After visiting MAYO this week, I am teetering on which direction to move at this point. I've dealt with bureaucracy all my working days. Sometimes I actually have been able to accomplish goals by circumventing the "red tape." Sometimes not.
Even coming close to understanding the Medicare system is beyond my expertise of knowledge. That is where I find myself now-trying to accept their decisions on when, where, why, what, where, and certainly not the how. Medicare will pay for my pre-op and post-op care at the Jacksonville clinic. The surgery MUST BE PERFORMED in Rochester, MN at a cost of about $150,000. I must pay to fly there, stay in a hotel for the week after, and fly back after the surgery to have the post-op done at JAX. And, I have to have someone with me. They don't even do the lesser expensive surgery in Rochester, which is what my doctor is recommending. In addition to that, they do not have, at this time, a doctor that does the surgery at their location.
In JAX the cost of the operation my doctor wants to do is $20,000. I still have to stay in a hotel near by for a week because of the post-op care, but I would not have to fly there. I still have to have someone with me, but I have a better chance of getting someone to stay with me here than going to MN for a week. MAYO doesn't offer in- hospital care after surgery at either location.
NOW - someone explain to me why MEDICARE has to charge an approximate $130,000 additional fee for a surgery that is more invasive, not recommended by my doctor, and more expensive for me? This just does not make sense to me. Is this why people cannot afford insurance? I am beyond frustrated and confused.
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Friday, November 04, 2011
The Week That Was
Being blessed is so totally neat. My friend Vicki, came over from Pasco late Monday and stayed until Wed. Spent the day at EPCOT, ate our way around the 29 Kiosks that are there now, and went to "Eat to the Beat" on Tuesday evening. Hanson is not one of my groups, but being with friends is so much more special that it was worth staying for the concert. I rested Thursday, and today I am privileged to have another friend here today. We're going to Houstons in Winter Park for lunch. It is always great to be with Ruth. I'm excited about her visit.
Tomorrow Dean is bringing his Men's Group and Mock is letting them into EPCOT about 10:00, while Vicki is coming back to see another friend, Margaret, who is flying into OIA on her way to a cruise. We get to take her to Titusville so we'll have some time to "catch up." Wow. What a busy and joyous week. Thank you God.
Tomorrow Dean is bringing his Men's Group and Mock is letting them into EPCOT about 10:00, while Vicki is coming back to see another friend, Margaret, who is flying into OIA on her way to a cruise. We get to take her to Titusville so we'll have some time to "catch up." Wow. What a busy and joyous week. Thank you God.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Concert or No Concert?
Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith are in concert here tonight. I'm supposed to go with Charles and whoever else is going-probably Julie, Bret and the girls. I'm not sure I want to go. Loving music does not guarantee you love concerts. My hearing sensitivity and large crowds do not always allow me to go. The noise level is usually overwhelming. These two are not especially loud, but people are crammed into an area that is too small, with noises too loud, and people not always in a good frame of mind, even in "religious" venues. To me, it's not usually worth the effort. We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Power Source
Being without power for 3 days has helped me to focus more clearly on
What do I use as MY POWER SOURCE?
Where do I go when MY "LIGHT" is not on for me to see clearly?
When do I evaluate MY POWER?"
Why do I need a POWER SOURCE?
How do I use MY SOURCE for power?
Do I go to the PHONE or the THRONE when I am powerless?
If the Sunday morning sermon is boring and I resort to balancing my checkbook, what is wrong?
Is anyone else responsible for my power?
Having evaluation testing available to oneself, is not necessarily a good thing. Oh, I can evaluate others and diagnose what is THEIR problem, but can I be objective when diagnosing my own idiosyncrasies?
Saying you have ADHD and knowing it, is like a doctor self medicating - It's probably dangerous or at least funny to some. Tom used to say, "And what is going on at the circus today?" He was referring to the noise level in my head. He knew that my head is an ever-changing chaotic mish mash of "THINGS" all happening at the same time. Some times when I "check out" of reality, my "Circus" becomes my reality. Sounds strange doesn't it. ( I don't think I've ever put that information in writing before.) I like my "head" world better sometimes. Fantasy is usually better. That is probably why I've always liked Disney.
Right now, I am working on my relationship with MY POWER SOURCE - God. I have always known He is in control. I think my biggest problem is believing HE wants to help ME, personally. I go in and out of relying on Him like I should, and letting reality take over my mind. Reality says - "Hey! You don't have (etc. insert whatever is the next think you want) and if God RELLLLLLLLLLLLLLY loved you He would get it for you." Common sense tells you a good parent doesn't let their child have everything they want - only what they need. So how does this "devil talk" enter my "CIRCUS?"
Getting tired of being sick and tired, I resort to reading about JOB. What problems. And, then his friends come to visit. "Nuff said?"
God is good - all the time; All the time - God is good. I HAVE TO stay in the scriptures, focus on Him and "lean not unto my own understanding." And, when you get right down to it, what is reality any way?
My In Law Grandmother, Sally, was a wise christian woman. One week-end just after I found out I was pregnant with Tommy, we were visiting her in KY. I had been soooooooooooo sick and was having a hard time getting up to get ready for church. She had breakfast ready, and I guess I kind of turned green. She looked me square in the eyes and said, "Sometimes the most religious thing we can do, is go back to bed. Go on girl. Get back in bed." She was my hero. That is also Ween's best advice. I think I will. Progress Energy eat your heart out.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made;
I will (choose to) rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day which the LORD hath made;
I will (choose to) rejoice and be glad in it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Once again, the "hurricane/tornado" type rain and winds have shifted and not hit our area. We are certainly blessed by God. There are areas here that would have flooded and been such a mess to so many people. I, for one, am grateful.
Mayo called and I have been approved for my surgery - that's the good news. The "not so good" news is that I have to go to Rochester, MN for the surgery, and someone has to go with me. (Medicare) I can't drive back and forth to the hospital for a week. This certainly messes with my No 1 rule of life - "Never go north of Florida after Nov 1." I have an appointment at JAX Mayo on November 14. I should know more details then.
Tomorrow is a birthday of "relative of mine I cannot mention". He will be in San Francisco with some friends. Kenny's birthday was 16th, so they usually celebrate together, but here not in California. I will miss him, but he is celebrating how "HE" wants to celebrate. There is nothing he needs nor cannot afford, so buying him anything is hard. Not having any extra cash right now, also makes it hard to buy him anything. He has an abundance of patience with me and says he understands. I'm glad he does, because I don't. We will go out to eat when he comes home. He will decide.
Mayo called and I have been approved for my surgery - that's the good news. The "not so good" news is that I have to go to Rochester, MN for the surgery, and someone has to go with me. (Medicare) I can't drive back and forth to the hospital for a week. This certainly messes with my No 1 rule of life - "Never go north of Florida after Nov 1." I have an appointment at JAX Mayo on November 14. I should know more details then.
Tomorrow is a birthday of "relative of mine I cannot mention". He will be in San Francisco with some friends. Kenny's birthday was 16th, so they usually celebrate together, but here not in California. I will miss him, but he is celebrating how "HE" wants to celebrate. There is nothing he needs nor cannot afford, so buying him anything is hard. Not having any extra cash right now, also makes it hard to buy him anything. He has an abundance of patience with me and says he understands. I'm glad he does, because I don't. We will go out to eat when he comes home. He will decide.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Another Day
Please tell me why the phone rings or "dings" indicating a text message when I have just allmoosst gone to sleep? Is there some sort of indicator in my body that lets my phone know EXACTLY when to get my attention? Or, maybe a diabolical plan within the circumference of our universe that stops me from warming my pillow during the day? It is amazing to me how this happens.
On the other hand, "WEEN" can sleep any time, any way, any place. She is so good at sleeping that she can sleep right through the smell of hamburgers crisping in the pan, or chicken "dancing" in the skillet, or yogurt being heaped into a clunky bowl for a healthful, nutritious breakfast that I 'HAVE' to eat daily.
Noise is another issue with her. NOTHING passes those ear drums. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! She can hear a gnat "pass gas" at 30 yards. If I use the word "GO" or the equally important word "CHICKEN" she is in the living room faster than an eye blink. She is truly an anomaly, and more fun than cotton candy. Her snoring; don't get me started.
I actually consider Ween a wonderful gift from God. She makes me laugh. She makes me cry. She loves to snuggle with her having belly rubs first thing in the morning. If that doesn't happen due to "MY FAULT" then look out. She will surely indicate her displeasure in some way. Ripping apart something or even worse, leave her "oopsies" on the floor, right in front of the door so I won't miss it.
She's very good at snorting her displeasure especially when I tell her no. She doesn't like that word at all. Come to think of it - neither do I. She's a lot more like me than I thought. We could possibly deserve each other. She's busy holding down the bed right now, and guess who is not. Yep, that would be me.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
True Identity
Just back from church, and as usual, Dan gave me a lot to ponder. The biggest question is "How do I evaluate my Identity?" One of his comments struck home. "When you understand your identity in Christ, you understand your life in Christ."
Far too long I have listen to negativity about my identity and who I am. That has prompted me to "feel" unintelligent, incompetent, and viewing a DISTORTED view of who I am. His statements have caused me to reevaluate who I am and where I am at this time of life.
I have to revert to my two basic ideas - GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL, and, HE LOVES ME. These two ideals have kept me "steady" for the last few years. I had forgotten to remember them. I am now determined to refocus and re-identify who I am in Christ.
