Saturday, January 01, 2011

The future is?

Watching the tree blink the reds, blues, and greens, I can't help but wonder what is in store for this year.  It's a clean slate. It's unused. It's full of promise and hope.  I am also drinking coffee for the first time in this apartment.  My roommate bought me a coffee pot and a toaster yesterday just so I could start the year properly. (He's been very good to me).

I try not to delve into motives, but my brain jumps to - "Why am I in this place and time?"  Ween is asleep; Mock is asleep. And, I'm awake.  Lots of questions.  As you know, my name means "Question" in Hebrew, and I certainly live up to that.  My thoughts flit from thing to thing; not concentrating long on any one event or an unknown for very long.  Have I always been that way?  I think so. It's easy for me to appear to be listening by looking attentive; the volume inside my head will be muted and I'm off in my happy place once again.

Enjoying the coffee with the quiet stillness that surrounds me. I look forward to my cruise which is coming up in six days; another new experience holds adventure and excitement.  I remember this little girl in the backwoods of her childhood, who thought there must be more to life than what I was experiencing and yet, I had no hope of seeing it.  Life is interesting, isn't it?

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