Wednesday, November 07, 2012


Pragmatic is the name of the game.  I don't know when I identified that characteristic but I know it has certainly been true since Tom died.  Of course, I measure most everything by that time frame.  

Two weeks from today, I should be having surgery.  I'm looking forward to getting through it and going on to be whole.  I know everything seems to be hinging on this, but I feel like it will be life altering.

My friend Vicki is also having surgery that day.  Hers seems much more serious, but as my son found out this week, any surgery can be harried.  One of his co-workers went in for some heart surgery, had a stroke, and slipped into a coma. (He subsequently died.) This brings it to reality. (I'm  okay  with  reality.)

No matter what happens, its a WIN/WIN.  If it's successful, I win.  If it isn't successful, earthly definition, I still win.  That has been my philosophy for a LONGGGG time.  That is also how I handle most situations in my life.  God has been so good to me, I can't complain.  I've made some "not smart" decisions in my life, but God has remained steady and sure. I'm so glad that is true.

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