BUT, just now I am going to lay down and watch a football game on tv today. ( It usually puts me to sleep.) Outside it looks like a typical day in Kentucky, dark, damp, and dreary. Hopefully, this weather will go away soon. Ween needs company. She looks awfully comfortable.
Far too long I have listen to negativity about my identity and who I am. That has prompted me to "feel" unintelligent, incompetent, and viewing a DISTORTED view of who I am. His statements have caused me to reevaluate who I am and where I am at this time of life.

BUT, just now I am going to lay down and watch a football game on tv today. ( It usually puts me to sleep.) Outside it looks like a typical day in Kentucky, dark, damp, and dreary. Hopefully, this weather will go away soon. Ween needs company. She looks awfully comfortable.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Support Your Local Doctor
Many of you know I believe in supporting the AMA-daily, weekly, monthly. It doesn't matter. I have seen multitudes of doctors in the last 2 years; had a myriad of tests, and NOTHING much wrong. Fibrymaligia, bad back, high blood pressure, overweight, and the list goes on BUT mostly due to poor or bad choices. I'm tired of being analyzed.
Yesterday I went for my "stress" test at my heart doctors. ( As if I don't have enough stress in my life.) My primary doctor suggested this. According to the tests, everything is fine; no blockages, no abnormalities, nothing to report. So why do I have the abnormal heart beat occasionally? They have no idea.
I can't believe I'm falling apart at my age. I'm no spring chicken, but I'm not "under" the hill so to speak. I WAS reminded this week that about 10 years ago telling the devil to "take his best shot" and that he could not do anything to me that I couldn't handle, with God's help. (ME AND MY BIG MOUTH.) I don't know about God, but I'm tired of the devil hindering me.
TODAY! THIS VERY MOMENT! I rebuke the devil and anything he has to "HEAP" on me. I'm tired of letting him have his way in my life. I will no longer accept "WHATEVER" happens to me and I will only make the right choices as God desires for my life. I'm ready to fight back!
Our pastor is starting a study in Galatians. Paul tells the people of Galatia (mostly Gentiles of converted Jews) that they are not "locked into" following the old laws to be followers of Christ - circumcision, killing a calf for our sins, or confessing their sins to another man. We are free to live for Christ.
Why were laws given in the first place? Laws are to show us how to exist; right and wrong; how to live in society. If you don't BREAK the laws, they don't apply to you.
When a certain relative of mine went to work for a local "large Orlando employer" he brought home about 20 books on the "correct look" for employees that work for that company. I looked at them and said, "Man. That's a lot of info to remember." He said, "It's nothing I don't already do." And, that's true. When we follow the mores of society, we don't break laws. Even more importantly, when we follow the dictates of God we keep His laws, with the Holy Spirit's help, just as He meant for us to do.
We need the rain. Even if it is a messy, dreary day outside, inside my heart:
Yesterday I went for my "stress" test at my heart doctors. ( As if I don't have enough stress in my life.) My primary doctor suggested this. According to the tests, everything is fine; no blockages, no abnormalities, nothing to report. So why do I have the abnormal heart beat occasionally? They have no idea.
I can't believe I'm falling apart at my age. I'm no spring chicken, but I'm not "under" the hill so to speak. I WAS reminded this week that about 10 years ago telling the devil to "take his best shot" and that he could not do anything to me that I couldn't handle, with God's help. (ME AND MY BIG MOUTH.) I don't know about God, but I'm tired of the devil hindering me.
TODAY! THIS VERY MOMENT! I rebuke the devil and anything he has to "HEAP" on me. I'm tired of letting him have his way in my life. I will no longer accept "WHATEVER" happens to me and I will only make the right choices as God desires for my life. I'm ready to fight back!
Our pastor is starting a study in Galatians. Paul tells the people of Galatia (mostly Gentiles of converted Jews) that they are not "locked into" following the old laws to be followers of Christ - circumcision, killing a calf for our sins, or confessing their sins to another man. We are free to live for Christ.
Why were laws given in the first place? Laws are to show us how to exist; right and wrong; how to live in society. If you don't BREAK the laws, they don't apply to you.
When a certain relative of mine went to work for a local "large Orlando employer" he brought home about 20 books on the "correct look" for employees that work for that company. I looked at them and said, "Man. That's a lot of info to remember." He said, "It's nothing I don't already do." And, that's true. When we follow the mores of society, we don't break laws. Even more importantly, when we follow the dictates of God we keep His laws, with the Holy Spirit's help, just as He meant for us to do.
We need the rain. Even if it is a messy, dreary day outside, inside my heart:
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
New Day
Breakfast with Joseph, Kim, Brandon, and Mock. I always enjoy those times. We have all worked together at one time or another - if not in research then at the call center. Cindy forgot and Kathryn couldn't make it. Sometimes others join us and it's an even bigger "good time."
Mock and Brandon both worked last night and they "HATE" mornings. They are suggesting lunch time or even dinner. I can relate. In some ways working at night is harder. It turns your whole schedule around; you sleep when everyone is awake, and work when everyone else sleeps. It's hard to do anything but work and sleep. It gets boring after a while. Even when you have 2 days off, you still have to catch up on your sleep. It's crazy.
Ween had a rough morning of sleeping, eating, and potty breaks. Sometimes, she is just worn out by the end of the day. She's sleeping now.
I think I'll play my "Lazy Day" song. "Today, I don't feel like doing anything; I'm just wanna lay in my bed. Don't feel like picking up my phone. So leave a message at the tone. Today I swear I'm not doing anything."
Ween started without me.
Mock and Brandon both worked last night and they "HATE" mornings. They are suggesting lunch time or even dinner. I can relate. In some ways working at night is harder. It turns your whole schedule around; you sleep when everyone is awake, and work when everyone else sleeps. It's hard to do anything but work and sleep. It gets boring after a while. Even when you have 2 days off, you still have to catch up on your sleep. It's crazy.
Ween had a rough morning of sleeping, eating, and potty breaks. Sometimes, she is just worn out by the end of the day. She's sleeping now.

Ween started without me.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Contemplation of my life has left me to believe that I am not doing all I can do to help others. Right now I am physically and financially unable to do much of anything, so how can I help? I can pray, encourage, hold their hand, hug, and genuinely be concerned.
Writing this is to relieve some frustrations I have right now. Physically, I hurt all over almost daily; breathing is hard, blood pressure is high, thyroid is not working again, easily bleeding which usually means my blood count is low and the white count is high. MAYO has diagnosed some problems. I still have some testing of my heart to determine why I am having irregular heart beats.
MS has been talked about. Memory loss, all my symptoms previously mentioned, and a few other problems lead me to believe maybe they're right. If they are, it's okay. I just wish I knew for sure.
I'm sorry I couldn't be the wife for Bob he needed. I'm sorry I haven't been the Mother that the boys have needed. And, I'm sorry I haven't been as close to God as I need to be. I'm just tired - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Oh God - hear my prayer.
Writing this is to relieve some frustrations I have right now. Physically, I hurt all over almost daily; breathing is hard, blood pressure is high, thyroid is not working again, easily bleeding which usually means my blood count is low and the white count is high. MAYO has diagnosed some problems. I still have some testing of my heart to determine why I am having irregular heart beats.
MS has been talked about. Memory loss, all my symptoms previously mentioned, and a few other problems lead me to believe maybe they're right. If they are, it's okay. I just wish I knew for sure.
I'm sorry I couldn't be the wife for Bob he needed. I'm sorry I haven't been the Mother that the boys have needed. And, I'm sorry I haven't been as close to God as I need to be. I'm just tired - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Oh God - hear my prayer.
Beautiful Surprises
Today has been an interesting day. So far, I have received three neat presents from God. To me, those are gifts I knew nothing about and "just happened" during the day. And yet, I'm reminded each time that they are from God.
My friend and "energetic example" Mary helped me clean out some boxes of "stuff" that had been in the 2nd bedroom since I moved to this complex. In one of those boxes, a computer program entitled "Illumina" popped up and surprised me to pieces. This was a program that I got when I worked for Family Christian the year before Tom died - about 11 years ago. Technology has changed so much, I thought it probably wouldn't work with this new system I have now. Guess what! It works perfectly. In fact, it may even work BETTER than it did then.
If you have never seen this program, I'm sorry. One of my jobs at FC was to demo this program to people when they came into the store so that they could see how useful it is. Duh. That was a joy that I had while "working" during the day.
The program is one of the best references for the Bible I have ever seen. I haven't updated it but I can only imagine how it has changed. And yet, how much better can " THE MOST AWESOME PROGRAM" become? This was God's third present today.
Not only did I get the room cleaned out, but I found so many neat things. Thanks to Mary!!! God is good; all the time.
One of my "bad habits" is to fold any paper money and just put it in my pocket. When I reach for something else in my pocket, I usually pull out the money. Most of the time, I see it and just put it back. Today, as has happened before, I pulled out my phone to see the time. After I had left the first Dr's, I reached in my pocket to see how much money I had to "possibly" buy a Starbucks, and the money wasn't there. I almost had a heart attack. That $30 is all I have until the 14th. God help me. What do I do? Do I go back to the Dr's and ask if anyone had found it? Do I just forget it and hope for the best? Or, go back after I get my shots? I went on to the Allergist. When I got out of the car, "my little inside voice" told me to look under the seat. It was there. (Surprise 1)
On the way to the Allergist, I wasn't watching carefully enough and the car in front of me did not start up when the light changed, and I softly "rear-ended" the car. As we moved into an empty lot to the right of the street, I was praying very intensely. I just really didn't need an accident right now. The man got out of his car, looked at his bumper and said, "Looks like there's no damage. It's okay." I apologized "profusely" and thanked him repeatedly, and got back into our cars and drove away. (Surprise 2) (Angels working overtime today.)
