Friday, October 28, 2011
Concert or No Concert?
Amy Grant and Michael W. Smith are in concert here tonight. I'm supposed to go with Charles and whoever else is going-probably Julie, Bret and the girls. I'm not sure I want to go. Loving music does not guarantee you love concerts. My hearing sensitivity and large crowds do not always allow me to go. The noise level is usually overwhelming. These two are not especially loud, but people are crammed into an area that is too small, with noises too loud, and people not always in a good frame of mind, even in "religious" venues. To me, it's not usually worth the effort. We'll see how it goes.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Power Source
Being without power for 3 days has helped me to focus more clearly on
What do I use as MY POWER SOURCE?
Where do I go when MY "LIGHT" is not on for me to see clearly?
When do I evaluate MY POWER?"
Why do I need a POWER SOURCE?
How do I use MY SOURCE for power?
Do I go to the PHONE or the THRONE when I am powerless?
If the Sunday morning sermon is boring and I resort to balancing my checkbook, what is wrong?
Is anyone else responsible for my power?
Having evaluation testing available to oneself, is not necessarily a good thing. Oh, I can evaluate others and diagnose what is THEIR problem, but can I be objective when diagnosing my own idiosyncrasies?
Saying you have ADHD and knowing it, is like a doctor self medicating - It's probably dangerous or at least funny to some. Tom used to say, "And what is going on at the circus today?" He was referring to the noise level in my head. He knew that my head is an ever-changing chaotic mish mash of "THINGS" all happening at the same time. Some times when I "check out" of reality, my "Circus" becomes my reality. Sounds strange doesn't it. ( I don't think I've ever put that information in writing before.) I like my "head" world better sometimes. Fantasy is usually better. That is probably why I've always liked Disney.
Right now, I am working on my relationship with MY POWER SOURCE - God. I have always known He is in control. I think my biggest problem is believing HE wants to help ME, personally. I go in and out of relying on Him like I should, and letting reality take over my mind. Reality says - "Hey! You don't have (etc. insert whatever is the next think you want) and if God RELLLLLLLLLLLLLLY loved you He would get it for you." Common sense tells you a good parent doesn't let their child have everything they want - only what they need. So how does this "devil talk" enter my "CIRCUS?"
Getting tired of being sick and tired, I resort to reading about JOB. What problems. And, then his friends come to visit. "Nuff said?"
God is good - all the time; All the time - God is good. I HAVE TO stay in the scriptures, focus on Him and "lean not unto my own understanding." And, when you get right down to it, what is reality any way?
My In Law Grandmother, Sally, was a wise christian woman. One week-end just after I found out I was pregnant with Tommy, we were visiting her in KY. I had been soooooooooooo sick and was having a hard time getting up to get ready for church. She had breakfast ready, and I guess I kind of turned green. She looked me square in the eyes and said, "Sometimes the most religious thing we can do, is go back to bed. Go on girl. Get back in bed." She was my hero. That is also Ween's best advice. I think I will. Progress Energy eat your heart out.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Psalm 118:24
This is the day which the LORD hath made;
I will (choose to) rejoice and be glad in it.
This is the day which the LORD hath made;
I will (choose to) rejoice and be glad in it.
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Once again, the "hurricane/tornado" type rain and winds have shifted and not hit our area. We are certainly blessed by God. There are areas here that would have flooded and been such a mess to so many people. I, for one, am grateful.
Mayo called and I have been approved for my surgery - that's the good news. The "not so good" news is that I have to go to Rochester, MN for the surgery, and someone has to go with me. (Medicare) I can't drive back and forth to the hospital for a week. This certainly messes with my No 1 rule of life - "Never go north of Florida after Nov 1." I have an appointment at JAX Mayo on November 14. I should know more details then.
Tomorrow is a birthday of "relative of mine I cannot mention". He will be in San Francisco with some friends. Kenny's birthday was 16th, so they usually celebrate together, but here not in California. I will miss him, but he is celebrating how "HE" wants to celebrate. There is nothing he needs nor cannot afford, so buying him anything is hard. Not having any extra cash right now, also makes it hard to buy him anything. He has an abundance of patience with me and says he understands. I'm glad he does, because I don't. We will go out to eat when he comes home. He will decide.
Mayo called and I have been approved for my surgery - that's the good news. The "not so good" news is that I have to go to Rochester, MN for the surgery, and someone has to go with me. (Medicare) I can't drive back and forth to the hospital for a week. This certainly messes with my No 1 rule of life - "Never go north of Florida after Nov 1." I have an appointment at JAX Mayo on November 14. I should know more details then.
