Friday, September 28, 2012


Going to see Dr Filart yesterday was another point for the AMA's side. My "INR" was checked-3.5; too high.  It should not be above 3.  Every day it is a new experience and a change of medication.  Leave it off yesterday; move to today and take that scheduled amount.

Dr is also wanting to still do the ablation.  Fran's scheduling it for some time in October; after October 20 (Charles' Birthday.)  Charles will be out of town part of that time, so that is another reason to schedule later in the month.  I just want to be well.

Our trip to NY is "supposed" to happen next Friday.  Dr Filart has cleared me to travel, with all meds and information sheets indicating my pacemaker.  I don't know if I can physically do it or not.  I haven't much energy even on a good day, so I need to make a decision, quickly.

I can't board Ween again.  It was not a positive experience for her.  She didn't sleep or eat, but seemed to like the place and people, but had a very raspy bark.  She probably yapped a lot.  I had to take her back to the clinic for her cough, and she wanted to go back to see every one.  She is very social.  I'll try to get Mock to stay with her.  She misses him, so it would be a good time for her.  I will also need someone while I have surgery, soooooo. We'll see how it goes.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


Today is another good day.  I walked to the mail box.  Now, in itself, that doesn't sound like a lot but in the "scheme of things" as my former principal would say, it's a great move forward.  Ween went with me, of course.  She found a motorcycle to chase.  Thankfully, the rider stopped and let her have her time barking.  Excitement galore.

I'm trying to "ween" Wiener from getting on the couch.  When I move in with Charles she will need to stay off because of his allergies so I thought this would be a good time to "ease" her off.  I even put one of the pillows on the floor.  She IS laying on this, so this may really work.

I'm still excited about the house.  It seems to  move sooooo slowly.  I think it's just me.

Charles took me to the store yesterday.  Moving around really helps but tires me.  I will be building strength every time I take a trip somewhere.  Ween seems to have extra energy now too.  She isn't sleeping as much as she used to.  Maybe because I am more active; who knows.

I go to my heart surgeon, Dr Filart, on Thursday.  I think he needs to make some adjustments, but what do I know.  He will evaluate and do accordingly. Blood pressure was low this am, but better than high I am told.

I am having more good days now.  I'm excited about being able to go more.  I only hope I can go to NY by October 3.  We'll see.

Friday, September 21, 2012


Today was a good day.  I didn't have any heart problems, that I know of, no fever, no pain, and I was even hungry.   Ween is feeling better too.  She was running around, jumping, and playing with her toys.  I wasn't quite that active, but I got my dishes done today.  I even sorted through my piles of papers that had accumulated in my desk area.  That was an extremely "overwhelming" task.  I hate paperwork.  When I win the lottery, I'm getting a secretary for that job. 

Yesterday Julie took me to see Dr LaFran, one of my heart specialist. I'm still having some dizziness so I have been restricted to no driving.  It was my first appt since I left the hospital.  I was "in afib" all day yesterday.  It started around 8:00 am with a heart beat of 130.  It continued throughout the day and was around 100 by the time I got to his office. He was concerned. I had an ekg, an "inr" test and he changed my meds. The inr is to check the clotting factor in my blood.  It was 2.8, which is good.  Most any where between 2-3 is considered good.  

After coming home I made the adjustments in meds and the afib slowly quit.  It makes me so tired when it 'dances' so I spent some additional resting in bed this am.  Of course, Ween was right beside me.  She has been such a trouper. She is very sympathetic, usually lays beside me, and never seems upset.  She's the perfect companion.   I love the bumper sticker - "The more I learn about men, the more I love my dog." So true.  So true.

Sunday, September 16, 2012


Healing.   I can't do much yet, but I have wonderful friends and family who are making sure I'm taken care of each day.  I'm still sore, tired; resting as much as I can.  Mary came and cleaned up, helped me take a shower, fixed me food, fresh and frozen for later, and made sure I had what I needed.

