Sunday, September 27, 2009


Here it is 4 AM again, and I am wide awake wondering what I'm doing up at this hour. Bob just went to work; Wiener is still sleeping (smart dog) and me; I don't know why I am awake. Actually I do. I've had an upset stomach since Friday and had to miss work yesterday. I hate to do that. It makes it so much harder on everyone there, not to mention the fact I don't get paid for being off.

It seems like every time I think I am over this "condition" it comes back and whacks me up the side of the head (so to speak), and I am laid up for several days again. I have taken one of the "blue" pills I used to take to settle my stomach but they make me sleepy so I should doze off some time soon, and they only temporarily stop the condition. It takes at least 3 or 4 days to get my stomach back to "my normal."

I'm also watching another episode of Gilmore Girls. I hate the fact that they are no longer on the regular programming; only in reruns. This episode is about Rory getting involved with Jess. If you are not a "Gilmore" er, then you won't get it, but it is not only funny, but almost my life. If my mother had had money, she would have been Emily Gilmore. Of course, I'm not as cute as Lorelai, nor witty, and I had more than one child and not before I was married, but a lot of the crazy things they do or have happen, parallel my life.

I grew up in a very small town. If something happened during my day, my mother knew about it before I could get home. I read as much as I could; probably escapism. And, I left home as soon as possible; I graduated from high school while Lorelai didn't, etc. I have my "bad boy" in my life now not in high school.

I guess I was MISS GOODY TWO SHOES, or lived in a nunnery (as Bob likes to state) so I didn't do any "wild child" things, but I had several "adventures" in college. OH NO!!!

This note is "OFFICIALLY" over. Wiener just got up and DEMANDS attention, so I have to go. She is sooooo spoiled.

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