Thursday, July 19, 2012

No surprises

After talking with my cardiologist's PA, Marsha, the Ablation procedure is being scheduled, even as we speak.  My "ECHO" was good - no abnormal blood flow; but, enlarged upper left chamber and enlarged bottom right chamber.  She said this is not unusual for people with high blood pressure.

Cardiac ablation is a procedure that is done in order to destroy areas in your heart that may be causing heart rhythm problems. Small wires called electrodes are placed in the heart to measure the electrical activity and destroy the problem areas.

It is being scheduled for happening in about 2 weeks.  I will be in the hospital about 5 days.  I am having the procedure at Arnold Palmer - ORMC (Orlando Regional Medical Center).  Not my usual hospital, but great reputation for "cutting edge" procedures.  (No pun intended)

My doctors have a 90% success rate and do not anticipate any problems.  As I look at it, it is a WIN/WIN situation.  If it happens and works, I win.  If it happens, and something might go wrong, I also win.  I am ready to do almost anything to feel better again.  Hopefully, after this, I'll be able to exercise and lose weight.

I'll blog about the procedure as we go along.  God is good; Yeah, God.

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