Monday, June 25, 2012

Back to Jacksonville

Sounds like a country-western song; if not already available, I think I'll write it.  Blood work and a procedure for my back; so much fun.  "He" is taking me. This is supposed to relieve the pain I'm having.  Dr talks surgery, but I don't want that unless it is the VERY LAST option.

It is a total day of fasting tomorrow.  I don't really mind that so much as I do waiting.  Mayo isn't as bad as most places.  They usually stay to a strict schedule and minimal waiting is their directive.  I like my doctors there.  They actually seem to care.

Wed is "blood check" day with my regular GP.  And, then on Friday, I'm back to my cardiologist for more testing.

My life seems to exist just to see Drs.  Although they are extremely capable and kind, I'm really over the "thrill" of the visit.  To me, its like eating the same meal 3 times as day, 7 days a week with no changes in the menu.  I still haven't been able to get to the PT that is waiting for me.  I'd really like to do that.  It probably will help more than anything else.

I would love to get into the water again.  It has rained so much, it is not only hard to get into our pool between storms, but the water is also too cold to use it.  The temperature of the water adversely affects my over all body temperature.  It needs to be at least 80 degrees for me to be able to tolerate it.  It would be nice to have solar heating available.

Today is another day of holding down the couch.  Ween and I have already "assumed" our positions.

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