Tuesday, October 04, 2011

New Day

Breakfast with  Joseph, Kim, Brandon, and Mock.  I always enjoy those times. We have all worked together at one time or another - if not in research then at the call center.  Cindy forgot and Kathryn couldn't make it.  Sometimes others join us and it's an even bigger "good time."

Mock and Brandon both worked last night and they "HATE" mornings.  They are suggesting lunch time or even dinner.  I can relate.  In some ways working at night is harder.  It turns your whole schedule around; you sleep when everyone is awake, and work when everyone else sleeps.  It's hard to do anything but work and sleep.  It gets boring after a while.  Even when you have 2 days off, you still have to catch up on your sleep.  It's crazy.

Ween had a rough morning of sleeping, eating, and potty breaks.  Sometimes, she is just worn out by the end of the day.  She's sleeping now.

I think I'll play my "Lazy Day" song.  "Today, I don't feel like doing anything; I'm just wanna lay in my bed.  Don't feel like picking up my phone.  So leave a message at the tone.  Today I swear I'm not doing anything."

Ween started without me.

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