Saturday, July 03, 2010


There are times in my life that are vivid memories.  Some are good and some are not so much.  We had an experience while driving to JAX that I probably won't forget for some time.

We decided NOT to take I-95.  We  found US 90 instead.  It runs North to South up the eastern coast of Florida.  The beauty was not lost on us; greens, purples, rolling hills.  The small towns passed, one much like the other, as we made our way to our destination. I was sailing along, approximately 60 miles per hour.  During one "nanosecond", I saw four car lights headed toward me, on a two lane road, as they dipped into the pocket of the road.  I immediately slammed on my breaks, and pulled to the right shoulder.  Before my friend could even ask what I was doing, the black car veered into the left lane in front of the car he was illegally passing.  Some time after that I started breathing again.

It will be a very long time before that image will leave my mind.  We both thanked God for His mercy. He really does take good care of me.

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