If you have never seen this program, I'm sorry. One of my jobs at FC was to demo this program to people when they came into the store so that they could see how useful it is. Duh. That was a joy that I had while "working" during the day.
The program is one of the best references for the Bible I have ever seen. I haven't updated it but I can only imagine how it has changed. And yet, how much better can " THE MOST AWESOME PROGRAM" become? This was God's third present today.
Not only did I get the room cleaned out, but I found so many neat things. Thanks to Mary!!! God is good; all the time.
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Later today, I will be leaving the FACEBOOK website. I have been made to realize that I spend far too much time on Facebook and not enough time doing what needs to be done with my life. My email is and of course, you will be able to keep up with what is going on in my life within this blog.
I liked using Facebook to communicate with people I had not heard from in an extremely long time. I also liked working on the games. I will miss that mode of communication.
Best wishes and prayers to all who transfer to this site. Thank you for all your advice and prayers.
I liked using Facebook to communicate with people I had not heard from in an extremely long time. I also liked working on the games. I will miss that mode of communication.
Best wishes and prayers to all who transfer to this site. Thank you for all your advice and prayers.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Most of my life had been spent in a church that had nothing to offer but rules and regulations. About 15 or so years ago I finally "GOT IT." Being a Christian is about a relationship with God; not what I can memorize "NOT" to do, or what "TO" do. I did not know then what was ahead for me and my life.
A lot of things have changed in those years. The "BIG THREE" for me was and is - "Bible Study, Prayer, and Tithing." I am ashamed to admit that lately I have been so wrapped up in my own "Scenarios" and dramas of every day life, that I've stopped doing all three.
Some time ago I realized "I'm not smart." It's okay. I can now admit it. All of the "THINGS" that have happened to me during the last five years especially, are due to choices I have made. Today I draw THE line - I am back in the game of communicating with my friend, Jesus, reading God's word DAILY, and giving God his "tenth" back. I have made this choice. And, I will follow as closely as I can.
I can hardly wait to experience the new adventures.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Doctors-Love or Hate?
On one hand, I go to Doctors to find out what is wrong with me mostly "Physically." Do I always want to hear what they have to say? Not really, but I DO listen. I've been to a heart specialist, lung specialist, Orthopedic, and testing in all areas. I'm beginning to believe I am an overweight, aging, hypochondriac.
I've come to this conclusion after all the Dr's, testing, and medicines. Getting older, in my case, just isn't being much fun right now. I'm just trying to feel better and remember a few facts so I can get home when I'm out shopping. I don't think this is too much to ask.
Went to Mayo yesterday to get the shot for my back. I'm supposed to rest today, so I'm doing very little, which is not unusual. I am in absolutely no pain. It is awesome, but Ween is not feeling well, and is running a fever. I'm not sure what is going on, but she threw up yesterday and has barely moved today. She even refused her favorite, brown rice and chicken. In fact, I brought it into the bedroom for her, and she almost "nosed" it off the bed and then gaged at the smell. (Been there; Done that) If she is not better, I may call her vet and try to get her in later today.
And, if that doesn't work, there's MAYO.
I've come to this conclusion after all the Dr's, testing, and medicines. Getting older, in my case, just isn't being much fun right now. I'm just trying to feel better and remember a few facts so I can get home when I'm out shopping. I don't think this is too much to ask.
Went to Mayo yesterday to get the shot for my back. I'm supposed to rest today, so I'm doing very little, which is not unusual. I am in absolutely no pain. It is awesome, but Ween is not feeling well, and is running a fever. I'm not sure what is going on, but she threw up yesterday and has barely moved today. She even refused her favorite, brown rice and chicken. In fact, I brought it into the bedroom for her, and she almost "nosed" it off the bed and then gaged at the smell. (Been there; Done that) If she is not better, I may call her vet and try to get her in later today.
And, if that doesn't work, there's MAYO.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Doctors are only "Practicing" medicine, right?
Another week of drs and appointments. It seems like that is all I do some weeks. I was at Mayo for an appt with my orthopedic dr. Status quo, I guess. He wants me to have surgery to remove the spurs from the spine. I don't think I'm ready to do that for several reasons - I want to wait to have the stomach surgery, I don't like the idea of them working on my spine, and I can still maintain with pain pills and aspirin. So, we'll wait.
I've also had blood work, a CAT scan (I didn't even know I had a cat) and will have a breathing test at the Dr's office tomorrow. I've had some breathing problems and he wanted to check all possible reasons for it, including the diagnosis and progress of the sarcoidosis.
Let's see - is there any Dr I haven't seen lately - Nope. I'll just have to wait for the diagnosis and results.
I have recently had my phone off. This has sent some people into cardiac arrest, or at least upset to some degree. They could not imagine that I would ever do anything like that. Some times I just don't want to talk or hear the phone. That is not computable with some people. I have a hard time dealing with some issues in my life right now, so my SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) is to "back off" and regroup. I know it is evading issues, but at the time that's all I can do, for my own sanity.
I've always liked the Beach Boys and one of their older songs is "In My Room" by Brian Wilson. That song and Mandisa's "Stronger" are my lead songs right now. I'm trying to process and I don't know how or why. So, I follow Ween's idea of "sleep it off." She's my hero right now.
I've also had blood work, a CAT scan (I didn't even know I had a cat) and will have a breathing test at the Dr's office tomorrow. I've had some breathing problems and he wanted to check all possible reasons for it, including the diagnosis and progress of the sarcoidosis.
Let's see - is there any Dr I haven't seen lately - Nope. I'll just have to wait for the diagnosis and results.
I have recently had my phone off. This has sent some people into cardiac arrest, or at least upset to some degree. They could not imagine that I would ever do anything like that. Some times I just don't want to talk or hear the phone. That is not computable with some people. I have a hard time dealing with some issues in my life right now, so my SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) is to "back off" and regroup. I know it is evading issues, but at the time that's all I can do, for my own sanity.
I've always liked the Beach Boys and one of their older songs is "In My Room" by Brian Wilson. That song and Mandisa's "Stronger" are my lead songs right now. I'm trying to process and I don't know how or why. So, I follow Ween's idea of "sleep it off." She's my hero right now.
Sunday, August 07, 2011
What do I do now? I've never been fired before. Part of it wasn't my fault. Yeah, I know that has been said before, but this time it's true.
To begin with, the person I followed each day did not like me. She made it very clear. I don't know whether she was jealous or what, but I knew it from the beginning. Every chance she got, she "reported" to one of the Managers every mistake I made. And, I didn't exactly impress two of the three Managers with any aspect of my work. One even told me to take off my necklace. I told her I never take it off. It's a religious icon for me. She put that on my record card as a reprimand. The "record card" is kept on every "mistake" made and is on file for all to see. I haven't any hope of anyone even considering me for another job with the record card I accrued in this position. You also get points taken off when you're out sick. I had taken off sick twice.
In all honesty, I did not balance the deposit one time while working there. To being with, I had 4 trainers - all 4 did things differently so it made it hard for me to get a take on "HOW" I was supposed to complete the work. I was $100 over last Sunday and $24.25 over on Monday. No one could figure out how that happened. I learned tonight that the person I followed was "short" $100 on Sunday. Duh. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened there. Only no one bothered to tell me at the time.
So, as I said, what do I do now?
To begin with, the person I followed each day did not like me. She made it very clear. I don't know whether she was jealous or what, but I knew it from the beginning. Every chance she got, she "reported" to one of the Managers every mistake I made. And, I didn't exactly impress two of the three Managers with any aspect of my work. One even told me to take off my necklace. I told her I never take it off. It's a religious icon for me. She put that on my record card as a reprimand. The "record card" is kept on every "mistake" made and is on file for all to see. I haven't any hope of anyone even considering me for another job with the record card I accrued in this position. You also get points taken off when you're out sick. I had taken off sick twice.
In all honesty, I did not balance the deposit one time while working there. To being with, I had 4 trainers - all 4 did things differently so it made it hard for me to get a take on "HOW" I was supposed to complete the work. I was $100 over last Sunday and $24.25 over on Monday. No one could figure out how that happened. I learned tonight that the person I followed was "short" $100 on Sunday. Duh. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what happened there. Only no one bothered to tell me at the time.
So, as I said, what do I do now?
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
What is God trying to tell me? I keep asking and He just keeps giving me tests to take. My life is in a moderate spiral. Today was another example - Just "bopping" down the road, enjoying my tunes, and there he was behind me. There is no other feeling when the "po po" come up behind you with their lights flashing. I didn't even know why he was stopping me. (I wonder if he knew my heart almost stopped)
I was doing 62 in a 45 m zone. I hadn't even paid attention to the speed limit or my speed. I was just having a good time singing along with the TOKENS and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."
One of the many disadvantages of getting stopped by the "berg" po po is they don't have access to updated info. If it had been a sheriff, or state trooper they can access my info and know my insurance is up to date. With the local guy, he couldn't. So, I also got a ticket for not having a recent copy of my insurance in my car or on my person. That one is done away with as soon as I take the updated copy to the court house. That I can afford to do. Paying the $165.00 ticket, I can't do.
