Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Life Is So Daily

The time seems to fly by as the daily events happen.  I get up, shower, take my meds.  Go to the " doctor de jour;" come home, eat lunch, nap, wash clothes, or whatever other chore I need to do, fix dinner, digest food for an hour, and go to bed.  The only change is that I go to therapy on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and either go home exhausted, or go to a doctor and then go home and finish the routine.  Pretty boring!

My routine is usually broken only by the occasional repair person, door-to-door solicitor that ventures my way, or potty break for Ween. Today though, my routine was "readjusted" a bit by friends from Illinois Emily and her husband Mr. Ray.  They are dear and precious friends that I miss terribly since their "Misguided" move from Hudson.  I cannot imagine ever moving from Florida, especially back to the Tundra of the north regions.  Further south, maybe, but never back to cold and snow.  I pray God will never lead me there.

Bret and the family also came by for dinner.  He grilled out and it was great.  The sad part was Kinzie is leave to go for training to be a missionary.  WHWY, I think are the initials of the group.  It's an organization  that has training for youth to prepare them to go to different countries to help people learn a trade so they can provide for themselves and families.  She is perfect for the job.  She can do most anything around a "farm type" place and is genuinely talented in figuring out how to build something.  She has helped her dad since she was young and continues to look to God for guidance.  We will miss her so much. (We DID get a piece of fantastic chocolate cake.)

I also have something to look forward to - Charles is going to New Orleans and he is dropping me off for a couple days at Mary and Byron's to visit with them while he's gone.  Ween is going to visit Mock and  Aunt Lizzie while I'm gone.  She loves that.  So, all is well and not such a.daily grind of usual things.  I know I'm blessed.  I just need to remember to thank The Lord.

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


My sister says I need to update my blog.  I guess that's true, because it's been over a month.  Sometimes it's an extra "thing" to do along with ten dozen other "things" to do .  It gets pushed to the bottom of the TO DO list and just lays there.  It's not that I don't want to blog.  Sometimes it's just hard to dialogue my thoughts and feelings.  Sometimes, it would just be boring to anyone else.

In my ambition to open still-boxed items, trying to decide what to keep can be  cumbersome,  so many memories are contained within those boxes that I'm not sure what to discard and what to keep.  I am mindful of the fact that Charles will probably have to discard  any STUFF I have left when I leave this world, so I'm trying to make it easier on him.

I found a Mini novel I started some years ago.  I "laughingly" called it STUDENTS AND OTHER CRIMINALS I HAVE KNOWN.  It was funny to read and some day I may add to it.  It reminded me of some other students.

I truly believe that you can't have taught very long when some students facilitate the necessity to write about them.  It just seems that there are those who "stand out" in your memories.  One of those students was Eddie.  Good looking, charismatic, almost shy at times.  He reminded me of a rattlesnake - fascinating to watch but dangerous to most humans.  His "smooth tongue" and good looks had gotten him out of many incidents, even while he was in our school but I knew it was only a matter of time.  We developed a "rapport" of sorts and he would often come to me to talk.

Eddie didn't stand much of a chance of succeeding.  His mother was in and out of jail the year he was in my class.  His father was non existent, at best.  I wanted to help but my hands were tied.  There is only so much you can do especially when someone won't let you.

Out of  curiosity, I went into the prison system files that are on-line. Unfortunately, there was Eddie.  He is still fairly nice looking, even in a mug shot.  So sad. Such potential. The last record of parole was 2011.

It bothers me that he wasn't able to escape that life.  How COULD I have helped him? Is there anything I can do now? I just don't know.


It's Monday. No drs. No trips planned. Just today. Sometimes life goes too fast; sometimes it drags. Right now, today, it's slow. I guess I've gotten used to a fast pace and when it changes, I seem to miss it.

Friends David and Pat came over Sat night. I didn't feel well enough to go to dinner with them. Yesterday, friends Dwayne and Jennifer stopped by with their three children. Today, as far as I know, Mary Lou is the only person I know is stopping by.  She is my Home Health Care nurse. I have to have my PTINR checked. That is my clotting factor. Friday-5.7; Sat-3.5. So we'll see today. Between 2-3 is the best level.