Friday, May 10, 2013


Having four great days, in the past, did not seem like much.  In fact, I usually just ignored the existence of "GOOD DAYS."  Not any more.  After having 2 or 3 weeks of intense pain and agony, I have just had four "MARVELOUS" days of feeling great.  Those days have truly been a gift from God.  

Pain exists to let us know something is wrong.  I already know something is wrong.  I don't want any more pain.  If I had said that in Tom's presence he probably would have said, "That is probably a statement that means you're fairly normal."  I'm just guessing, but he probably said it in heaven.

I have been able to go out and drive, by myself.  (So awesome.)  I have been to lunch and 2 different stores afterward.  (Not possible last week.)  I just want to PRAISE THE LORD, and thank Him for His goodness to me.  

I'm living in a brand new house.  I have food in the refrigerator, gas in my car, a little money in my checking account, and I want for ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!  I am "EXHALING" as I write.  Thank you Jesus.  Thank you Holy Spirit.  Thank you God.

(And, Ween has plenty of dog food and treats.  She is thankful too.)

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