I know I have 30 days to pay it, but unless God provides, I won't have the money in 3 months. My roommate has to have surgery and he will be out for at least 2 weeks. That means no money from him.
I was on my way to have my car "Serviced." $155.00 later, I was told the oil change was free. (That was comforting.)
So, what is God trying to tell me. BEATS ME. I just keep getting deeper and deeper in debt. Oh well. There must be an end, right? Could I have that day and time, please?
I was doing 62 in a 45 m zone. I hadn't even paid attention to the speed limit or my speed. I was just having a good time singing along with the TOKENS and "The Lion Sleeps Tonight."
One of the many disadvantages of getting stopped by the "berg" po po is they don't have access to updated info. If it had been a sheriff, or state trooper they can access my info and know my insurance is up to date. With the local guy, he couldn't. So, I also got a ticket for not having a recent copy of my insurance in my car or on my person. That one is done away with as soon as I take the updated copy to the court house. That I can afford to do. Paying the $165.00 ticket, I can't do.
I know I have 30 days to pay it, but unless God provides, I won't have the money in 3 months. My roommate has to have surgery and he will be out for at least 2 weeks. That means no money from him.
I was on my way to have my car "Serviced." $155.00 later, I was told the oil change was free. (That was comforting.)
So, what is God trying to tell me. BEATS ME. I just keep getting deeper and deeper in debt. Oh well. There must be an end, right? Could I have that day and time, please?
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Happy Fourth
Being in multi doctor's offices the past three weeks is the ONLY way to waste your time. In addition to my local doctor, a MAYO trip was made. After all the blood work, x-rays, probing, poking, and anything else they could think of, the Dr said approximately the same thing as my local Dr, with the exceptions of a Urinary Tract infection and an irregular heart beat. I've had those for some time but never mentioned them. One good thing did come out of the visit, I got to spend the night with my friend and her family. Her Mother cooked. MAN was it good, especially the dessert which were fig cookies, similar to baklava, only better.
There are times when you just have to do something different, if not to have a change in routine just to enjoy life. The night with Aida and her family was interesting to see how another culture behaves, but also to see the love between individuals.
Skipping to today, another year has gone by and I'm another year older, or broker. I occasionally look back at a period of time, to evaluate and to reflect. This year has been interesting if not enjoyable. So many things have changed, and yet they have remained the same. "Ween" woke me up about 7 this morning with kisses and snuggles. She is my "therapy" dog - petting, feeding, and just plain attention are her agenda. She has no hidden reasons for being there - she just loves being loved. Attention and food, and she's there. Even as she has curled up beside me on the couch, she has to reach out to touch me. That must be reassuring to her. And, in a way, to me too.
How will I spend my day - no plans. Maybe just stay at home and pet Ween.
Skipping to today, another year has gone by and I'm another year older, or broker. I occasionally look back at a period of time, to evaluate and to reflect. This year has been interesting if not enjoyable. So many things have changed, and yet they have remained the same. "Ween" woke me up about 7 this morning with kisses and snuggles. She is my "therapy" dog - petting, feeding, and just plain attention are her agenda. She has no hidden reasons for being there - she just loves being loved. Attention and food, and she's there. Even as she has curled up beside me on the couch, she has to reach out to touch me. That must be reassuring to her. And, in a way, to me too.
How will I spend my day - no plans. Maybe just stay at home and pet Ween.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Doctors are only PRACTICING medicine
Why is it some people have to go to doctors more than others? I feel like I've built more medical buildings than I care to count. How many hours should I bill my doctors? Isn't my time as valuable as theirs? It seems unfair.
On one of my "weekly" visits last week my doctor told me that there was nothing "medically" wrong with me. She had tested everything she could test. "Could it be" she asked, "that you're depressed?"
What could I possibly be depressed about? Well, let's see - Bank account overdrawn by about $300; can't work because I'm sick so there is no money coming in there; separated from my husband; constantly aggravated by a pesky dog. Did I leave out anything? Oh yes, approximately $50,000 in debt. SO, she gave me more medicine to take which is for fibromyalgia and depression. Isn't this where we started?
I don't know - seems very "repetitive" or redundant to me, or is it redundant and repetitive. Who's to say. At least I have peace and quiet for a few minutes - "The Beast" is sleeping off her breakfast.
On one of my "weekly" visits last week my doctor told me that there was nothing "medically" wrong with me. She had tested everything she could test. "Could it be" she asked, "that you're depressed?"
What could I possibly be depressed about? Well, let's see - Bank account overdrawn by about $300; can't work because I'm sick so there is no money coming in there; separated from my husband; constantly aggravated by a pesky dog. Did I leave out anything? Oh yes, approximately $50,000 in debt. SO, she gave me more medicine to take which is for fibromyalgia and depression. Isn't this where we started?
I don't know - seems very "repetitive" or redundant to me, or is it redundant and repetitive. Who's to say. At least I have peace and quiet for a few minutes - "The Beast" is sleeping off her breakfast.
Friday, June 03, 2011
Interesting, if not enjoyable, has never been truer. I HOPE I can do this. Lots of pain with walking and standing with going to bed early each night. Today is Friday and I'm just starting to feel almost okay again. I don't know - SEEMED LIKE A GOOD IDEA AT THE TIME.
It's good to be back at work. It's good to be out of the apartment on a steady basis. And, it is actually good, to make money again. I "PRAY" I'll be able to do this.
It's good to be back at work. It's good to be out of the apartment on a steady basis. And, it is actually good, to make money again. I "PRAY" I'll be able to do this.
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
In the background of my mind, I hear a "funeral dirge" slowly playing to set the mood. Time is up; the party's over; or however you want to say it - "It's back to work I go." Y E S. The day is Thursday. I go to Traditions, for the fourth time. I should be able to teach the class, but I'm getting paid to attend and if I answer the questions correctly, I get a small polymer character as a prize. All is not lost.
I have finally worked my way back to the big "D" as my employer. I'm surprised, but I'm excited to be going back to work. My days will be S,M,Tu. Not sure about the hours yet, but it really doesn't matter to me. It would be nice if Mock and I had the same hours, but Ween doesn't care, so I don't either.
Traditions Class, for those who are wondering, is a class of indoctronation about the company. It is a full 8-hr day but it starts at 7:30 am, so we're done by 3, usually. As a trainer, I used to pick newbies up from this class. This will be a different role for me. It's at DU and not bad at all, if I remember correctly. I'm supposed to go to work on the next available shift. I'll be working at the Poly inputting information for their two larger restaurants. Hey. It's a job and a new adventure. And, you all know how I am about new adventures. Wahoo!!! I get my magic pass back.
I have finally worked my way back to the big "D" as my employer. I'm surprised, but I'm excited to be going back to work. My days will be S,M,Tu. Not sure about the hours yet, but it really doesn't matter to me. It would be nice if Mock and I had the same hours, but Ween doesn't care, so I don't either.
Traditions Class, for those who are wondering, is a class of indoctronation about the company. It is a full 8-hr day but it starts at 7:30 am, so we're done by 3, usually. As a trainer, I used to pick newbies up from this class. This will be a different role for me. It's at DU and not bad at all, if I remember correctly. I'm supposed to go to work on the next available shift. I'll be working at the Poly inputting information for their two larger restaurants. Hey. It's a job and a new adventure. And, you all know how I am about new adventures. Wahoo!!! I get my magic pass back.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Geosphere |
On Tuesday, Mock and Brandon once again helped them into MK. I went to the airport to acquire our friend, Lucinda. Using "a relative's car"; he took us back home to rest. Lucinda had been up since 2am. Mock returned and we were off to "E".
Of course, the first stop is the geosphere. It's always a nice "sit down, cool off" ride in addition to it being informational. Soarin next with a "clinging" Lucinda. That was not her favorite ride, suffice to say. Test Track on the other hand was.
Off Kilter - UK |
Add caption |
Afterward, we were excited to see the fireworks.
Belle and Lucinda |
Breakfast with PRINCESSES, Belle, Jasmine, Ariel, and a picture with Cinderella. As always, they are very gracious and patient. I believe it was one of the highlights of the trip. Sometimes, you can even imagine being a Princess.
We received wands and Mock got a sword. It's exciting to eat at the Castle, and even more special to celebrate birthdays there.
Rides-Jungle Cruise, Pirates, Big Thunder, and the train; Shows-Castle Show, (Tiki Birds was closed) and more during the day. We had another friend join us for dinner at Tonys; always excellent. Their calamari is unbelievable, not to mention the desserts. Pixie dust, spaghetti, lasagna, and a birthday cupcake - WOW. Another great meal.for dinner and the rest of the evening. As I was worn out, I asked Cindy if she would bring Lucinda and Mock home after fireworks and I bailed.
Friday started a little later. We were tired and decided to sleep in a little later. Off to DAK and the Cavi, the Tree, Safari Ride, and the Lion King. More shows; more rides, 3:00 parade which starts at 4:15. (Inside joke)
As all things do, the week had to come to an end which for us was at DTD and lunch at HOB. I soooo enjoyed having Lucinda here. She seemed to enjoy her time and now has a better idea of how to help guests before, during and after their visits.
I think I can safely say - A good time was had by all.
Friday, May 06, 2011
Just Getting Through It
Being the pragmatic person I am, I suppose just getting through the day can be interesting to say the least. We got through the "dates" of deaths, good Friday, Easter, and Cinco de Mayo without any major incidents. Now we are coming up to Mother's Day. This has always been an interesting day for me. Any female of any species can have off springs. It doesn't take any intelligence, education or really any preparation. So why should we celebrate it?