Tomorrow is a birthday of "relative of mine I cannot mention". He will be in San Francisco with some friends. Kenny's birthday was 16th, so they usually celebrate together, but here not in California. I will miss him, but he is celebrating how "HE" wants to celebrate. There is nothing he needs nor cannot afford, so buying him anything is hard. Not having any extra cash right now, also makes it hard to buy him anything. He has an abundance of patience with me and says he understands. I'm glad he does, because I don't. We will go out to eat when he comes home. He will decide.
Monday, October 10, 2011
Another Day
Please tell me why the phone rings or "dings" indicating a text message when I have just allmoosst gone to sleep? Is there some sort of indicator in my body that lets my phone know EXACTLY when to get my attention? Or, maybe a diabolical plan within the circumference of our universe that stops me from warming my pillow during the day? It is amazing to me how this happens.
On the other hand, "WEEN" can sleep any time, any way, any place. She is so good at sleeping that she can sleep right through the smell of hamburgers crisping in the pan, or chicken "dancing" in the skillet, or yogurt being heaped into a clunky bowl for a healthful, nutritious breakfast that I 'HAVE' to eat daily.
Noise is another issue with her. NOTHING passes those ear drums. ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! She can hear a gnat "pass gas" at 30 yards. If I use the word "GO" or the equally important word "CHICKEN" she is in the living room faster than an eye blink. She is truly an anomaly, and more fun than cotton candy. Her snoring; don't get me started.
I actually consider Ween a wonderful gift from God. She makes me laugh. She makes me cry. She loves to snuggle with her having belly rubs first thing in the morning. If that doesn't happen due to "MY FAULT" then look out. She will surely indicate her displeasure in some way. Ripping apart something or even worse, leave her "oopsies" on the floor, right in front of the door so I won't miss it.
She's very good at snorting her displeasure especially when I tell her no. She doesn't like that word at all. Come to think of it - neither do I. She's a lot more like me than I thought. We could possibly deserve each other. She's busy holding down the bed right now, and guess who is not. Yep, that would be me.
Sunday, October 09, 2011
True Identity
Just back from church, and as usual, Dan gave me a lot to ponder. The biggest question is "How do I evaluate my Identity?" One of his comments struck home. "When you understand your identity in Christ, you understand your life in Christ."
Far too long I have listen to negativity about my identity and who I am. That has prompted me to "feel" unintelligent, incompetent, and viewing a DISTORTED view of who I am. His statements have caused me to reevaluate who I am and where I am at this time of life.
I have to revert to my two basic ideas - GOD IS STILL IN CONTROL, and, HE LOVES ME. These two ideals have kept me "steady" for the last few years. I had forgotten to remember them. I am now determined to refocus and re-identify who I am in Christ.
BUT, just now I am going to lay down and watch a football game on tv today. ( It usually puts me to sleep.) Outside it looks like a typical day in Kentucky, dark, damp, and dreary. Hopefully, this weather will go away soon. Ween needs company. She looks awfully comfortable.
Far too long I have listen to negativity about my identity and who I am. That has prompted me to "feel" unintelligent, incompetent, and viewing a DISTORTED view of who I am. His statements have caused me to reevaluate who I am and where I am at this time of life.

BUT, just now I am going to lay down and watch a football game on tv today. ( It usually puts me to sleep.) Outside it looks like a typical day in Kentucky, dark, damp, and dreary. Hopefully, this weather will go away soon. Ween needs company. She looks awfully comfortable.
Saturday, October 08, 2011
Support Your Local Doctor
Many of you know I believe in supporting the AMA-daily, weekly, monthly. It doesn't matter. I have seen multitudes of doctors in the last 2 years; had a myriad of tests, and NOTHING much wrong. Fibrymaligia, bad back, high blood pressure, overweight, and the list goes on BUT mostly due to poor or bad choices. I'm tired of being analyzed.
Yesterday I went for my "stress" test at my heart doctors. ( As if I don't have enough stress in my life.) My primary doctor suggested this. According to the tests, everything is fine; no blockages, no abnormalities, nothing to report. So why do I have the abnormal heart beat occasionally? They have no idea.
I can't believe I'm falling apart at my age. I'm no spring chicken, but I'm not "under" the hill so to speak. I WAS reminded this week that about 10 years ago telling the devil to "take his best shot" and that he could not do anything to me that I couldn't handle, with God's help. (ME AND MY BIG MOUTH.) I don't know about God, but I'm tired of the devil hindering me.
TODAY! THIS VERY MOMENT! I rebuke the devil and anything he has to "HEAP" on me. I'm tired of letting him have his way in my life. I will no longer accept "WHATEVER" happens to me and I will only make the right choices as God desires for my life. I'm ready to fight back!
