Friday, March 05, 2010


Procrastination is something I have always been able to master.  In fact, if degrees were given out I would probably have a PhD.  True to my "crab" personality, I retreat when overwhelmed, try to regroup, and then return.  In actuality, I am just avoiding the issue.

Right now I have piles of paperwork.  There is so much, I am depressed just looking at it.  I know I need to do it, but I don't want to.  This is an extremely dangerous cycle to continue.  Some of the paperwork is time sensitive.  I could have already missed some deadlines; even that doesn't both me. 

What to do; what to do.  I need a wife to take care of all this junk for me.  Cats have the right idea.  Nap now; search for food later.

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