Ween, on the other hand, is not doing well.  She came home with a "wheeze" that I can hear, but not feel in her chest. I need to take her back to vet and see what is going on.  I can't ask anyone else to take me, so I may have to "break a rule" and drive to vet.  We'll see.

Holding down the couch is our big deal today.  I think Ween and I are up to it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

There's No Place Like Home, Dorothy

Dr Filart released me to go home yesterday.  The only person more tired than me was Ween. We got home, ate a sandwich, and both sacked out on the bed. She slept most of the day, but I was up and down a few times.  I don't even really remember the day except we were home.

I woke up about 6.  Ween is still sacked out under the cover.  She has hardly left my side.  I think she missed me as much as I missed her.

I have a bandage over the place they inserted the pacemaker.  I can't get it wet until at least Friday.  I am TOTAL bed rest for 5 days, except for Dr appt Thursday to check my blood clotting level.  I have to go to the Heart Clinic for that. I am " basically" isolated for 5 weeks.  That period of time covers our trip to NY for Charles' birthday party.  I don't know if Dr Filart will allow me to go or not.  I am to make an appointment within 2 weeks, and that will be a "pacemaker" adjustment, if necessary, and check me out to see if everything is okay.

I am so grateful to God for His hand in everything that was done.  I guess He's not ready for me yet.  I am used to staying inside, but Dr Filart wants me to be careful of crowds and not come into contact with a lot of people.  I'm supposed to get a "card" that says I have a pacemaker so that when the alarms go off, they won't cart me away to the POKEY.

I am looking forward to today.  It will be exciting and new.  PTL.

Sunday, September 09, 2012


Things don't always go as planned. I keep forgetting that. My ablation was "aborted" after dr Filart got into the right side, ready to go into the left side and found a "flap" of skin hanging from the upper chambers  entrance.  He did not want to risk the flap breaking off, going into the blood stream, and causing a stroke.  Plan B is a pacemaker to, hopefully, be inserted tomorrow. I am to do nothing but rest, no phone, no visitors, no nothing.  I appreciate your prayers so very much.

Dr Filart has been so wonderful. He even came in on his day off, yesterday, because he was concerned. ( IT WAS A GOD THING)  My heart was stopping for several seconds at a time.  I understand "this is not good." I now have paddles taped to my chest, just in case. There were about 10 people that were immediately in my room when I was having those "episodes." He was so quick and on top of what was happening  He changed some meds, and stayed here until I was stabilized.

I miss Ween so much.  Now I won't be able to go home until at least Tuesday. I'm sure she is confused too.  Any questions, forward to Charles. He and julie are the only people visiting right now. And, they can't stay very long at a time.

Keep the faith and PTL.

Sunday, September 02, 2012


We're over the Isaac "scare," and weather has returned to our "Normal." Ween and I are just holding down the couch until Wednesday.  She goes to the groomer and then to her vets where she will be staying while I am in the hospital.  She is going to be one upset little girl, but I haven't any choice as I can't find anyone to keep her.  Her vets also has boarding facilities so that is probably the best place for her.  She's never been away from home except for one night with Bob while I was at Mayo.  I don't know who will be more upset Ween or me.  I hate leaving her any time, but especially some place she doesn't know.  I'm sure we both will be okay.

I go into the hospital at 6:00 am on Thursday.  This will be a day of testing and getting ready for the surgery on Friday.  I've read all I can read on my doctor, the hospital, and the surgery.  It is said that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.  While that may be true, I like having all the information. Some people think I ask too many questions.  My name in Scottish actually means "question."  That would be me.

Actually, that is my learning style.  My scattered thoughts, put together, help me to process and put ideas together.  I don't know exactly how it works, but ...

Ween has just gotten up and wants to go back to bed.  She usually comes in and goes back to sleep under her blankie that is on the couch.  But, I had to wash her blankie so she is huffing at me because it's not there.  She does not adjust well.  Poor baby.  Life is so hard sometimes.