Friday, November 30, 2012


Disney's Animal Kingdom advertises that they are  KNOTAZOU. or Not a zoo. I sometimes feel as if I need to shout that about my life - it just seems SEEMS like a one.  I plan such good plans; follow such wonderful layouts, and it still turns out crazy.

Saw Dr Filart yesterday.  He did an EKG, x-ray, and a "sh" test.  He thinks I may have pneumonia. The EKG looked great.  My heart beat is steady and even.  No more Afib.  The x-ray and "sh" test revealed a "nearly frozen" diaphragm, which explains why I can't breathe properly.  The right side is about 2 inches higher than the left side. I don't know much about that condition but I know today is not a good day.  The nausea is still continuing and should have stopped.  I'm taking so much medication that it could also be the problem.  I'm sure that I am able to give Walgreens a run for their money matching pill to pill.  

Losing weight seems the most logical cure to all the problems.  That isn't a problem right now - everything is tasteless.  

Ween took a little "jaunt" around the apartments today.  She has this "cutesy" little act she does by leaving by the patio doors, and makes her way around the side of the building to the front door.  She thinks that is so cute.  She's much too smart.  Right now I don't feel like walking her so the only option is to allow her to go out by herself.  Against the rules here, but I haven't much choice right now.  So far, she's stayed close.  She's very nosy thought.

I haven't any idea how this "physical" body will end up but I still believe God is in control.  That comforts me.

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