mine, whichever she prefers; in my queen-sized bed which isn't big enough sometimes according to her. She eats organic food, which helps to keep her stomach from being upset; not to mention prime rib, chicken and other "carnivorous type" items that are left over from my dinner.  (We've stopped the bagels and cream cheese - too many calories.  We're dieting.)

She does "circles" when she needs to go out.  After climbing up on the couch, she flops down on her back, with her legs up in the air, and demands constant "belly rubs" along with many back scratches and nose rubs. (I have no idea what she did when I was working.  It must have really been rough on her.)

As a saying from an old cartoon says, "He's Crabby Appleton - rotten to the core." She's not usually crabby, but definitely pushy and even more so "rotten to the core."

Yes.  In the dictionary beside the word 'spoiled' is a picture of Wiener, but she also serves a function in this family.  She is by my side most of the day; keeps me company and empathizes with me when I don't feel well.  My type of friend.  It's kind of neat having someone who really understands me. I am so misunderstood, and obviously very well trained.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Ides of March

The Ides of March (LatinIdus Martias) is the name of March 15 in the Roman calendar. The term ides was used for the 15th day of the months of MarchMayJuly, and October. The Ides of March was a festive day dedicated to the god Mars and a military parade was usually held. In modern times, the term Ides of March is best known as the date that Julius Caesar was killed in 709 AUC or 44 B.C.
In William Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar, Caesar is warned to "beware the Ides of March."
Checking some of my journals, this time of the year, seems to be more "mopey" or even "indecisive" for me. That's the only way I can describe it.  Being in therapy, I can usually recognize the warnings, but sometimes they slip up on me and I get "down" before I can realize it.
Melodie Beattie's book "The Language of Letting Go", is so much a part of me that I could be the post child for it if she needs one. Today she says, "Sometimes the way is not clear. Our minds get clouded, confused. We aren't certain what our next step should be, what it will look like, what direction we are headed. That is the time to stop, ask for guidance, and then rest. That is the time to let go of fear. Feel the confusion and chaos, and let it go. The path will show itself. The next next step shall be revealed. We don't have to know now. We will know in time. Trust that. Let go and trust."
Wow.  That is so me lately.  When I moved to FL, almost 40 years ago, there were very few days throughout the year that were NOT sunny.  In fact, The St Pete Times had an offer that if the sun failed to shine some time during the day, the paper was free.  
As most everyone knows, we have had a dreary winter.  Maybe that is one of the reasons for my funk.  I'm not working outside the apt, which I have done most of my life.  That could also contribute.  In addition, I'm awaiting testing, cleaning out closets, readjusting my lifestyle.  And, it's raining most of the day today.  It probably isn't any ONE reason.  At least for today, I will practice waiting, trusting and resting.  So simple. Who knew?

Friday, March 05, 2010


Procrastination is something I have always been able to master.  In fact, if degrees were given out I would probably have a PhD.  True to my "crab" personality, I retreat when overwhelmed, try to regroup, and then return.  In actuality, I am just avoiding the issue.

Right now I have piles of paperwork.  There is so much, I am depressed just looking at it.  I know I need to do it, but I don't want to.  This is an extremely dangerous cycle to continue.  Some of the paperwork is time sensitive.  I could have already missed some deadlines; even that doesn't both me. 

What to do; what to do.  I need a wife to take care of all this junk for me.  Cats have the right idea.  Nap now; search for food later.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

To Sign or Not to Sign

Once a year, just like clockwork, our lease expires.  I have lived in this complex almost 5 years, 2 with the "person I can't mention" and almost 3 with Bob.  Ordinarily, we have been given 2 months free rent to renew our lease.  This year they have decided to only give us one month.  I am NOT a happy camper, to say the least.

I have contacted several "Managers" up the food chain and they are not budging.  If I was feeling better, I would move.  Right now, I can't physically manage it and Bob doesn't want to do so.  So, at least for this year, I guess we're stuck here.

It's not that I am dissatisfied with the apartment complex.  It's okay.  They are very quick to do repairs and they have always maintained the grounds.  I just feel it is unfair for some tenants to get 2-months free rent, and some are not privileged to that option.  According to "one of the mgrs," the promotions are done due to accessibility of apartments.

You don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how many empty apartments there are on this property and know they have to be hurting for tenants.  How can all the 2-bedroom, 2-bath apartments be full and the promotion only extended to two bedroom tenants.  According to everyone I've talked with if we MOVED to a one bedroom, or a three bedroom we could get two free months.  AND, the three bedroom apartments are cheaper than the one we're renting now.

I really don't understand all the logic or lack of, from what they are saying but I will certainly think long and hard before I renew again.  Maybe by then, we can afford a house.  Who knows.  I wonder if "Ween" has thought about modeling.