I think it's more of an honoring or celebration of life. I don't know how my mother felt when she found out she was pregnant with me. I can guess, but it wouldn't be fair to her memory for me to "suppose" how she felt. I DO know how I felt.
I had always known I would have a son, someday, AND I knew I would name him after his father. From the minute I knew I was pregnant, his name was IRL THOMAS STOVALL, III. I called him Tommy before he was born. I spoke to him by name. I loved him so much, and I now love him even more, if possible. My second son, I felt was going to be a girl, so Tommy named "her" Cara Sue, partly after his grandmother and his Aunt Susan, both that he loved. Along the way, I have "acquired" 3 more sons - by mutual adoption of love. Bret is the oldest, and is married with 2 beautiful daughters. I love them all. His wife, Julie, is like the daughter I never had. She is so talented and capable; with so much energy I'm sometimes jealous.
Then, there's Edward. He became part of the family by friendship with Tommy. He and Tom were even roommates for several years. I miss not seeing him on Holidays. Actually I haven't seen him since Tom moved to DC. Mother's Day was a very special day when I saw them all.
This year I have an "added" son - Charles Mock. I call him Mock, so as to not confuse him with my first Charles. He is my roommate at this time. I don't know how he feels living with me, but I appreciate him and his presence. And, Ween loves him. There are not many people who can adopt your dog and still be friends.
That is my crew, and a motley one they are indeed. But, I love them all and wish them the best on the up coming holiday.
I think it's more of an honoring or celebration of life. I don't know how my mother felt when she found out she was pregnant with me. I can guess, but it wouldn't be fair to her memory for me to "suppose" how she felt. I DO know how I felt.
I had always known I would have a son, someday, AND I knew I would name him after his father. From the minute I knew I was pregnant, his name was IRL THOMAS STOVALL, III. I called him Tommy before he was born. I spoke to him by name. I loved him so much, and I now love him even more, if possible. My second son, I felt was going to be a girl, so Tommy named "her" Cara Sue, partly after his grandmother and his Aunt Susan, both that he loved. Along the way, I have "acquired" 3 more sons - by mutual adoption of love. Bret is the oldest, and is married with 2 beautiful daughters. I love them all. His wife, Julie, is like the daughter I never had. She is so talented and capable; with so much energy I'm sometimes jealous.
Then, there's Edward. He became part of the family by friendship with Tommy. He and Tom were even roommates for several years. I miss not seeing him on Holidays. Actually I haven't seen him since Tom moved to DC. Mother's Day was a very special day when I saw them all.
This year I have an "added" son - Charles Mock. I call him Mock, so as to not confuse him with my first Charles. He is my roommate at this time. I don't know how he feels living with me, but I appreciate him and his presence. And, Ween loves him. There are not many people who can adopt your dog and still be friends.
That is my crew, and a motley one they are indeed. But, I love them all and wish them the best on the up coming holiday.
Monday, April 04, 2011
One of my favorite games as a child was "What if?" What if I lived someplace else? What if I had different parents? What if I were smart? What if I could change my life? I could instantly go someplace different and be someone else. Interesting, huh?
Of course that never happened, but I must still be playing that game as an adult because I was just imagining what my life would be like if Tom had NOT died.
Today would have been my Mother's 98th birthday. On Thursday, Tom will have been dead 9 years. What if he had not died? How different would my life have been? We would probably still be in Pasco county; he MIGHT have still been teaching; and, who knows what work I would have been doing.
I could not have imagined my life for the last 9 years without him. At times, it still seems so unreal that he is gone. I especially feel this way around dates that are important to me. I don't think I have done anything especially exciting or interesting or even helpful to anyone during this time. But, more importantly to me is where am I going? I was just discussing with my room mate what I should do or be doing. I really haven't any motivation to do anything, or at least anything that makes money. I know I should be concerned by that last statement, but I can't even wrap my brain around that either.
All the ideas I have cost money, but could I really complete something I start even where money is involved? I don't know. I want to be motivated. I just don't know how. Of course, when I win the Lottery, I think that could motivate me in ways I can only imagine. What if...?
Of course that never happened, but I must still be playing that game as an adult because I was just imagining what my life would be like if Tom had NOT died.
Today would have been my Mother's 98th birthday. On Thursday, Tom will have been dead 9 years. What if he had not died? How different would my life have been? We would probably still be in Pasco county; he MIGHT have still been teaching; and, who knows what work I would have been doing.
I could not have imagined my life for the last 9 years without him. At times, it still seems so unreal that he is gone. I especially feel this way around dates that are important to me. I don't think I have done anything especially exciting or interesting or even helpful to anyone during this time. But, more importantly to me is where am I going? I was just discussing with my room mate what I should do or be doing. I really haven't any motivation to do anything, or at least anything that makes money. I know I should be concerned by that last statement, but I can't even wrap my brain around that either.
All the ideas I have cost money, but could I really complete something I start even where money is involved? I don't know. I want to be motivated. I just don't know how. Of course, when I win the Lottery, I think that could motivate me in ways I can only imagine. What if...?
Friday, March 25, 2011
When it rains, it pours or so it seems. Supporting the AMA seems to be my occupation lately. Seeing three doctors in one week is enough to get me at least part of a practice somewhere, except they are three different doctor specialities.
My allergist on Monday - infected right ear, sinus and bronchitis - kind of rhymes doesn't it - and, sarcoma is active again - trouble breathing; easily winded. I put the scripts into the pharmacy. The ear drops are $124.00. (Yeh, like that is going to happen) She DID give me a new inhaler and I didn't have to buy that.
New dentist on Wed (am) - I've had the same dentist for the last 35 years; new adventure. Exam; x-rays; eval. Nothing wrong that $1,000 won't take care of. Interesting.
Follow up with regular doctor - Wed (pm) Blood work back - high thyroid; triglycerides; and, not losing weight. WAHOO!!! Needless to say, this has not been a "happy" good news week. And, what do doctors know - They are only practicing any way. Three new scripts from her.

I don't know. Seems to me that you can't afford to live; and you can't afford the medicine to help you feel better; and, you can't afford to die. What is the alternative?
I asked Ween what to do - she yawned; turned over and went back to sleep. She is so smart. I think I'll follow her example.
New puppies on the farm. Who knew she was pregnant? Mommy and babies doing fine. So is daddy.
My allergist on Monday - infected right ear, sinus and bronchitis - kind of rhymes doesn't it - and, sarcoma is active again - trouble breathing; easily winded. I put the scripts into the pharmacy. The ear drops are $124.00. (Yeh, like that is going to happen) She DID give me a new inhaler and I didn't have to buy that.
New dentist on Wed (am) - I've had the same dentist for the last 35 years; new adventure. Exam; x-rays; eval. Nothing wrong that $1,000 won't take care of. Interesting.
Follow up with regular doctor - Wed (pm) Blood work back - high thyroid; triglycerides; and, not losing weight. WAHOO!!! Needless to say, this has not been a "happy" good news week. And, what do doctors know - They are only practicing any way. Three new scripts from her.

I don't know. Seems to me that you can't afford to live; and you can't afford the medicine to help you feel better; and, you can't afford to die. What is the alternative?
I asked Ween what to do - she yawned; turned over and went back to sleep. She is so smart. I think I'll follow her example.
New puppies on the farm. Who knew she was pregnant? Mommy and babies doing fine. So is daddy.
Wednesday, March 09, 2011
The only things we can count on during this life are death and change. I am so glad I have to wait for change sometimes because the new is usually better.
For the last several months, I have been trying to get a "Restricted Rehire" off of my employment record for "D." I didn't know about it until I was told that was why I wasn't being interviewed. It was put on by mistake, but it had to go through my manager, casting administration, and labor relations. I received notice yesterday that it had been removed. I'm hoping it was in time to qualify for some new positions that have just come open.
D is advertising for Teachers to go to China for several months. That would be a great opportunity for anyone, and I would love to do it. In addition to a salary, they are also providing a place to live and a "stipend" for food. Who knows? Anything is possible.
Another item of concern were the expenses that had seemed "insurmountable." God has provided and we are now able to "breathe" a little financially.
My advice - "Stand still and know that I am God." "All things work together for good to the called according to His purpose." and, "The Lord is my Shepherd - I shall not want."
For the last several months, I have been trying to get a "Restricted Rehire" off of my employment record for "D." I didn't know about it until I was told that was why I wasn't being interviewed. It was put on by mistake, but it had to go through my manager, casting administration, and labor relations. I received notice yesterday that it had been removed. I'm hoping it was in time to qualify for some new positions that have just come open.
D is advertising for Teachers to go to China for several months. That would be a great opportunity for anyone, and I would love to do it. In addition to a salary, they are also providing a place to live and a "stipend" for food. Who knows? Anything is possible.
Another item of concern were the expenses that had seemed "insurmountable." God has provided and we are now able to "breathe" a little financially.
My advice - "Stand still and know that I am God." "All things work together for good to the called according to His purpose." and, "The Lord is my Shepherd - I shall not want."
Monday, March 07, 2011
The Carpenters were one of my favorite singing groups, and I guess they still are since I have one of their cds in my car changer. Their songs were really sad, if you stop and listen to the words but sadder than that are the happenings in their life. Just like we all experience, things happen - daily.
