Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Replacement is NOT an Option

The cushion I need to help me see over the hood of my car is waaaaaaaaaaay beyond used. Many would say, to "infinity and beyond" just needing help. Several friends have even offered to buy me a new one. These truly ARE well meaning friends. And, I know they love me.

"It doesn't go with your car" they say. "It is not only ragged, but putrid looking" they say. "Can't you afford a new cushion?" they ask. The truth be know, I actually like my cushion JUST THE WAY IT IS!

IT IS raggy looking. IT IS probably passed it's prime (who isn't.) It doesn't "class up" my sporty mustang convertible. It might even be a detriment to all those guys who like to be seen in a hot, red car. I keep it because I like it. I like what it stands for. I like it because it reminds me of where I came from. But, most of all, it reminds me of how I use to be. And. I need those reminders to keep me grounded and focused.

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