Saturday, May 12, 2012

I Remember

The week before Tom died he got to see both of his sons-Tommy on Thursday and Charles on Sat.  Both were seemingly accidental.  I believe it was one of those "God Things."

Tommy's vacuum broke and he needed to borrow ours.

("BORROW" is an interesting word, especially in my family.  Yes, the normal definition of borrow is "to obtain or receive something with the understanding of returning the item." The definition is not so literal in my family.  Borrow seems to mean "get the item and conveniently forget to return it."  And, it's okay because it's family.)  Tom took Tommy our vacuum when Tom went to a county band practice in St Pete Thursday night.  I think they even ate dinner together.

The week-end before was my mother's birthday.  Our schedules were so crazy that we planned to celebrate on April 7 at the Don Caesar Resort in St Pete. Tommy had made reservations.

Charles had a prior commitment for Sunday, so he came over on Sat and took us to lunch.  Tom got to spend time with him that day.

Tom was so proud of his sons.  They both are sons that most parents could only dream of having.  They're intelligent, talented, leaders in their field of choice, and they are good to their mother.

As we approach this year's Mother's Day, I thank God for my sons, and yes for the additionally acquired three men that have come to mean so much to me. Lucky?  Not at all.  TRULY BLESSED.

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