Wednesday, February 07, 2007


A set of circumstances sometimes happen and appear to be one thing, and are actually another. Does that ever happen to you?

Due to being in a meeting today, I shut off my phone because I forgot to leave it in the car. After I got home I was hungry, so I fixed a hamburger and layed down on the couch to watch last night's GILMORE GIRLS. Well, you can imagine what happened next, I fell asleep. Charles got home about 7 and I was just waking up and didn't actually know what time it was.

I found out the phone was still off when I went to plug it in and set the alarm that I use each morning. I had a message from Bob - "It's not nice to shut your phone off." I quickly phoned him and explained the situation. He seemed okay with it, but not - if you know what I mean. I'm not even sure I KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I asked him if WE were okay, and he said yes and that he hoped I wasn't getting paranoid on him.

I don't know. Maybe I AM paranoid or have paranoid tendencies. Maybe this is too good to be true and I WANT to find something wrong with the relationship. I don't know that either,but I don't think so. I know I love him. I know he loves me. Maybe we're both too tired and tonight was a good idea for both of us to rest. I know I miss him when I'm not with him, and tonight is no exception. Only 30 more nights, Cheryl; 30 more nights!

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