Monday, February 26, 2007

I don't know if I can do this

Just when you think things are going so well, the bottom falls out. I was in my training class today and during break I checked my phone calls. My son, Charles, was in the emergency room with heart "arrhythmia". After spending 5 hours in the hospital, they sent him home with no apparent cause and an appointment for a cardiologist. After leaving him, I went with Bob to a Dr's appointment; waited over an hour for him to find out he is diabetic.

For those of you who know my history, my first husband Tom died because of complications of diabetes. For more than 12 or so years, we dealt with all the intricate details of his not taking care of himself and me trying to make him. I don't know if I can do this again.

I mentioned this to Charles and with the logic he usually has, he said, "Bob is not Dad." That is very true and yet it is the same. I know I am tired. I know not to make any rash decisions when I am tired. And yet I can't help it. I definitely have to talk to Bob about this.

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