Personally, I think snow is evil. People who are on the road a lot seem to become "bumper car" drivers and take on a grimace on their face that freezes until "thaw time" in the Spring. (Gritting your teeth does not help you drive better.) Snow makes the beautiful black roads turn into an "ICKY" frozen mess that turns slushy and then back to frozen with little notice. Inside heat tends to dry out all sorts of things - noses, bread, flowers, and who knows what else. Overloaded trees, who would never think of dropping their branches, give up and crash their body parts onto any object that seems to be in their way. (It's not pretty.) And, beautiful green grass goes underground to escape for as long as possible.

I am currently, as I type, looking out onto my patio, beautiful blue skies with white fluffy clouds blowing by and it makes me smile. 73 degrees and on the way to 81 today. I love it.
I almost forgot the sunsets. They can be breathe taking, such as this one I captured just last night.
Ween and I are both enjoying the view.
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