Monday, May 14, 2012

Red Lobster or Olive Garden

A thin little blond-headed girl, about five years old, walked up to me, stretched out her hand, and said, "Hi.  I'm Lynn Uxxxxxx, and I am in your Kindergarten class."  Little did I know on that day in 1980 that this little girl's mother and I would become the best of friends.

Ruth is a tremendous person with much knowledge and talent.  She has a music degree, was the main programmer for Pasco County Library System, and has battled cancer. She's one of the smartest and bravest people I know. 

I knew her Mom and Dad.  Sweet people.  Her mother, also named Ruth, was blind and lived with Ruth and Jim the last few years of her life.  Jim and Tom were colleagues as they both were in the music departments of the school systems. Our lives intertwined in so many ways over those last few years.  We have marvelous memories.  As we recalled some today, we had to laugh out loud.

Lunch today was at the Red Lobster in DTD.  Ruth and Carol, a childhood friend of Ruth's, came here to meet me for lunch. As I am in a "stay put" mode, they graciously offered to drive over here and even brought me home after we ate. Once again, I am so blessed with marvelous friends.

"Does it hurt to have sex?"  Ruth's 2nd grade granddaughter asked her mother.  Ruth said Lynn almost ran off the road when Alex asked her that.  It brought back a "similar" embarassing moment with Lynn. 

Ruth was pregnant with her second child when I met her. Sarah was born during Lynn's year in Kindergarten.  Ruth and Jim, being fairly progressive parents allowed Lynn to be present during the birth.  Of course, Lynn had a new experience for "SHOW AND TELL" the next day. She could have taught the class on the delivery.  Her terms were correct and the vivid verbal account of the birth was so detailed that I felt I had to let the other parents know about the new bit of knowledge we learned in Kindergarten that day.  See Lynn.  Paybacks.  I loved it.

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