Supporting the AMA seems to be one of my more reoccurring events lately. This week was no exception. I had to have 6 vials of blood taken, see the dermatologist, and had 5 skin biopsies done. I really need to talk with that Dr about his bedside manner. And, he has absolutely no sense of humor. His statement was, "Well. I guess I don't have to tell you that you have skin cancer." I looked at him and said, "Ah, what?" "Oh." he said. I guess I DO have to tell you."
I also have a small "lump" on the inside of my right hand. I tried to show him that and his comment was "You really need to see a orthopedic guy for that." He said that that type of lump is usually just a type of blister for someone who usually shoots guns or does a lot of gardening. "Which are you?" he asked. I told him I was an undercover agent for the FBI and if I told him anything else I'd have to kill him. (Funny look on his face) His next comment was, "Maybe I should explain what we are doing here." My comment was, "Yeah. Maybe you should." (Results on everything next week.)
That was two or three days this week. But, today was a real upper in that I got a brand, new car.

And, today my son Tom sent me a new picture that is adorable. Guess who it looks like?

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