I love working with these guys. They are great and we actually enjoy being with each other. This picture was taken on top of a hotel in which we were touring. It is so great to be able to see things from the "inside" and learn about the history of the site. I am still amazed with all the "ins and outs" of running such a large place.
Today is my "Sunday" and I have been able to get some things done that I had been putting off until "I could get around to it." I even washed my car.
Jeff promised that he would come and help me, but he didn't call to confirm, and I was running out of time. He works all day and is off on Sat and Sun. HUMMMM! (What's wrong with these schedules?)
I am supposed to go to dinner and a movie with a friend tonight. I don't know if I will cancel or not. I went out for lunch and a movie yesterday with another friend. The movie was "The Devil Wears Prada." SOOO VERY PREDICTABLE, all the way through.
I saw "The Lake House" two weeks ago, and then went back last week to see it again. I'm not sure if I like it or not, but it was interesting. I like a good mystery and that one certainly left a lot of "unanswered" questions in my mind. I think I might buy it just to see it from time to time.
One movie I will DEFINITELY buy is "Over the Hedge." That one is so terribly funny. "Hammie" reminds me of me. His attention span is so short that he can't concentrate on any one thing long. I do that some times, out of choice. I think it started when I got bored in church. My youngest son said he could always tell when I was tuning out the sermon. I started balancing my checkbook. I don't "physically" take out some thing and start another task now, but I can mentally move to something else while attending a meeting or even a party.
Some of that is "escapism" and some is self-preservation, but you know, sometimes it is just plain lack of interest. I think I better start concentrating more, especially in meetings here. They might just volunteer me for something and I won't even realize it.
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