Wednesday, February 20, 2013

For Such a Time as This

Thirteen years ago,  January 6, I had four front teeth pulled. The vivid image and circumstances that happened are burned into my memory as if it were yesterday.  While I was "resting" after the surgery, a representative of the nursing home called and told me they "found" my dad when they took him his breakfast.  In my groggy state of mind I could not process that information.  I asked what she meant.  Did he fall?  Where did they 'find' my dad?  Did I want her to call my mother?  

I had been my dad's designated health care surrogate for some time.  With that "title" also came responsibility.  I had to make the decisions on any of his health care issues. Ultimately, I also had that responsibility for my mother also.  

Thirty days later, with no front teeth, I stood before a ladies group for a one-day retreat. The emphasis for that retreat was Esther 4:13-14. Haman, an evil advisor to the king, wanted to get rid of the Jews. He tricked the king into making a degree that would have anyone killed that did not bow down to the king. Esther had been selected to be the queen and even though all rules applied to her, the king favored Esther to the extent that he even let her enter the throne room without him sending for her.  (This was also punishable by death.) 

She tried to talk Mordecai out of her going before the king "unannounced." He stood firm.  She must go to persuade the king to reverse his decision.  She reminded Mordecai that "just showing up" to see the king could mean death for her.  He convinced her to go and with her "resounding" statement - "If I perish, I perish" she made herself physically presentable to the king.  

Esther 4:13-14

King James Version (KJV)
13 Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king's house, more than all the Jews.
14 For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall their enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father's house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

God is not "surprised" by this world. He doesn't look to Earth and say, "Man.  How did that happen?" During a quiet time this week, God reminded me that I also had come to Earth for "such a time as this."  I must get beyond the chaos of co-ordinating the moving of 3 areas of "stuff," of health issues, of money issues or any other "swirling" area of my life, and get on with my tasks for Him.  I am certainly here for "such a time as this."

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