Our pastor is starting a study in Galatians. Paul tells the people of Galatia (mostly Gentiles of converted Jews) that they are not "locked into" following the old laws to be followers of Christ - circumcision, killing a calf for our sins, or confessing their sins to another man. We are free to live for Christ.
Why were laws given in the first place? Laws are to show us how to exist; right and wrong; how to live in society. If you don't BREAK the laws, they don't apply to you.
When a certain relative of mine went to work for a local "large Orlando employer" he brought home about 20 books on the "correct look" for employees that work for that company. I looked at them and said, "Man. That's a lot of info to remember." He said, "It's nothing I don't already do." And, that's true. When we follow the mores of society, we don't break laws. Even more importantly, when we follow the dictates of God we keep His laws, with the Holy Spirit's help, just as He meant for us to do.
We need the rain. Even if it is a messy, dreary day outside, inside my heart:
Yesterday I went for my "stress" test at my heart doctors. ( As if I don't have enough stress in my life.) My primary doctor suggested this. According to the tests, everything is fine; no blockages, no abnormalities, nothing to report. So why do I have the abnormal heart beat occasionally? They have no idea.
I can't believe I'm falling apart at my age. I'm no spring chicken, but I'm not "under" the hill so to speak. I WAS reminded this week that about 10 years ago telling the devil to "take his best shot" and that he could not do anything to me that I couldn't handle, with God's help. (ME AND MY BIG MOUTH.) I don't know about God, but I'm tired of the devil hindering me.
TODAY! THIS VERY MOMENT! I rebuke the devil and anything he has to "HEAP" on me. I'm tired of letting him have his way in my life. I will no longer accept "WHATEVER" happens to me and I will only make the right choices as God desires for my life. I'm ready to fight back!
Our pastor is starting a study in Galatians. Paul tells the people of Galatia (mostly Gentiles of converted Jews) that they are not "locked into" following the old laws to be followers of Christ - circumcision, killing a calf for our sins, or confessing their sins to another man. We are free to live for Christ.
Why were laws given in the first place? Laws are to show us how to exist; right and wrong; how to live in society. If you don't BREAK the laws, they don't apply to you.
When a certain relative of mine went to work for a local "large Orlando employer" he brought home about 20 books on the "correct look" for employees that work for that company. I looked at them and said, "Man. That's a lot of info to remember." He said, "It's nothing I don't already do." And, that's true. When we follow the mores of society, we don't break laws. Even more importantly, when we follow the dictates of God we keep His laws, with the Holy Spirit's help, just as He meant for us to do.
We need the rain. Even if it is a messy, dreary day outside, inside my heart:
Tuesday, October 04, 2011
New Day
Breakfast with Joseph, Kim, Brandon, and Mock. I always enjoy those times. We have all worked together at one time or another - if not in research then at the call center. Cindy forgot and Kathryn couldn't make it. Sometimes others join us and it's an even bigger "good time."
Mock and Brandon both worked last night and they "HATE" mornings. They are suggesting lunch time or even dinner. I can relate. In some ways working at night is harder. It turns your whole schedule around; you sleep when everyone is awake, and work when everyone else sleeps. It's hard to do anything but work and sleep. It gets boring after a while. Even when you have 2 days off, you still have to catch up on your sleep. It's crazy.
Ween had a rough morning of sleeping, eating, and potty breaks. Sometimes, she is just worn out by the end of the day. She's sleeping now.
I think I'll play my "Lazy Day" song. "Today, I don't feel like doing anything; I'm just wanna lay in my bed. Don't feel like picking up my phone. So leave a message at the tone. Today I swear I'm not doing anything."
Ween started without me.
Mock and Brandon both worked last night and they "HATE" mornings. They are suggesting lunch time or even dinner. I can relate. In some ways working at night is harder. It turns your whole schedule around; you sleep when everyone is awake, and work when everyone else sleeps. It's hard to do anything but work and sleep. It gets boring after a while. Even when you have 2 days off, you still have to catch up on your sleep. It's crazy.
Ween had a rough morning of sleeping, eating, and potty breaks. Sometimes, she is just worn out by the end of the day. She's sleeping now.

Ween started without me.
Monday, October 03, 2011
Contemplation of my life has left me to believe that I am not doing all I can do to help others. Right now I am physically and financially unable to do much of anything, so how can I help? I can pray, encourage, hold their hand, hug, and genuinely be concerned.
Writing this is to relieve some frustrations I have right now. Physically, I hurt all over almost daily; breathing is hard, blood pressure is high, thyroid is not working again, easily bleeding which usually means my blood count is low and the white count is high. MAYO has diagnosed some problems. I still have some testing of my heart to determine why I am having irregular heart beats.