Spending 7 hrs in the ER yesterday also seems so far away and a basic way of life lately. Out of the blue, Sat night I starting having what I can only describe as "a type of dizziness," swirling inside me with heat, cold sweats, ending with throwing up. I can honestly say I've never felt this way before, and I hope I never do again. The "episodes" continued in quantity and intensity until around 8:30 am yesterday when I yelled for Mock to come help me. By that time, I couldn't raise my head. Progression was - he called 911, paramedics were called, was transported to Sand Lake Hospital, not without throwing up on the way, and spent the next few hours learning everything was perfectly normal with all the tests. The Dr diagnosed "Vertigo" with unknown cause.
This was not just vertigo!!! I've had that before. This was a whirling, burning inside my whole body that felt like I was going to explode. His comment was - "Now, logically, you DO know your body can't really explode, don't you?" (Can we say CONDESCENDING?)
The ending results are that I have to have a follow up with my regular Dr today. Why? is my question. If I am only normal, why do I have to spend the time and money to see her? Probably just CYA, and could it be the $75 they're going to change my insurance to once again tell me I'm normal. I'd like that in writing, please. My friends will tend to disagree, I'm sure.
Went to my own personal Dr today. She checked all the results and agreed that nothing was showing up as being wrong. I DID find out I've been diagnosed a Diabetic. I did not remember that. It was Mayo's diagnosis. This is even more important that I get the weight off. Yesterday's sugar level was 120; not bad but the weight MUST COME OFF. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.
Diagnosis - Possible "ASPARTAME" poisoning; too much sweetener in my system. Who knew? I am in the process of detoxing and will keep you updated.
Spending 7 hrs in the ER yesterday also seems so far away and a basic way of life lately. Out of the blue, Sat night I starting having what I can only describe as "a type of dizziness," swirling inside me with heat, cold sweats, ending with throwing up. I can honestly say I've never felt this way before, and I hope I never do again. The "episodes" continued in quantity and intensity until around 8:30 am yesterday when I yelled for Mock to come help me. By that time, I couldn't raise my head. Progression was - he called 911, paramedics were called, was transported to Sand Lake Hospital, not without throwing up on the way, and spent the next few hours learning everything was perfectly normal with all the tests. The Dr diagnosed "Vertigo" with unknown cause.
This was not just vertigo!!! I've had that before. This was a whirling, burning inside my whole body that felt like I was going to explode. His comment was - "Now, logically, you DO know your body can't really explode, don't you?" (Can we say CONDESCENDING?)
The ending results are that I have to have a follow up with my regular Dr today. Why? is my question. If I am only normal, why do I have to spend the time and money to see her? Probably just CYA, and could it be the $75 they're going to change my insurance to once again tell me I'm normal. I'd like that in writing, please. My friends will tend to disagree, I'm sure.
Went to my own personal Dr today. She checked all the results and agreed that nothing was showing up as being wrong. I DID find out I've been diagnosed a Diabetic. I did not remember that. It was Mayo's diagnosis. This is even more important that I get the weight off. Yesterday's sugar level was 120; not bad but the weight MUST COME OFF. Hi Ho, Hi Ho, it's off to work I go.
Diagnosis - Possible "ASPARTAME" poisoning; too much sweetener in my system. Who knew? I am in the process of detoxing and will keep you updated.
Tuesday, March 01, 2011
Once a Week, Go Greek
Yesterday was very productive for me - up early, signed refinance papers on car, got gas, had car washed, made several calls, paid rent, phone bill, and sundry other chores I had pending; all before 11:00. Whew! I was tired.
Mock said I had been such a good "doobie" that I deserved a reward and suggested we try a new place for lunch. If you know me, I have a lot of opinions. With restaurants, I have #1 places and all others are 2nd best. This is very true with my Greek food. There is NO better place to eat than Tarpon Springs, Florida if you want to "go Greek." My personal favorite is Platkas on the "main drag." NO ONE MAKES BETTER GYROS (Yearos) They just nail it as far as I'm concerned. But, never let it be said I'm not willing to "try" another place.
Maria, one of my O'town Greek friends, suggested a new restaurant in St Cloud that I just "HAD" to visit. I am multicultural, so I try all the ethnic foods I can get my mouth on, and she knows this. Being Greek, I just knew she had found me a closer restaurant to visit. (Maybe, or maybe not)
It is a little hole-in-the-wall place, which is not necessarily a bad thing. They're just starting out and I can live with that. They only serve Pepsi products - Strike 1. We had to "walk up" to make our order - Strike 2. And, their Tzaszeki Sauce was too thin and lacked taste - Strike 3. Not enough meat - Strike 4, but salad parts were okay. I guess what I'm saying is - Go to Tarpon. Only place to get good Greek food, in my humble opinion. Plus, lots of atmosphere and desserts galore. Yum. Can't wait to go again.
Mock said I had been such a good "doobie" that I deserved a reward and suggested we try a new place for lunch. If you know me, I have a lot of opinions. With restaurants, I have #1 places and all others are 2nd best. This is very true with my Greek food. There is NO better place to eat than Tarpon Springs, Florida if you want to "go Greek." My personal favorite is Platkas on the "main drag." NO ONE MAKES BETTER GYROS (Yearos) They just nail it as far as I'm concerned. But, never let it be said I'm not willing to "try" another place.
Maria, one of my O'town Greek friends, suggested a new restaurant in St Cloud that I just "HAD" to visit. I am multicultural, so I try all the ethnic foods I can get my mouth on, and she knows this. Being Greek, I just knew she had found me a closer restaurant to visit. (Maybe, or maybe not)
It is a little hole-in-the-wall place, which is not necessarily a bad thing. They're just starting out and I can live with that. They only serve Pepsi products - Strike 1. We had to "walk up" to make our order - Strike 2. And, their Tzaszeki Sauce was too thin and lacked taste - Strike 3. Not enough meat - Strike 4, but salad parts were okay. I guess what I'm saying is - Go to Tarpon. Only place to get good Greek food, in my humble opinion. Plus, lots of atmosphere and desserts galore. Yum. Can't wait to go again.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Again, with the Questions
Don't ask me why, but I had occasion to visit "Orange County" Courthouse this week. What an experience!!! Chaos and confusion were the first two words that came to mind. It is a number system, but the numbers were not called in any order nor were all the walk up windows open even though the whole room was full to overflowing. Employees were standing around. (Probably holding down the floor). Why does this have to be this way?
Osceola County Courthouse, on the other hand, is organized, employees actually helping the people who are there for various sundry reasons, and I have never been there more than 15 minutes.
Why the difference? Who can say. I just think Orange can take lessons from Osceola on "How To". I'm grateful I don't have to go to either one very often.
Another question I have this week is "Why are some tax payments done quicker than others?" Why can't we just use the system of "Levels of Taxes?" $20,000 and under - don't pay taxes; $20,000 - $60,000 pay so much; and so on. That would eliminate so much hassle and confusion. If you make a lot of money, you pay a lot of taxes. But no. That isn't the way. In fact, the people who get crunched are the "Middle Class." Why can the rich get out of paying taxes, when they obviously are the ones who can afford to do so?
Every day I am amazed at the number of people who can't possibly do their job and yet, there they are and I have to deal with them. Is it just me, or is this world upside down in it's abilities and work force? I've applied for a job that I did for 2 1/2 years, and yet they prefer to hire someone who has no experience. I always got good reviews and received several awards for my work. I just don't understand things some times. (So many questions; so little time).
God is holding out on me again.
Osceola County Courthouse, on the other hand, is organized, employees actually helping the people who are there for various sundry reasons, and I have never been there more than 15 minutes.
Why the difference? Who can say. I just think Orange can take lessons from Osceola on "How To". I'm grateful I don't have to go to either one very often.
Another question I have this week is "Why are some tax payments done quicker than others?" Why can't we just use the system of "Levels of Taxes?" $20,000 and under - don't pay taxes; $20,000 - $60,000 pay so much; and so on. That would eliminate so much hassle and confusion. If you make a lot of money, you pay a lot of taxes. But no. That isn't the way. In fact, the people who get crunched are the "Middle Class." Why can the rich get out of paying taxes, when they obviously are the ones who can afford to do so?
Every day I am amazed at the number of people who can't possibly do their job and yet, there they are and I have to deal with them. Is it just me, or is this world upside down in it's abilities and work force? I've applied for a job that I did for 2 1/2 years, and yet they prefer to hire someone who has no experience. I always got good reviews and received several awards for my work. I just don't understand things some times. (So many questions; so little time).
God is holding out on me again.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Garth Brooks
Only in the last 10 or 12 years have I started listening to country-western music. It says it all, doesn't it! I like Tim McGraw's "Live Like You Were Dying," Willie Nelson's "On The Road Again," and Terri Clark's "Just Want To Be Mad For A While." Right now, though, I can really relate to Garth Brooks.
Talking to God is my mode of living. Not just lately but for many years. It has seemed as if I've been stopped from going forward with plans that I have had or programs I have had in my mind. ALL are legitimate good ideas and yet, I'm going (As my mother would have said) NO WHERE FAST. In Garth's song, he meets an old girlfriend that he had prayed to marry. Obviously she has not "aged" well and he is grateful to God for "NOT" answering his prayers when he was in high school. That is something I haven't done lately. I have not been grateful for "Unanswered Prayers." I have only been looking at what didn't happen.
