Saturday, December 28, 2013

Almost a New Year

Expectations change from time to time for me.  I try NOT to plan ahead as it's sometimes disappointing, not to mention too many changes to make that it can get confusing.

I was hoping for a new iPad for Christmas but I got an even better surprise as I got the face of mine replaced. All my previous programs and pictures, etc were still right where I left them, even Netflix. I am soooo excited to have it back. It's much easier for me to use. My phone has all the programs and pictures, but it is so small it's hard to use.

I absolutely love my iPad.  I can use the keyboard and increase the size of the letters to read it better.  I can even have it read to me.  As my vision deminishes, this will be even more invaluable.  God is good.

I got so many nice presents for Christmas, much more than I deserve.  Charles got me a set of crock pots that I wanted.  I fixed pintos, green beans,and mac\cheese for lunch on Christmas.  Awesome and easy.  I have wanted a crock pot for a long time.  So much easier.  And, several vases, goodies to eat and lots more. I am so blessed.

For New Years, mmmmm, don't know exactly.  I know I'll be home because I hate to go out at this time, so that's probably all I'll do. I'll probably just go to bed.  And, that's okay.  In fact, I'm thankful for our home and that I have a place to sleep each night. So, I'll say a prayer of thanks and Ween and I will call it a night.  She likes to go to bed around 8.  Perfect.

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