The day started beautifully. I had a friend call about 7 am and wish me a happy birthday. (So far, so good, right?) I got a shower and was dressing when my oldest son called to wish me a happy birthday. (Good?) Received several "e-mail" cards. (Another upper, right?)

(This first picture was taken from the top of the W Lodge facing toward G F Hotel.)
And then I had a call. My plans for my birthday dinner were cancelled. I had previously turned down several invites, rearranged other plans, and was really looking forward to having a great birthday dinner. Talk about depressing; disappointed; and whatever other downer emotion you can insert. So, I have spent the evening alone, watching reruns of Gilmore Girls, and eating leftovers, and basically feeling sorry for myself.

On a more positive note, I had a great dinner last night with a totally delightful man, so I can ALMOST shift my emotions to that as a birthday celebration.
Naw. It isn't the same. I am bummed.
(This picture was just before the storm finally broke)
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