Even though I haven't met her yet, my loan officer, Cynthia, just made my life easier. I traded my car about a year ago to a very expensive gas guzzler that I could afford then. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Not working and having to move, no husband backup, and, medical bills piling up, I have been financially challenged, for over a year. It's not easy to "juggle" finances; to keep everyone paid. At least I have had friends, family, and resources to cover most everything. My last hurdle was my car and a cc that I "FOOLISHLY" used to cover other expenses. As our Pastor is preaching this month, "OH WHAT A MESS." Cynthia has just combined all the loans into one that is actually less than that of my car payment. I can breathe a little easier now.
"Sometimes, I thank God, for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talking to the man upstairs
Just because He doesn't answer, doesn't mean He don't care
Some of God greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers."
Amen. And, thanks Garth.
Talking to God is my mode of living. Not just lately but for many years. It has seemed as if I've been stopped from going forward with plans that I have had or programs I have had in my mind. ALL are legitimate good ideas and yet, I'm going (As my mother would have said) NO WHERE FAST. In Garth's song, he meets an old girlfriend that he had prayed to marry. Obviously she has not "aged" well and he is grateful to God for "NOT" answering his prayers when he was in high school. That is something I haven't done lately. I have not been grateful for "Unanswered Prayers." I have only been looking at what didn't happen.
Even though I haven't met her yet, my loan officer, Cynthia, just made my life easier. I traded my car about a year ago to a very expensive gas guzzler that I could afford then. "It seemed like a good idea at the time." Not working and having to move, no husband backup, and, medical bills piling up, I have been financially challenged, for over a year. It's not easy to "juggle" finances; to keep everyone paid. At least I have had friends, family, and resources to cover most everything. My last hurdle was my car and a cc that I "FOOLISHLY" used to cover other expenses. As our Pastor is preaching this month, "OH WHAT A MESS." Cynthia has just combined all the loans into one that is actually less than that of my car payment. I can breathe a little easier now.
"Sometimes, I thank God, for unanswered prayers
Remember when you're talking to the man upstairs
Just because He doesn't answer, doesn't mean He don't care
Some of God greatest gifts, are unanswered prayers."
Amen. And, thanks Garth.
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
Yesterday was probably the first Feb 14 that I didn't receive flowers. (Sad, huh?) My current husband says he wants to stay married. My question to him is "WHY?" There is no response.
The only special days of the year, to me besides Christmas and Easter, are birthdays. I truly believe if a spouse treats you with respect and love the other 365 days of the year, Valentines Day is not all that special. It is only one day that you "HAVE" to say I love you. Should you need a reminder to say it or be nice to another person? I don't think so.
My roommate gave me chocolate kisses and cookies. (He knows me). And, I received several texts from friends. That's more than enough recognition for February 14. What about the rest of the year?
My friends, Kris and Melissa, have the right idea. They so totally love and respect each other that every day is seen as a gift.
One day I will have that again. Until then, celebrate each day with kindness, respect and most of all love. It's amazing how much people need to see and hear this, and it produces wonderful results.
My advice - Open the day and rejoice.
The only special days of the year, to me besides Christmas and Easter, are birthdays. I truly believe if a spouse treats you with respect and love the other 365 days of the year, Valentines Day is not all that special. It is only one day that you "HAVE" to say I love you. Should you need a reminder to say it or be nice to another person? I don't think so.

My friends, Kris and Melissa, have the right idea. They so totally love and respect each other that every day is seen as a gift.
One day I will have that again. Until then, celebrate each day with kindness, respect and most of all love. It's amazing how much people need to see and hear this, and it produces wonderful results.
My advice - Open the day and rejoice.
Saturday, February 05, 2011
Florida in the Winter
Being a TOTALLY heat and sunshine person, Florida is the perfect place for me. When I was a kid and lived in the "snowy" part of the USA, I never went out in winter except to go to school. If I had known about "Home Schooling" I probably would have opted for that.
Personally, I think snow is evil. People who are on the road a lot seem to become "bumper car" drivers and take on a grimace on their face that freezes until "thaw time" in the Spring. (Gritting your teeth does not help you drive better.) Snow makes the beautiful black roads turn into an "ICKY" frozen mess that turns slushy and then back to frozen with little notice. Inside heat tends to dry out all sorts of things - noses, bread, flowers, and who knows what else. Overloaded trees, who would never think of dropping their branches, give up and crash their body parts onto any object that seems to be in their way. (It's not pretty.) And, beautiful green grass goes underground to escape for as long as possible.
None of that happens in the "Sunshine State"- the grass stays green, the trees stay dressed, the black roads shine and welcomes everyone to Florida. There is no need for turning on your heat with your central a/c system. I didn't even know my thermostat had a heat setting until my room mate pointed it out to me.

I am currently, as I type, looking out onto my patio, beautiful blue skies with white fluffy clouds blowing by and it makes me smile. 73 degrees and on the way to 81 today. I love it.
I almost forgot the sunsets. They can be breathe taking, such as this one I captured just last night.
Ween and I are both enjoying the view.
Personally, I think snow is evil. People who are on the road a lot seem to become "bumper car" drivers and take on a grimace on their face that freezes until "thaw time" in the Spring. (Gritting your teeth does not help you drive better.) Snow makes the beautiful black roads turn into an "ICKY" frozen mess that turns slushy and then back to frozen with little notice. Inside heat tends to dry out all sorts of things - noses, bread, flowers, and who knows what else. Overloaded trees, who would never think of dropping their branches, give up and crash their body parts onto any object that seems to be in their way. (It's not pretty.) And, beautiful green grass goes underground to escape for as long as possible.

I am currently, as I type, looking out onto my patio, beautiful blue skies with white fluffy clouds blowing by and it makes me smile. 73 degrees and on the way to 81 today. I love it.
I almost forgot the sunsets. They can be breathe taking, such as this one I captured just last night.
Ween and I are both enjoying the view.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
IVs are highly UNDERRATED!!! I so recommend them especially when you have been throwing up and had diarrhea for approximately 2 weeks. I can relate it to a "tune up" that you have for your car. I thought I was going to have to die to feel better.
Tania, my PA that I see regularly, highly suggested it as she diagnosed dehydration. She also made me aware of many side effects of dehydration - aches, pains, high blood pressure, and continued intestinal problems to name a few. (No wonder I felt so bad).
Having an IV in my drs office is so much easier than in an ER. Mock, who has been so much sicker than I have been, was "2 quarts" low, is now feeling much better too. Earlier in the day, we had been directed by "The Center" to go to an ER for IVs. When we arrived at a local Emergency Room, they said it would be at least 2 hrs or longer for anyone to see us. With "sick" people all around us and the way we felt, we left after about 45 minutes. We went to another ER and they said it would be at least 3 hrs, probably longer. Needless to say, we went home, called my drs office and got an appointment for the next morning.
It is a shame that with all the technology available in this world, it would take 2-4 hrs to get to see a medical advisor. At both places, which were full of patients, there was hospital personnel "standing around" with a seemingly indifferent attitude, and almost totally ignoring the people who came to a facility in hopes of getting help. We too experienced a lot of frustration during the experience, but we had options. What about those who don't?
Tania, my PA that I see regularly, highly suggested it as she diagnosed dehydration. She also made me aware of many side effects of dehydration - aches, pains, high blood pressure, and continued intestinal problems to name a few. (No wonder I felt so bad).
Having an IV in my drs office is so much easier than in an ER. Mock, who has been so much sicker than I have been, was "2 quarts" low, is now feeling much better too. Earlier in the day, we had been directed by "The Center" to go to an ER for IVs. When we arrived at a local Emergency Room, they said it would be at least 2 hrs or longer for anyone to see us. With "sick" people all around us and the way we felt, we left after about 45 minutes. We went to another ER and they said it would be at least 3 hrs, probably longer. Needless to say, we went home, called my drs office and got an appointment for the next morning.
It is a shame that with all the technology available in this world, it would take 2-4 hrs to get to see a medical advisor. At both places, which were full of patients, there was hospital personnel "standing around" with a seemingly indifferent attitude, and almost totally ignoring the people who came to a facility in hopes of getting help. We too experienced a lot of frustration during the experience, but we had options. What about those who don't?
Monday, January 24, 2011
Being told as a child I could not use 4-letter words, I have tried to avoid even being in the near vicinity of any with the exceptions of "LOVE" or "FOOD". Unfortunately, I have become all too acquainted with the word "FOOD".
Since my retirement just about a year ago, I have had very little extra curricular activity AKA 'exercise' or some form thereof. AND, due to the fact that Ween is totally related to me in that there are very few foods we don't like, I am forced to face up to the "BIG D" word - (Diet).
Officially, I don't believe in Diets. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). I don't think they are productive or healthy in the long run. I do, however, believe in Food Plans and exercise. That is exactly what I have decided to do. I have several close friends who have tried to be helpful, and suggested many ways I could go, but I have to find what is right and what works for me. It is a life-style change - a 24/7 day focus.
I don't have the energy nor the will power to have that kind of focus right, but just cutting down on bread, potatoes, and red-meat is how I'm starting. I know me. I don't choose to get rid of them altogether because if I decide to do that, I'll start craving them, and that would defeat the whole purpose. Starting next Monday though, veggies and fruit only. THE BIGGEST SACRIFICE IS NO DIET SODA. We'll see how it goes and how long it lasts. Hang in there for the updates.
