Wednesday, July 18, 2012


It was not one of my favorite days, to say the least. After having my AFIB since Sunday, I was exhausted and trying to sleep.  Ween decided it was time for me to get up, but not her.  I saw myself staying in bed, but after thrashing about for 30 minutes or so, I decided to get up and get ready for the day by taking a shower.

It's always a "tossup" for me to decide what to do about the irregular heart beat.  It usually returns to "normal" after a few hours.  I have additional medication to help, but nothing seemed to work and it had been three days.  I took my shower and walked five feet into my closet to get something to wear. The next thing I remember is coming face to face with the carpet in my closet. Interesting.

"He" has had a kidney stone since Thursday and the pain had not subsided.  He called to discuss the next step.  We decided we would "both" go to the ER. (The family that gets ill together...)  I had several "episodes" of weakness while en route to our "familiar" local ER.

I found out my heart rhythm had returned to normal; my episodes had subsided; and, I can't take hot, hot showers any more.  According to the "expert" at the hospital, the extreme heat of the shower makes the blood vessels constrict and lack of oxygen can make you pass out.  Hummmmm.

I was released; He was admitted.  Precautions warranted additional tests for him.  I was going home and get some rest.  Backed the car out of the space, ready to buzz home, and heard the familiar "THUMPING" of a flat tire.  (Icing on the cake.)  Finally decided to have it towed to his tire place, called Mock to come to get me, and waited.  And, waited.  And, waited.

The tow truck arrived; Mock had not.  It had been 45 minutes.  We live approximately 15 minutes away.  The tow truck man  (He had to have cash) took the "limping" vehicle away.  Still no Mock.  He was dealing with our cities "finest."  61 in a 45.  I suddenly felt a large drop on my shoulder and after 5 more, there was a deluge from the sky.  I was soaked through all my clothing by the time I got back to the ER drop off area.  And, still no Mock, and no cash. (Is God trying to tell me something?)

Twenty minutes later, Mock showed up with all his paperwork, and we were off to the credit union to get a check cashed that I had received in the mail. Traffic was heavy as we made it to I-drive, got money, had to get gas, and finally made it to the car, paid the poor tow man, and arranged to have the tire fixed.

It was after 2, and we were both starved.  Tried to drive through Mickey-Ds, but it was torn up for remodeling.  Had to drive about 10 miles away. "Megan" from the tire store called.  He had a "razor blade" in the tire.  Not fixable. She assured me that she would work her magic and get us a good deal.

I was TOTALLY wiped.  We headed for home, food, and Ween. After consuming appropriate amounts, I felt the bed calling my name.  Ween and I woke up about 6.  I had to go to Charles' and get some things, then we headed back to the hospital. (Ween didn't go.)

Julie and Bret were there and we stayed until "they kicked us out."  Mock went to get the car and I sat down on a bench beside a black lady wearing a lovely red dress.  I did what I do best, I started talking.  She had been there all day with her son, Steven, 41, who was experiencing some problems with the stent of his dialysis tube and had an infection.

I listened as she explained Steven's situation.  He has been on dialysis 10 years and gone through so much during that time.  He's on "the list" for a new kidney, but no hint as to how long.  Her last words to me, as I got up to get in the car, "Keep the faith."

God has a way of jerking me up short.  Reality is - my day could have been a lot worse.  In perspective, I was grateful for just a "kidney stone."

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