I slept on the second floor. The washing machine was in the basement three floors away. How she managed to get that machine loud enough to wake me, I'll never know. I just know that as an adult, I am very considerate of when I wash my clothes. And, I hate being awaken by loud noises.
Another favorite noise was the tree trimmers. That was also done at the crack of "chickens waking" on Saturday. I could never figure that out during my twelve summers of being out of school. (The chickens were annoyed too.)

I also got to wander about in the wooded areas that were there. I'd climb the hill close to our house; sit on the side and look all around the area. An aerial view is totally different from ground level views. Big things don't seem as intimidating up there. And the things you could find - arrowheads, "golden rocks," footprints, each thing was an adventure.
There comes a time when you have to stop going to Vacation Bible School, quit the adventures in the woods, and become an adult. It's really a shame. I remember that girl. She actually enjoyed life. Poor thing. She didn't know any better. I wonder what became of her.
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