Since my retirement just about a year ago, I have had very little extra curricular activity AKA 'exercise' or some form thereof. AND, due to the fact that Ween is totally related to me in that there are very few foods we don't like, I am forced to face up to the "BIG D" word - (Diet).
Officially, I don't believe in Diets. (That's my story and I'm sticking to it). I don't think they are productive or healthy in the long run. I do, however, believe in Food Plans and exercise. That is exactly what I have decided to do. I have several close friends who have tried to be helpful, and suggested many ways I could go, but I have to find what is right and what works for me. It is a life-style change - a 24/7 day focus.
I don't have the energy nor the will power to have that kind of focus right, but just cutting down on bread, potatoes, and red-meat is how I'm starting. I know me. I don't choose to get rid of them altogether because if I decide to do that, I'll start craving them, and that would defeat the whole purpose. Starting next Monday though, veggies and fruit only. THE BIGGEST SACRIFICE IS NO DIET SODA. We'll see how it goes and how long it lasts. Hang in there for the updates.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
On going
It seems as if the "thing to do" lately is to make a bucket list. For those of you who have been in a cave somewhere, a bucket list is things to do before you "kick the bucket." You know me - I am ALWAYS in vogue. So, here goes:
1. Win Lottery, ASAP.
2, Check w/attorney
3. Distribute money.
4, Surgery
5. New Food Plan
6. Start new businesses
7. Hire
8. Find offices and referb; move in.
1. Win Lottery, ASAP.
2, Check w/attorney
3. Distribute money.
4, Surgery
5. New Food Plan
6. Start new businesses
7. Hire
8. Find offices and referb; move in.
Friday, January 21, 2011
Dog Gone
When my children were young and ill, it was extremely hard, emotionally, to stand by and do nothing. That is exactly all you can do, NOTHING. Now that they are grown, it's just as hard, especially when they won't let you help. They must have a little of me somewhere in them because that is exactly how I feel when I'm sick. "Leave me alone; I'll get better." And, some times you have to take them to the Dr. even when they are grown. (Enough said)
One of the things I like about Ween is that she never complains. That can also be a hazard to her health. I took her for grooming this week and when she was finally ready and I "reclaimed" her, she had a "raised knot" on her nose. I turned around and took her back to the groomers (Ntl chain). They noted it physically, verbally and by writing notations on her record. I was informed that I was to call if she was not better the next day. As she wasn't better "enough" to me, I called. I was referred to their vet which was, of course, across the city.
Arriving as quickly as possible, I was given paperwork and asked to wait. In a considerably short amount of time, I was shown into an examining room. Unfortunately, not before Ween had "pooped" on the waiting room floor. She NEVER does that, but she gets extremely nervous when going to a vet. They kindly cleaned up the mess and assured me that it wasn't the first time it had been done. (It WAS by my dog).
I liked Dr Kyla. She reassured me that it looked like a small "hematoma" or bruise and should be better in days. During the exam though, Dr found out that Ween had a serious ear infection in both ears. That's the kind of companion she is; never complaining. As I thought back, she DID indicate the problem by scraping her ears on the carpet. I should have known something was wrong. She is now on antibiotic ear drops, which she tolerates the induction of at minimal discomfort to me.
Sometimes it is hard being Dr. Mom; especially when the patient never complains.
One of the things I like about Ween is that she never complains. That can also be a hazard to her health. I took her for grooming this week and when she was finally ready and I "reclaimed" her, she had a "raised knot" on her nose. I turned around and took her back to the groomers (Ntl chain). They noted it physically, verbally and by writing notations on her record. I was informed that I was to call if she was not better the next day. As she wasn't better "enough" to me, I called. I was referred to their vet which was, of course, across the city.
Arriving as quickly as possible, I was given paperwork and asked to wait. In a considerably short amount of time, I was shown into an examining room. Unfortunately, not before Ween had "pooped" on the waiting room floor. She NEVER does that, but she gets extremely nervous when going to a vet. They kindly cleaned up the mess and assured me that it wasn't the first time it had been done. (It WAS by my dog).
I liked Dr Kyla. She reassured me that it looked like a small "hematoma" or bruise and should be better in days. During the exam though, Dr found out that Ween had a serious ear infection in both ears. That's the kind of companion she is; never complaining. As I thought back, she DID indicate the problem by scraping her ears on the carpet. I should have known something was wrong. She is now on antibiotic ear drops, which she tolerates the induction of at minimal discomfort to me.
Sometimes it is hard being Dr. Mom; especially when the patient never complains.
Monday, January 17, 2011
There's no place like home; (click, click) There's no place like home.
Another beautiful night's sleep. Not yet day break, the lights of the Cape were visible. An emotional "let down" just as most any exciting event, and yet glad to be almost home. Disembarking was fairly rapid and we were on our way within a few minutes.
How did things at home continue without me? Apparently fairly well. My roommate is extremely competent so everything looked great.

Wiener, on the other hand, was another issue. The best analogy I can give is - Are you familiar with "Saran Wrap?" Or, have you tried to unwrap a DVD or CD? She is still a "bit" clingy right now. I'm sure the cold nose I get on the back of my leg will stop soon. But, I'm really looking forward to going to the bathroom by myself again. Do you think she can really read minds? Yeah. I think she missed me.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
THIRD DAY (Not the music group)
Looking out the sliding door, passed the verandah, and viewing the beautiful dark blues of the water against the lighter shades of the sky, is more beautiful than words can describe. God really knows how to paint, doesn't He?
Coming into Castaway Cay we were delayed a bit because the helicopter was taking pictures again. But, who could complain? What a way to be delayed.
I once again opted to have "breakfast" on the verandah; leisurely viewing the scenery; sipping coffee and having my bagel. (This is rough, but somebody has to do it)
Dinner tonight was at Animator's Palate Restaurant. A totally unique experience! There were pictures on the wall; painted and drawn; black and white and in color.
The servers are in a less formal costume that I really liked with characters drawn on the long-sleeved shirt. Their colors were red, black and yellow.
The chairs were designed to look like Mickey's outfit. The meal was also quite different. The napkins were designed to look like "Luminar" the candle and the butter knife looked like a small paint brush. (I can see those walking away with the guests. I was tempted myself)
The appetizer I ordered was a delicious onion cheesecake with bits of ham. This was similar to a quiche, but better. The sauce on the plate was some sort of catsup-based decoration. The cheesecake didn't need anything else with it for my taste.

I also ordered a butternut squash soup with a "dollop" of sour cream. This was very rich tasting and even better than I thought it would be.
Choosing my entree was as easy as selecting the dessert. I chose a chicken and potatoes with carrots and beets in a sauce that tasted similar to the broth that is used to make beef stew. It sounded yummy and it was.
The dessert I chose was their Great Temptations - consisting of a lemon sponge cake with baked apples on top as a garnish; a double chocolate cake and last but not least a lemon mousse.
The presentations have all been wonderful and entirely appetizing.
Shortly after we placed our order, the lights dimmed, the posters on the walls slid to the side and the whole area became an aquarium with all the Nemo characters swimming beside our tables. It was beyond neat. Crush swam up to our table and started talking and asking questions of everyone. This interactive addition was extremely entertaining. It continued throughout our dinner.
Bruce (the shark) was present, of course, and swimming so fast I could hardly take his picture. The blow fish, Nemo, and Dori buzzed by and talked quickly.
The ray was a beautiful deep blue with white dots on its back. I don't know his name or how he is woven into the story, but he was beautiful in the restaurant aquarium.
Once again, I waddled out of the restaurant and moved toward one of the theatre areas to see tonight's show - BELIEVE.

The story is of a scientist who doesn't believe in Fairies but is trying to get his plant to grow. His daughter, who does believe in Fairies, says if he believes the Fairies will help his project.
The characters from Disney movies all perform dances and songs about believing and wishing.

And, of course, when it ends his plant grows, and Everyone lives "HAPPILY EVER AFTER."
When the show was over, I went back to my stateroom and once again, fell asleep immediately. So much to do; so little time.
After showering and dressing, I made my way to the island. I did not stay long due to several reasons; none that I can mention at this time. I did send post cards, which shall arrive sometime soon.
I came back on board, ran some errands, went to the pool, and watched some of BOLT on the ginormous screen beside the pool. There is an "adult" pool and spa area which is nice if you want a little quieter atmosphere. There is also an adults only restaurant and bar close to the pool. The island also has an adults only area. (Disney is very detailed and usually thinks of everything)
We walked into a "design" room with multiple items on the walls and tables that have to do with animation and design.
I also ordered a butternut squash soup with a "dollop" of sour cream. This was very rich tasting and even better than I thought it would be.
The presentations have all been wonderful and entirely appetizing.
Shortly after we placed our order, the lights dimmed, the posters on the walls slid to the side and the whole area became an aquarium with all the Nemo characters swimming beside our tables. It was beyond neat. Crush swam up to our table and started talking and asking questions of everyone. This interactive addition was extremely entertaining. It continued throughout our dinner.
The ray was a beautiful deep blue with white dots on its back. I don't know his name or how he is woven into the story, but he was beautiful in the restaurant aquarium.
Once again, I waddled out of the restaurant and moved toward one of the theatre areas to see tonight's show - BELIEVE.
The characters from Disney movies all perform dances and songs about believing and wishing.
And, of course, when it ends his plant grows, and Everyone lives "HAPPILY EVER AFTER."
When the show was over, I went back to my stateroom and once again, fell asleep immediately. So much to do; so little time.
Tomorrow is our last day. We dock early.
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