Sunday, October 09, 2011

True Identity

Just back from church, and as usual, Dan gave me a lot to ponder.  The biggest question is "How do I evaluate my Identity?"  One of his comments struck home.  "When you understand your identity in Christ, you understand your life in Christ."

Far too long I have listen to negativity about my identity and who I am.  That has prompted me to "feel" unintelligent, incompetent, and viewing a DISTORTED view of who I am.  His statements have caused me to reevaluate who I am and where I am at this time of life.

I have to revert to my two basic ideas - GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL, and, HE LOVES ME.  These two ideals have kept me "steady" for the last few years.  I had forgotten to remember them.  I am now determined to refocus and re-identify who I am in Christ.

BUT, just now I am going to lay down and watch a football game on tv today. ( It usually puts me to sleep.)  Outside it looks like a typical day in Kentucky, dark, damp, and dreary.  Hopefully, this weather will go away soon.  Ween needs company.  She looks awfully comfortable.

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