Friday, July 06, 2012

Life is so Daily

This week has again been a roller coaster of emotions and appointments.  Up and down; date changes; miscommunications.  I returned the heart monitor on Monday.  Tuesday I began having the "dancing" motion but it didn't last long, thank God.  Maybe the Coumadin is working.  Celebrated the 4th by watching TV and petting Ween.

I had my blood check yesterday and it was 2.3.  That definitely is good.  Tania was happy; the lab tech was happy; Ween was happy.  All was good.  Had to change several appointments with Tania, as our schedules are overlapping for the next few weeks.  Did not get the results of my ECHO.  According to Drs office, it hasn't been processed yet.  It's a good thing I'm not dying or anything.  It was done on the 29th.  Two weeks seems a long time to get it processed, but what do I know.

I had an appointment to have bloodwork done this morning.  Left late, got there with just a script, but it was the wrong one, so I had to cancel that one and reschedule for Tuesday.  Nothing available on Monday.

I have several appointments for MAYO on Wed.  I hope this will be the help I'm looking for with my back.  I am also having an MRI, and see a cardiologist.  I hope to see Aida again.  I miss seeing her, and the boys.

I have a pile of paperwork on my table and need to take care of it.  Some day when I'm rich, I'll have a secretary to take care of that stuff.  Dream on, Sheila.


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