Saturday, July 28, 2012


My sister sent me this "information" from a youtube placement.  I found it very interesting and yet, another thing came up to mind when i saw it.  

I agree with the "theory" that life is short and eternity is forever.  Yet, I am a realist for the most part. We still have to exist in this world.  We still have to deal with issues.  We are still concerned when things happen.  We cannot forget this life, we just have to manage to live in it.  

Look to eternity, but please don't tell me to forget this life even with the shortness of it in relation to the after life.  I have issues I have to deal with every single day.  I have it pretty easy in relationship to others I have met.  

Just dealing is hard and frustrating at times, especially when it doesn't seem like it's getting better no matter what you do.  And, to the person who posted the youtube "sermon, " Please forgive me while I try to live DAILY.

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