Thursday, August 18, 2011

Doctors are only "Practicing" medicine, right?

Another week of drs and appointments.  It seems like that is all I do some weeks.  I was at Mayo for an appt with my orthopedic dr.  Status quo, I guess. He wants me to have surgery to remove the spurs from the spine.  I don't think I'm ready to do that for several reasons - I want to wait to have the stomach surgery, I don't like the idea of them working on my spine, and I can still maintain with pain pills and aspirin.  So, we'll wait.

I've also had blood work, a CAT scan (I didn't even know I had a cat) and will have a breathing test at the Dr's office tomorrow.  I've had some breathing problems and he wanted to check all possible reasons for it, including the diagnosis and progress of the sarcoidosis.

Let's see - is there any Dr I haven't seen lately - Nope.  I'll just have to wait for the diagnosis and results.

I have recently had my phone off.  This has sent some people into cardiac arrest, or at least upset to some degree.  They could not imagine that I would ever do anything like that.  Some times I just don't want to talk or hear the phone.  That is not computable with some people.  I have a hard time dealing with some issues in my life right now, so my SOP (Standard Operational Procedure) is to "back off" and regroup.  I know it is evading issues, but at the time that's all I can do, for my own sanity.

I've always liked the Beach Boys and one of their older songs is "In My Room" by Brian Wilson.  That song and Mandisa's "Stronger" are my lead songs right now.  I'm trying to process and I don't know how or why.  So, I follow Ween's idea of "sleep it off."  She's my hero right now.

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