Thursday, September 10, 2009

Catch Phrases

Many sayings seem to personify the last few years of my life - "And you're telling me this because?...", or "This affects me how?..." and my all-timed favorite "Seemed like a good idea at the time." Why do I use them? Escape? Tap dancing around an issue? Maybe even a way to avoid the truth? I don't know exactly but I couldn't come up with one this week-end at a family gathering.

One member of my family, name which I can't mention, made the statement - "You don't understand. She has "Control Issues." It starting me thinking. Do I really have control issues? To me that is someone who makes sure all events only take place the way they want it to happen. I've asked friends and other relatives if this is me. So far, I haven't had anyone who disagreed with the statement.

Do I do this? Each person I've talked with has been able to cite instances where they think I either "tried" to control or "did" control the situation. In each instance, I couldn't see why they thought I was trying to be in control.

I feel like I don't have ANY control over anything in my life, especially with all that is happening with me now. Maybe I just can't realistically look at me or my life. The statement has really made me rethink a lot of issues. Maybe I don't know me as well as I thought I did.

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