Monday, July 08, 2013


Unless you have visited one of our finer facilities, you have NOT seen the more interesting areas of Orlando.  I just spent 8 1/2 hours in Sand Lake Hospital ER.It wasn't my intent yesterday, but due to my diverticulitis, I'm spending a night here also.  Again, not my idea of a "FUN" time.

I don't think I've been so sick in a VERY long time.  I was up and down so much last night that I finally got an extremely disgusting look from Ween. She does not like her night's sleep disturbed.  She was very sympathetic though when I started throwing up.

I'm on strong antibiotics, per Dr's orders, and IVs around the clock.  They are talking about me not leaving until Wednesday.  I have things to do. I have places to go. This is inconvenient for me.  DO THEY NOT KNOW THIS?

Ween is going to do a "sleepover" with Uncle Mock and Aunt Lizzie. She loves it there so she will be fine. I will miss her.

AND, ONCE AGAIN, on Friday I will "hide-out and hope no one finds me.  Next year is a bigggy, but this year is just another year.  Oh we'll, if I'm feeling ok, we're going to Pasco for lunch. That will really be nice. I'm truly blessed.

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