Saturday, April 29, 2006


Some of my close friends are going through extremely rough times right now. One, has cirrhosis of the liver; one's brother died and mother is with hospice; one is having surgery, and the list goes on. How do I respond to these people who are obviously hurting?

As I talk, I have to refer to the God of the Universe Who is still in control. It sounds trite but it is so very true. I am praying for their hurting; I am praying for their healing; I am praying to be able to help in some way.

Only God knows where our lives will go and what will happen along that path, but I am reminded of a quote from a very wise professor [Dr Diane Schwope] who once said - "IF I BELIEVE GOD IS IN CONTROL OF MY LIFE, THEN I MUST BELIEVE I AM EXACTLY WHERE HE WANTS ME TO BE." Sometimes that is not easy to believe, especially when we "go through" whatever is happening at the time. I don't claim to have that "down" all the time, but I am working on it.

I have become extremely pragmatic, especially as I experience more of life. Life is so fleeting and so real that some times I forget as I move along, I get focused on THIS LIFE. As I deal with the day, I have to be grateful. Don't get me wrong, I am also realistic. We are the total sum of all our experiences, but I like to believe I am getting better with age like fine wine and cheese. The truth is, I can't go through a day without God's help. And, I like it that way! Living where I do, I think I'll go to the beach today. God is good.

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