Tuesday, September 22, 2009


What most people don't know about me is that it takes so little to make me happy. New car. New house. Lottery. Simple things, but only distractions in the scheme of things.

I'm getting ready to go to a retreat the second week of October. I will be with old friends and surely meet new ones. I am so ready that any higher level of excitement, I'd be illegal in ten states. One of my friends is coming from a "gadzillion" states away just to go with us. She is like a sister to me and I love and appreciate her so much.

This is what life is all about-FRIENDS AND GOOD TIMES. While I DO have a new car, and looking for a new house, and have high hopes of winning the lottery, those would make life a little easier. I can readily do without all of that, and still have a wonderful, blessed life, which I do. But do without friends-NO WAY. Thank God I am especially blessed in that area.

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