Don't even have time to see Aida. She isn't free until 3, and I can't wait until then. According to Dr, I "probably" have a pinched nerve, hopefully. If not, we may have to do surgery.
Testing today - x-rays; EKG; and wanted to do blood work, but it has to be done fasting, so we had to put that off until I can get it done. When I go back, in July, he wants to do MRI, blood work, pain induction (?) and decide what needs to be done.
According to him, I was taking the wrong medication for pain, so he changed it. Mock says I can take one and see him next Thursday. (He has more experience with pain meds than I do, so he thinks this will put me out.) He's probably right. Two aspirins knock me out for the night, so I don't know what this stuff will do. We'll see. The script says I can take one every 4 hrs. (Yeah. That is going to happen.)
Had dinner with Julie and Bret. Julie invited us to stop on our way home. It was delicious. I'm really not to have spicy foods, and this wasn't too bad, but it was Tacos. I made a Taco salad and ate about half. I brought the other half home for tomorrow. MMMMMMMMM good.
Just got home and I'm totally wiped. I have another dr's appt tomorrow and "he" is taking me. I feel really awful that "he" is missing so much work, but "he" says not to worry about it. So, I won't.
Ween is already in bed. I'm right behind her. I wonder if she took one of my pills? Na. She can't even open the bottle. It's a "thumb" thing.
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