Thursday, December 30, 2010


Looking back on 2010, I can't help but think of the many experiences that have occurred.  

Ween has taught me a lot - Resting is good; eating is good; potty is good and then go back to resting.  (She's very wise).  I have also learned - Plans are flexible; don't hold onto "things" too tightly; cherish your friends and family; dream a little dream occasionally; and, by all means - ENJOY WHERE YOU ARE, NO MATTER WHAT.

My life has changed so drastically that I don't really know WHO I am supposed to be.  At one point in my life, that would have freaked me out.  As my sister-in-law has said, "I am in a holding pattern.  Just hang on; God is working."  She's right.  I am also learning to be patient.  For me, that has been a hard lesson; one I am still trying to learn.  

I don't know a lot of things - where I am headed; what will happen; and, I could go on forever.  One thing I do know -  I am truly blessed and I thank God for that.  

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