I need the "centering" for my life right now. Today would have been my Mother's 92nd birthday. April 7 is the opening day for Expedition Everest, a new ride here at Animal Kingdom. There is always great celebration and "hoopla" for every new event. It just happens to coincide with the 4th anniversary of my husband's death. For me, that is not a time of celebration. The two events are in stark contrast of each other. While I am happy for the people who get to experience Everest, I have a hard time on this date. It would be very easy for me to slip into the "pit" of depression on this day and I must confess, I have to fight doing that, but I am trying to focus more on my blessings.
I have a great life! No ifs, ands or buts. I cannot complain about how God takes care of me. I seek to be more and more grateful for all I have. This has especially come home to me while I was in Hong Kong. How can people live on san pans? Their whole life is there - home, business, family, possessions, and yet they do. It makes me stop short in my life and especially thank God for all that is given to me.
I am truly blessed with wonderful friends, too. The other three ladies that I have breakfast with every month have so blessed my life; I could never verbally explain to them how much. I have know them for 20 some years and we have been through most of our adult lives together. They have prayed and cried with me. They have supported me when they knew I was probably wrong, but loved me anyway. And, I rejoice with them as we pass milestones in our lives.
I have another group of ladies I have known about 15 years. They are my "church" lady friends and they too have put up with me through numerous encounters in my life. They were the first group to come to my aid the three straight years I had 50% of my immediate family die. Some of them even came to my apt when I was sick with pneumonia at Christmas this year, bought a tree, went to storage and got the ornaments, decorated the apartment, and returned the empty boxes to storage. They too have supported me throughout the events of my life.
I have another group of friends from school. (Don't' tell anyone, but I'm a former teacher) These ladies are equally supportive. Time and time again they have "been there" for me with prayers and "goodies" when it seemed there were no answers, no where to turn, and "what was I going to do" questions.

I am gaining new friends in my new church and on my new job "on this side of the pond" as I call it. I moved to Orlando in November after living in another place for over 20 years. Two of these ladies went to Hong Kong and they took very good care of me while we were there. I even documented one of our events with a T-shirt that says, "I was lost in Hong Kong". (Enough said)
So you see, I'm not just blessed with "things" but I'm blessed beyond measure with intangibles that can't be measured by earth's standards, but by "heart" standards. And, that is truly a blessing.
As I get ready for the day, I have to stop and thank God. Not just for the "things" I have, for I have a good life, but most of all for the friendships. They cannot be measured nor explained.
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