Once again supporting the AMA - the doctor "de jour" was my cardiologist. The "echo" showed an enlarged upper chamber on one side. I am still having the "afib" problem so he is once again increasing the meds. I am to go back next Friday to see if there is any change and to have another echo. If not, surgery is recommended.
If we have to go the surgery route, it is a procedure called Ablation:
In cardiac ablation, doctors insert thin, flexible tubes (catheters) with electrodes on the tips into a blood vessel in your arm, groin or neck and thread them through your blood vessels to reach your heart. Doctors then apply heat (radiofrequency energy), a laser or extreme cold (cryoablation) through the catheters to destroy (ablate) abnormal heart tissue causing your heart rhythm disorder (from Mayo Clinic website)
It is, once again, a wait and see game. I think that is worse than actual procedure. I find it much easier to be a patient than being a fixture in the waiting room.
The President is visiting the Magic Kingdom - EVERYTHING SHUTS DOWN for his visit. Traffic, parks, and various sundry areas. It is such a mess when he visits. I hope he likes the weather.
Ween and I are watching the clouds roll in with the beginnings of a storm coming closer and closer. I love storms. Oh not out in it, but watching the fierceness and presence of God. Living on a preserve, it is awesome to see the lightening skip across the water, trees bending to the pressure of the wind, and the large, hard raindrops that are released by the dark clouds. Ween is fine with watching it from inside; outside, not so much. Right now she is ignoring all the signs of the outdoors. Sleeping is a hard job; but, someone has to do it.
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