Friday, February 23, 2007


It is only 15 more nights until the big day. As it gets closer, Bob and I both are anxiously awaiting the day. If nothing else, we will get to finally be together in one location and not have to run around trying to find things for the wedding. That has to be less stressful. And, we can finally get on some sort of schedule and routine.

I personally thrive on routine and schedules. In addition to Bob having to work overtime these last two weeks, I am also in training for the Youth Education Service for "D" next week. It seems that everything is happening these last two weeks. Oh well.

The fiasco of getting furniture for our apartment is finally over. We now have a couch, coffee table, and dining room set. Marvin is painting on Sunday. Bob's bed is being moved into the apartment on Sunday some time and he will be moved in, theoretically. My furniture will be moved in on March 5 and I will move in on March 11, after the wedding. Some say that is old fashioned. Yes. I guess it is, but those are my beliefs and Bob is okay with them. He is a gentleman and loves me.

It is exciting to be on the "threshold" so to speak of a whole new direction for my personal life and work orientation. I once heard someone say "The only things that are sure are death and change." That is probably true. We only have one life to live. But, if you do it right, that's all you need.

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