MS has been talked about. Memory loss, all my symptoms previously mentioned, and a few other problems lead me to believe maybe they're right. If they are, it's okay. I just wish I knew for sure.
I'm sorry I couldn't be the wife for Bob he needed. I'm sorry I haven't been the Mother that the boys have needed. And, I'm sorry I haven't been as close to God as I need to be. I'm just tired - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Oh God - hear my prayer.
Writing this is to relieve some frustrations I have right now. Physically, I hurt all over almost daily; breathing is hard, blood pressure is high, thyroid is not working again, easily bleeding which usually means my blood count is low and the white count is high. MAYO has diagnosed some problems. I still have some testing of my heart to determine why I am having irregular heart beats.
MS has been talked about. Memory loss, all my symptoms previously mentioned, and a few other problems lead me to believe maybe they're right. If they are, it's okay. I just wish I knew for sure.
I'm sorry I couldn't be the wife for Bob he needed. I'm sorry I haven't been the Mother that the boys have needed. And, I'm sorry I haven't been as close to God as I need to be. I'm just tired - physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Oh God - hear my prayer.
Beautiful Surprises
Today has been an interesting day. So far, I have received three neat presents from God. To me, those are gifts I knew nothing about and "just happened" during the day. And yet, I'm reminded each time that they are from God.
My friend and "energetic example" Mary helped me clean out some boxes of "stuff" that had been in the 2nd bedroom since I moved to this complex. In one of those boxes, a computer program entitled "Illumina" popped up and surprised me to pieces. This was a program that I got when I worked for Family Christian the year before Tom died - about 11 years ago. Technology has changed so much, I thought it probably wouldn't work with this new system I have now. Guess what! It works perfectly. In fact, it may even work BETTER than it did then.
If you have never seen this program, I'm sorry. One of my jobs at FC was to demo this program to people when they came into the store so that they could see how useful it is. Duh. That was a joy that I had while "working" during the day.
The program is one of the best references for the Bible I have ever seen. I haven't updated it but I can only imagine how it has changed. And yet, how much better can " THE MOST AWESOME PROGRAM" become? This was God's third present today.
Not only did I get the room cleaned out, but I found so many neat things. Thanks to Mary!!! God is good; all the time.
One of my "bad habits" is to fold any paper money and just put it in my pocket. When I reach for something else in my pocket, I usually pull out the money. Most of the time, I see it and just put it back. Today, as has happened before, I pulled out my phone to see the time. After I had left the first Dr's, I reached in my pocket to see how much money I had to "possibly" buy a Starbucks, and the money wasn't there. I almost had a heart attack. That $30 is all I have until the 14th. God help me. What do I do? Do I go back to the Dr's and ask if anyone had found it? Do I just forget it and hope for the best? Or, go back after I get my shots? I went on to the Allergist. When I got out of the car, "my little inside voice" told me to look under the seat. It was there. (Surprise 1)
On the way to the Allergist, I wasn't watching carefully enough and the car in front of me did not start up when the light changed, and I softly "rear-ended" the car. As we moved into an empty lot to the right of the street, I was praying very intensely. I just really didn't need an accident right now. The man got out of his car, looked at his bumper and said, "Looks like there's no damage. It's okay." I apologized "profusely" and thanked him repeatedly, and got back into our cars and drove away. (Surprise 2) (Angels working overtime today.)
If you have never seen this program, I'm sorry. One of my jobs at FC was to demo this program to people when they came into the store so that they could see how useful it is. Duh. That was a joy that I had while "working" during the day.
The program is one of the best references for the Bible I have ever seen. I haven't updated it but I can only imagine how it has changed. And yet, how much better can " THE MOST AWESOME PROGRAM" become? This was God's third present today.
Not only did I get the room cleaned out, but I found so many neat things. Thanks to Mary!!! God is good; all the time.
Saturday, October 01, 2011
Later today, I will be leaving the FACEBOOK website. I have been made to realize that I spend far too much time on Facebook and not enough time doing what needs to be done with my life. My email is and of course, you will be able to keep up with what is going on in my life within this blog.
I liked using Facebook to communicate with people I had not heard from in an extremely long time. I also liked working on the games. I will miss that mode of communication.
Best wishes and prayers to all who transfer to this site. Thank you for all your advice and prayers.
I liked using Facebook to communicate with people I had not heard from in an extremely long time. I also liked working on the games. I will miss that mode of communication.
Best wishes and prayers to all who transfer to this site. Thank you for all your advice and prayers.
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