Friday, November 28, 2014


My sister, whom I lovingly call the Blog Gestapo, has once again REMINDED me that it has been a VERRRRY long time since I've posted any information in this area.  It's not that I don't want to blog, and it's not that nothing is happening. It's partially laziness, and partially due to the fact that I use Facebook too much.

Let's see, where to start -- I just spent an awesome day with The Brandons, Julie, Bret and Jamie, and  of course my precious son, and other friends, old and new.  I can't count how many years we've been welcomed into their home for Thanksgiving. They are a gracious, loving family that have enough food to feed a third world country, enough space to sit comfortably 100 people, and more than enough hospitality to make everyone feel at home. I'm thankful just to know them.

I'm thankful for better health this year. Other than some pain in my back, I've been able to spend most days "out of bed," which in itself is a miracle. Every day I'm feeling better physically. I've lost 42 lbs, found some old clothes I can wear again, and able to buy a couple sweaters 4 sizes smaller than I used to wear.  WAHOO!

I went to my Cardiologist Tuesday. He wants to run a couple tests (EKG and Stress Test) partially because I haven't had them for over a year, I've had a few a few pains in my chest, and there were a few "blips" on my last pacer check. Until those tests are done they won't let me do Cardiac Rehab exercises.  The tests can't be done until Dec 19, so I'm "temporarily" NOT systematically exercising, but I'm trying to do more "movement" exercising by walking.

We're having our family dinner today.  Julie is cooking and bringing the food here.  She is an awesome cook, so I know it will be every bit as good as yesterday. Afterward we are going to STUDIOS to see the Osborn lights. They are awesome. Jamie has never see them and they are spectacular, so that will be a wonderful outward ending to an inward grateful heart.

I was thinking night before last, as I went to sleep, how blessed I am. God has been so merciful to me that I can't even "BEGIN" to express my thankfulness. I have asked Him to let me bless others to the extent to which He has blessed me. I don't know what He has in mind, but I'm excited to find out.   As I sit here in my warm house, in my warm clothes, with my "baby" on my lap, I am a "Happy Camper" with gratitude in my heart.  God is good, all the time.

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