Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New Day

Being about 5:00, AM of course, I've already had most of my vitals done.  BP down; Oxygen level up.  SOUNDS LIKE GOING HOME WEATHER TO ME. Last night I begged God to let me go home. I'm so tired of being here. I miss my home! I miss my bed! I miss Ween! I MISS MY "SHO-W-W- ERRRR!!!  (Could that be any more pitiful!)

When I start to complain to God, He just reminds me that I have had a week of rest, waited on hand and foot, all the food I wanted, AND, I didn't have to pay for it. "Sounds like a vacation." AND, there are people who live under the bridge or on the streets of Orlando. I am so blessed.

They have set up Home Health Care for me. This will start when I'm released. I asked for Rose. We have history. She's a TINY little Asian lady who is the picture of genteel. She's so sweet. She even fixed lunch for me several times. (I don't think that is part of her job, but her concern flows over into her life. And, it shows.)

Slept from about 10 until the wake-up. Feel so much better. Can't wait to get home. (Click; Click)

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