Saturday, June 02, 2012

I Know where I was

Forty-five years ago today, I was in Nashville, TN. The plans were made. People were in place. All was set up for the big event. What could possibly go wrong? Tom forgot my flowers; I was so nervous I had to pee, with my dress on, five minutes before going down the aisle; I put his ring on the wrong finger; It rained all day and night. Did any of that stop us? Thank goodness it didn't.

I was married to one of the most amazing people in the world. I didn't even realize it at the time. The first year and a half were wonderful. We loved. We laughed. We had fun. Then I found out I was pregnant and I threw up all nine months. That does not make for a "happy" time.

He was understanding, helpful, and patient. I was a total bitch, and I didn't even know it. I didn't know how to love that man properly. I did not let him be the person God had created him to be. I was self absorbed, and not the woman God wanted me to be. If I could I would go back and change so many things.

That man made such an impression on me. I learned so much from him, and his "sayings." I recently spent some time with our old friends Mary and Byron. We reminisced about those times - most were good; some not so much. We all felt we were blessed to have known him, even for such a short time.

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