Sunday, December 14, 2014


As the saying goes, "Perspective Is Everything."  That is usually the case, especially for me today. For years, I have wanted to see Trans Siberian Orchestra's Christmas Program. THIS WAS MY YEAR TO GO.

I bought two tickets as soon as they went on sale. I have been so excited. It was to be MY present this year. It was like "waiting for Santa."  Yesterday, I had even picked out what I was going to wear. It was all laid out. The tension was building and I hardly slept last night. When I did sleep, I dreamed about the performance. SHOULD I TAKE EAR PLUGS OR NOT? (I had heard it was extremely loud) and then I woke up.

Why my head decided to be dizzy today, I don't know. Or, was it my stomach deciding to be nauseated?  I don't drink, but I was staggering to walk. My son got a pail, just in case I needed it.

I took my medication.  (I have inner ear problems so vertigo occasionally is not unusual.) My son was to go shopping.  He kept asking if he should stay home. There was really no reason for him to stay so I told him to go ahead. It would surely go away. He text while he was gone asking if I was okay. I assured him I was. I took some additional medication.

He got home around 1:00. There was still very little relief. I even ate some scrambled eggs thinking that might help. (I was happy they stayed down. It was "iffy" for a while.) We were to leave about 2:00, as the performance was at 3:00. There was little change. I still had trouble walking down the hallway. It was time to make a decision.

I was devastated. I had been so wrapped up in that performance that I had hardly thought about. anything else for weeks. And, now I couldn't even stand long enough to take a shower.  I didn't even feel like taking one. "The Girls" came home Friday. They were part of "THE SHOPPING GROUP." I told my son to ask them if they wanted to go. They did. At least the tickets were not wasted.

So... What did I learn from this experience?  God reminded me of how blessed I am - every single day of my life. I have a beautiful, warm home. Our refrigerator is full of food. My car has gas and is in fairly good condition. And, I have friends and family that love me ANYWAY. As Rich used to say, "IN THE SCHEME OF THINGS" this just isn't that important. (There is still a small part of me that wants to have a SMALL pity party. But, thank The Lord, it doesn't last very long any more.)

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